It was the House of Representatives' first week back in Harrisburg since the budget passed in early July. Unlike July, which was full of activity, this week the legislator's eased their way back into session.
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The U.S. Department of the Treasury on April 26, 2021, announced
that it will hold an information session on the State Small
Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) on May 13, 2021, from 2 to 3
p.m. ET and a tribal consultation on May 27, 2021, from 2 to 5 p.m.
ET. Interested parties may register for the May 13 SSBCI information session and/or the May 27 SSBCI tribal consultation session.
Section 3301 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Pub. L. 117-7)
reauthorizes and amends the State Small Business Credit Initiative
Act of 2010 to provide resources to tribal governments named in the
Statement By US Treasury Secretary Yellen On The Presidentâs FY22 Discretionary Funding Request - President Outlines Proposals To Support Fairness And Equity In Our Tax System, Invest In Communities And Small Businesses, And Safeguard The U.S. Financial System From Illicit Actors Date
The Biden-Harris Administration today submitted to Congress the President’s priorities for fiscal year 2022 discretionary spending. The funding request invests in the core foundations of our country’s strength and advances key Treasury Department priorities, including ensuring that all Americans are treated fairly by our tax system, expanding programs that offer loans to start-ups and small businesses to promote affordable housing and community revitalization projects, and closing loopholes that allow illicit actors to evade scrutiny, mask their dealings, and shield illegal activity.