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Through the cracks and never in my wildest dreams, senator durbin, did i h believe that whe we have done is to pay people more, not to work but to work this bill the 600dollar payment on top of safe benefits actually allows people to have their income almost doubled in someha circumstances. I want to help people and make sure that if you lose your jobil that we cover your wages but under this bill you get 23. 15 an hour based on a 40 hour workweek, not to work. If you are trying to hire somebody in South Carolina in the next four months you got to compete with that wage. If you are working in a restaurant and probably not now but if youre working anywhere for 15 an hour sometimes making 23 an hour and you are working. It is just not fair. It will hurt the Rubio Collins construct, restaurants that are out of business. We want them to be able to to pay the payroll to keep people connected to their employer. Now what do you do when you make 23 an hour being on unemployment . How do you keep that wages of the bartender 15, 17 . You made it a nightmare for Small Businesses and they are being competed against for their own employees. Senator durbin and everyone else, theel reason we are doing this is because you tell me it takes six, eight months for unappointed commissions at the state level to figure this out. What are we asking you to do . Get unemployment you got to tell us where you work and how much you make and what we want to do is fill in the difference between the state on Employment Benefits and your actual wages and stop there. We dont do that under this bill. People are getting paid more not to work than they were in the workforce. It will be hard to not incentivize people to leave their jobs . You can be unemployed and 23 an hour in South Carolina. Thats more than people make. Im urging my colleagues that we need to fix this now, no matter how wellintentioned you will make the next four months impossible for Small Businesses to hire and i can promise you this if you pay someone 23 an hour not to work then they will probably find a way to get there rather than stay in the workforce where im sure they would rather be . We have created a perverse incentive not to help theut unemployed person but to destroy the ability to stay employed. With that i would just say to my colleagues thank you for trying to bring common sense back to the body and i am very much for this bill and it does help a lot of people but weve created pandoras box. Economy and i wish we could fix it tonight and if we dont we need to keep trying and tryingag. With that i will yield to my colleagues. Senator from florida. As a spell is written out the government will pay Many Americans more to be im sorry. Under this bill as it is written now the government will pay Many Americans more to be on government assistance then they would make if they were working at their regular jobs. I support expanding the on Employment Program and its the best and quickest way to get money to people that need it most. We should not create a u system where unemployment and offense are higher than a salary. We cannot pay people more to not work then to work. This is basic common sense. Most people would choose the bigger check and i dont blame them at all. No person who knows anything about business economics or human nature would create such a perverse and ridiculous system. This bill creates an incentive for burgers to be on a the next four months. Facts. Workers in our economy cannot reopen fact. If our economy reopens essentially if our economy remains closed for four more months we will be in a very deep recession fast. W how do i know all of this . Public housing my mom worked three jobs and my parents were constantly struggling to find work. I know what its like to skip christmas and see the family cart repossessed. On the other end of the spectrum i run businesses, small and large and have had great success. Thats exactly how i know these things but this is not conjecture but facts. There are many good things in i this bill and there are many provisions that i wholeheartedly disagree with. The worst thing we could do right now is to create a disincentive to work. We cannot give our economy up and running and we cannot recover from this but we can get our economy up and running and recover from this but it will take longer if we dont amend this bill to illuminate the perverse incentives but i yield the floor. Thank you, mr. President. Let me be clear, abundantly clear, i plan to support this legislation tonight but i do want to fix it first. Our amendment is a very simple amendment. First, it is our responsibility to the extent possible to take care of the American People. I want to provide 100 of the salary while an american is laid off because of covid19. 100 of the salary of someone laid off because of covid19. My goal is to do it the right way. The right way is that you get your income as if you are still working because youve been laid off and because of covid19. Not a race for not working. Emnot 200 of your income whilen unappointed. The goal is simply to keep you whole while you are unemployed because of covid19. I cannot stress enough as a former employer and frankly, as a former employee the relationship between the employer and the employee is critical. Our nation is built on the dignity of work. What this bill does without fixing it is simply says you can earn more money by being on unemployment then you can while working. That is an incentive that is perverse. We cannot have intended to encourage people not to work and make more money than to go back to work and receive their normal pay. With that, i yield. Thank you, mr. President. As senator tim scott just said and as rick scott and Lindsay Graham had said this is simple and all we are trying to say is we should help everyone who needs to be helped without accidentally creating a disincentive to work that is not good for anybody in the country or the country as a whole but we are in the middle of two unprecedented crises right now. The Public Health crisis and we have an economic crisis intow which we are just entering and we dont know how long the valley of this recession will bt but i want to be sure every american watching tonight understands exactly what this debate has been about this afternoon. This debate is how you can be both pro worker and pro recovery. To be kind and charitable and also simultaneously affirming the ongoing dignity of work and the necessity of work as our country battles through this virus and ultimately rebuilds our economy. Nobody here is arguing about whether or not we should help workers. Everybody on both sides of the aisle tonight wants to help workers. This is a debate about whether k or not we will let a poorly drafted bill back this nation still harder in the coming months by unintentionally increasing unemployment. That is what this debate is about right now as the coronavirus is affecting our economy we dont know who the real heroes are paid theyre not politicians. People have been working all night, 56 nights in row but the heroes that will beat this virus and rebuild america are not politicians. The heroese are the men and womn who are stocking shelves and the men and women picking up trash and the men and women who are driving trucks and delivering takeout. Many converting restaurants which used to be sit down and to take out restaurants and putting food on the table for their neighbors. The americans keeping the pharmacies open, they are the heroes. The daycare workers who are doing stuff to watch other er doctors kids and those are the heroes. The heroes are the americans across all 50 states and across every town and village and suburban city that are doing the work, ordinary job but now under extraordinarily painful and difficult circumstances. They are the t heroes and the scrappers and the doers and we should be celebrating them, affirming them and helping them