This letter which is dated today is written from President Trumps attorney to judge wood who will be overseeing a very high stakes hearing tomorrow in new york about all those ver sensitive materials that were seized by the fbi in the raid of Michael Cohens office, of his hotel room and his home as well as the seizure of his phones and this is something that i dont think has ever been said before, at least not to to my knowledge on the news. The president of the United States is offering to make himself personally available for any review or screening of the evidence that the fbi seized of his lawyer. Its an unusual offer to say the least and with that let me get right to a well assembled panel. Senator richard blumenthal, former senator byron dorgen and Eugene Robinson from the the Washington Post which has broken some of these stories your colleagues have. Ill go Down The Line. Dealers choice on which aspects of this you want to speak to and, senator, your view of what appear to be a
Yeah. Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. Are you in good hands . Five days later, i had a massive heart attack. Bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. Now, im on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. Right now on the cycle on hold. We watched senate disfunction reach a whole new level today. Former senator byron dorgen knows this rid dick louseness all whats the story here . Happy valentines day, ravens star and former super bowl champ, he writes the rules for professional athletes. Its thursday, so naturally, were packed with sports, plus dont look now, the wheel of misfortune is back too. Can you say sequester salve rajry . Yeah, were going there. And just when you thought it couldnt get any worse, we have hit a new level of washington obst
Governing action he has taken. We found in most areas trump has not been very effective. He made a wide range of pledges as president often on twitter. He made no major public effort to follow through on more than half of them. His record also thin on legislation. Of the 28 bills he signed into law. 13 essentially oppose federal agency rules drafted during the obama era. Nine involve ceremonial matters. Only six are of legislative substance. Trump hasnt pushed bills on priorities he has promised like taxes or infrastructure. He signed a bill canceling an obama era rule on planned parenthood. That was a big issue for conservatives and liberals alike. Our report finds he kept delaying his own deadline on the tax bill and missed opportunities to work with his own party in close. He signed a 787 billion stimulus. This moves the economy from recession to recovery and ultimately to prosperity. We began by passing a recovery act thats saved or created over 150,000 jobs and provided a tax cut
History, now 55 members. Tonight its worth noting that while donald trump ran on banning muslims and issued a travel ban limiting immigrants from several muslim majority countries, voters responded by electing the first Muslim American ever to the United States congress. And while trump continues to bait Elizabeth Warren over native american issues, voters also elected the first native American Woman to ever serve in the u. S. Congress. You look at this, and you look at whats happening, you look at a historic day for america, and i can add that sometime we may reach a point where this type of diversity is not worth noting. Someday the people in power may so thoroughly reflect the people of this nation that we dont even think to note it. But tonight we do note it, and as someone reporting the news, i can tell you people in both parties today gave the requisite and merited props to a legislator who made history as the first woman ever to be speaker of the house and the second woman to ev
Administration hiding . Well, we have a special guest whos actually digging into that and forcing results in court. Watchdog groups which have sued the administration for ukrainerelated records and documents are also going to go back to court and also relates to the Senate Impeachment trial. Thats not stopping them from coordinating on continued efforts to affect the president ial election. But we begin tonight with House Resolution 755, a measure impeaching donald trump for high crimes and misdemeanors. It took less than ten minutes for the House Judiciary Committee to make history this morning. Unlike the emotion and chaos you may have seen in the last two days, this vote to impeach President Trump ended on a quick and formal routine measure. Republicans offering nos, democrats voting aye and did it without noticeable fanfare. Holding up a pocketsized copy of the constitution while she voted. Heres some of the historic 10 minutes. The question now is article 1 of the constitution, im