lot of water cooler conversations about the issue, workplace culture, how is yours? have you experienced workplace bullying? what does it mean? where is the line? and high standards be mistaken for highhandedness? is there an obvious difference between a hard task master and a bully? what do you think? tell us what has gone on in your experience, have you felt bullied at work? where you where you listen to? some of the spare and as jacob rees mogg said recently, a danger of it being snowflakey. what makes a workplace bully? that is hard to get in touch and here is the news. thanks, nicky. opposition parties have accused the prime minister of dither and delay in making a decision about the fate of his deputy, dominic raab. rishi sunak received a report yesterday into complaints of bullying against mr raab, which he denies. a prompt response from downing street had been expected. ofsted says it won t be dropping the single word assessment it uses for schools across england,
we are going to carry on our conversation, fascinating so far, candid contributions. we are going to carry the conversation until ten o clock and then your questions for our top road cop. it is your chance to put your questions to the country s top police officer for our roads. i m already thinking speed limits, speed bumps, mobile phones. very pleased to say i will be joined byjo shiner. you can ask her anything about herjob about our roads, road safety, speed cameras, smart motorways, road hogs. fast lanes, middle lanes! e scooters. oh, my goodness, what a list. you choose, you ask. it is as long as the mi. choose, you ask. it is as long as the mi. get in touch now.