I received no Public Comment on this item. And any other items from the commissioners, if not, then, we will go on to the next item. Item 9, is the joined Conference Committee report back and honda and did meet in between the last Commission Meeting and today, and so commissioner sanchez. We have a report from commissioner sanchez . Yes. We had a full committee and we heard an excellent report from the hospital staff and also the unique acknowledgments given to the staff ranging from the state wide to the fiscal outstanding excellence, and the city wide awards and etc. And there was also a full report and the balance and showing it for the past few months and began well defined. And i think that one of the major reports that we heard and we heard and the Nutritional Services and also the wellness update showing why the participation and our patients and our staff and our communities and the accessibility from the community to and the community itself. And we would serve 700 meals plus
Today we are going to talk about fire safety. We are here at the urban center on Mission Street in San Francisco. Its a wonderful display. A little house in the urban Center Exhibition center that shows what its like in a home in San Francisco after an earthquake. One of the major issues that we are going to face after earthquakes are fire hazard. We are happy to have the fire marshall join us today. Thank you. My pleasure. We talk about the San Francisco earthquake that was a fire that mostly devastated the city. How do we avoid that kind of problem. How can we reduce fire hazard . The construction was a lot different. We dont expect what we had then. We want to make sure with the gas heaters that the gas is shut off. If you shut it off you are going to have no hot water or heat. Be careful not to shut it off unless you smell gas. Absolutely because once you do shut it off you should have the Utility Company come in and turn it back on. Here is a mock up of a gas hear the on a house.
Do this on a regular basis to encourage carpooling to schools. Its kind of a followup to our safe routes to schools project. Youre replacing it or in addition . Its an addition. Were still doing the safe route to schools, its an addition. Its all aimed at getting away from single occupancy vehicles taking well, it will never be single occupancy vehicles if you are taking a child to school, but trying to combine trips so we are more efficient in terms of getting children to school. So 11 schools, i mean there are 250 schools in the city, it may seem like a drop in the bucket but it was an initial attempt and i would assume that we will have a lot larger participation the next time we do it. Great. Yeah. Its one of these things its one of many, many ways to try to encourage efficiency in transportation and its a step in the process. Then the other thing that i was interested about was the zero waste enforcement. Uhhuh. I think weve spoken a bit about this before. What happens if building
Holistic approach, the Community Coming together with different agencies , we were able to combat homicides related to Domestic Violence for 44 months. And this kind of graffiti abatement takes a Community Approach as well and shes been a great mentor to all the students and to get them engaged, as you recognize the academy of Art University has a lot of international students, its important to get them engaged to really understand how our country works and the importance of community involvement, also reaching out to the younger students to have respect of other peoples property and also to reach out to those students who might think of art as a career. I hope you give due consideration, you have seen all the great support for her, she is a Wonderful Community leader, Rebecca Delgado rottman . Oo . A any other Public Comments on this matter . Seeing none, supervisor campos, supervisor tang well, very Impressive Group of candidates and i want to thank both miss ross and miss rottman fo
Before the world as an exceptional country and deservedly so. America proved the case for popular sovereignty with no need of kings or crowns. America took our balanced market capitalism and rode to International Economic dominance. America has long been the vanguard of civil and human rights for our people and around the globe. And when American Military power must be used, we dont conquer and rule. We come home. This exceptional nature confers upon us a responsibility to lead, to be an example, to be as president reagan said a shining city on a hill. Our generation will be judged by whether we were responsible about Climate Change, whether we listened and whether we led. Senator manchin and i are both committed to the idea that American Innovation can create the Clean Energy Technologies of the future, that when it comes to addressing the biggest problems facing our world, the United States should be out front, and we are committed to working together to find responsible solutions to