Like a ton of bricks and there are a lot of good things in here. Theres money for Healthcare Providers, hospitals, nurses and doctors. There are so many good things the country is under siege, and i was one of the first republicans, mr. President , to join my democratical colleagues, think of doctor senator durbin. We need to do something more of Unemployment Insurance. Income almost doubled in certain circumstances and i want to help people and i want to make sure if you lose your job. That we cover your wages, but under this bill, you get 23. 15 an hour baseded on a 40hour work week, know the to work. And if youre trying to hire somebody in South Carolina the next four months, youve got to compete with that wage. If youre working in a restaurant or probably not now, but if youre working anywhere from 15 an hour, somebodys making 23 an hour and youre working. Its just not fair. Its going to hurt the rubiocollins construct, restaurants that are out of business. We want them to be able
We know that. They are very concerned about their own health. Theyre worried that the may be carrying the virus when you take it home to the elderly parent who could come down with the virus. They are worried about how long this social distancing and commuting from home, staying at home is going to be required in order to control the spread of the virus. They are worried about their economic circumstances, whether theyre going to get a paycheck. And i am pleased that today we have an agreementrd with our leaders to move forward on the third stimulus package to deal with this crisis of covid19. Covid19. I first want to express my appreciation to our leadership. H senator schumer, and i know how hard he has worked to make sure this package really reaches a medical emergency that we have, that deals with the workers to they are protected and they are protected in whatever we do, that provides the help for state and local governments, that provides a muchneeded attention to these particula
Through the cracks and never in my wildest dreams, senator durbin, did i h believe that whe we have done is to pay people more, not to work but to work this bill the 600dollar payment on top of safe benefits actually allows people to have their income almost doubled in someha circumstances. I want to help people and make sure that if you lose your jobil that we cover your wages but under this bill you get 23. 15 an hour based on a 40 hour workweek, not to work. If you are trying to hire somebody in South Carolina in the next four months you got to compete with that wage. If you are working in a restaurant and probably not now but if youre working anywhere for 15 an hour sometimes making 23 an hour and you are working. It is just not fair. It will hurt the Rubio Collins construct, restaurants that are out of business. We want them to be able to to pay the payroll to keep people connected to their employer. Now what do you do when you make 23 an hour being on unemployment . How do you ke
Public health, the total number of confirmed cases in the state, 598. 13 people have died. But todays Santa Clara County did announce another death bringing the death toll to at least 14. State officials are warning the coronavirus here in california could get better before it gets worse. The governor signed a bill to spend as much as a billion dollars to help hospitals handle an expected rush of patients. He says california could need as many as 20,000 hospital beds. The governor would not comment on the shortage of supplies saying he didnt want to cause further concern. National guard troops across the country are now on notice in case theyre needed during r Governor Newsom said he guard on alert. The troops should be prepared to perform humanitarian missions. Troops will also support Public Safety when required. Today is day two of a shelterinplace order. People are being told to stay at home unless they are going out for a walk, buying groceries or picking up medication. Sky fox fl
Thank you all for being here today. m going to go out of order, thank you, mr. Chairman, for holding this important hearing. I first want to get on the record and thank our subject matter experts. Experts. If theres anything we legislative leaders ought to be doing an more broadly our government leaders, its listening to Public Health experts. Thank you so much and the experts in some of these discrete areas that will be impacted by the coronavirus. I regret that in minutes i have another meeting that pertains to this important topic. I just want to publicly express my intention to submit for the record some important questions i have for you related to the increasingly integrated supply chains that we now have between various enterprises and i guess this is this situation will create certain vulnerabilities uring times of what is now a pandemic. I have some questions related to supply Chain Mapping that im hoping someone will be prepared to answer and lastly, our reliance on foreignma