- you burned a holee in my papants. - ooh! - and d we re gonnnna be pals, riright? - ooh! - there s one guy who s out of control and one guy trying to sasay, calalm down. - do youou ever disasagree on materiaial? - no.. - yeah.. - the audience wants to feel that they re loose and d having funun. - and d we are really y able to f fake fun anand loosenes. - yeahah. [sweeping orchchestral music] [quirky music] - hey,y, how do yoyou - - there s a a bomb! - alall right, n now - - i actuallyly grew up as a k kid on comemedy teams. that s the way i learned about comedy, was comedy teams. - hey, heyey, psh, heyey, ps, hehey, psh. mimichelle puhuh-feifers.. - michelelle puh-feieifers. - michellele puh-feifef! - cocomedy teamsms are depent upon harmony. that harmomony blends s into onone voice. that s like, wow. - - i think chchemistry isis,, somebodydy that you u re secue enenough with h that you c cae playful.l. you re kinind of deligighted inin being witith them and so it
ability to do so. passage of the president s plan for syria in congress far from certain. lawmakers say their constituents are overwhelmingly against any interaction. we ll have more headlines for you 30 minute away. you can always get your news and much more at foxnews.com. a red line for us is we re saying chemical weapons being moved around or utilized. first of all, i didn t set a red line. the world set a red line. this is where i do the abbott and c costello. you did say you did a red line! mixed messages from a president dealing with syria, congress still trying to figure out what to do with syria. the president will be addressing