once we get through this crisis to get back to work. This bill has lots of good stuff in it. I intend to support it as well but there are pieces of this bill that are broken and we can fix tonight and if we dont fix them tonight it will exacerbate our problems and we will be back here and month and in two months trying to fix w these problems. These are the americans will get us through and needs of people that will keep our supply chains alive and those of supply chains are the lifeline for lots of americans right now. Here is what is wrong with the bill. As it is currently drafted it threatens to cripple the supply chain for many different categories of workers. Some health sectors, some in food prop and food delivery and this bill creates a perverse t incentive for men and women who are sidelined to not leave the sidelines and come back to work. This bill grates a perverse incentive for Many Employers who should be wanting to try to maintain the employer relationship and creates a perverse incentives known on many other peoples pieces of this bill try to tackle this problem in a constructive way that 350 billions for the Small Business administration is trying to build a bridge loan programs that help employers and employees be connected and remain connected through this downturn. The un appointment insurance piece of this should not work at cross purposesin to let the bill is about in the overall arguments. Nobody has a problem with the generous un appointment benefit that is in this bill but no one has a problem with the generous un employment insurance benefit that is in this bill. They should be generous amid the National Crisis that we are in. But, we dont want this piece of the bill to create an incentive for folks to stop working and to have their employers push them away when the employer and employee should be trying to rally around and together the through this crisis. We want to do something simple. We want to fix what is broken here by saying that Unemployment Insurance benefits should be capped at 100 of the pay you had before you were unemployed. Its not just about people who have already been made unemployed but this is about people who are going to be made unemployed in the coming weeks and all this amendment says is that we are voting on in a few minutes is that we should cap be an appointment benefit at 100 of the wages you were just receiving while c working. It should not be something the u. S. Congress does to create an incentive where you will get you get paid by working. That is pro recovery legislation that keeps our supply chain humming and tries to help us together, 335 million americans come together to be this thing and we should vote for workers and vote for recovery and we should vote to beat this thing and come out stronger on the other side. Mr. President , i would like to address this issue because i think its important weeks late where we are today and why we have reached this point. I can recall when senator graham across the aisle one week or so ago perhaps started talking about un appointment insurance and his goals with an opponent insurance. It sounded consistent with the language conversation i heard and her own side of the aisle in her own caucus to use the employment insurance system as a way to make sure that people were able to weather the storm when it came to the Public Health crisis we face. The number of people who are filing for employment has gone up dramatically. 2 million new un appointment claims filed last week compared to 218,000 nationwide previous weeks. We know the number of people who have lost their jobs laid off for load, fired is growing in a fashion weve never seen before. Ive seen are reported in my state and im sure each of you have seen in the same. Lets get down to the bottom line. I asked my colleagues to bear with me for a moment. What you are describing is what we initially sete out to do and then we met with the representatives of the United States the province of labor. I was in one of the task forces for the Senate Finance committee and i sat there as representative and they came in and said to senators, you dont understand 50 different states Computer Systems when it comes to un appointment benefits. We can tell you pointblank only six, eight states out of the 50 could possibly do what you want to achieve. They tell us it will take them months to reprogram their computers to make the simple calculation where it appears to be a simple compilation that obys you never get paid more than on appointment than you are making on the job. That wasas the reality. We did not make that up. This was not a democratic dreamed up idea but this was the Trump Administration, deferment of labor, telling us that when they looked at the state departments of labor they cannot achieve what you want to achieve with their amendments. Inn other words, if you go forward and are successful and i dont believe you will be but if you were successful at what we would end up with is frankly, a deadlock. No increases in on appointment insurance benefits. Let me tell you beyond this administrative problem which was not our creation, as identified by the Trump Administration but beyond this administered a problem there are two, three things i want to say as a bottom line. First, we are determined to make sure that the workers come out at least whole if not better. Through this terrible experiencr they are going through. Now, this notion that the workers would come out better is not unique to the democratic side of the aisle. The Cash Payments proposed by the Trump Administration, 1200 per adult, 500 per child for some will be a benefit and may even be a windfall that comes their way. So be it. Working families across america would end up with this Cash Payments for the trump raadministration i do not object to it at all but the democrats have said that is one and done. T its an air drop of cash to people and what about the next week or the next month . That is why we brought up the unemployed meant insurance. The 600dollar figure we came up atwith was an attempt to make se everyone was full at the end of the day. I will concede your point that some workers, some, may end up coming up ahead because of this calculation, 600 a week. Im not going to stand here and say i feel badly about that. I dont feel badly about that at all. Unless that half the people inwe america have 400 in their savings and the notion that we might end up giving people another thousand dollars or 2000 at the end of four months to me, that is not something we ought to be ashamed of or run away from. That is a real possibility. It may happen. I will support that just as i supported the Trump Administrations cash payment to that same family. They are going through tough times and have for a long, long time. How many of us are given speeches on the score of income equality in america and some of the hardest working people still unable to make it, paycheck to paycheck, week to week. Lets give them that helping hands and not apologize for its for a minute but we are standing workers and their families and i thank you will want to as well as the way you want to calculate it we are told cannot be done. It cannot be done in the fashion that brings relief to these families when they needse it rit now. Senator will yield. I will and a minute but i want to make this point as clearly as i can read i believe this is not a windfall for lets assume that instead of 600 week your calculation makes it 450 a week. 150 times 16 weeks is four months, how much will that come out to . 2400 but will that mean that someone now becomes lazy and wont go back to work . I dont think sobered i think people will use that money and need that money and are given a helping hand and will put it right backt in the economy. That is what this is about that these families can keep their homes, pay their utility bills and put food on the table and put the money back into the economy. That is part of what we are trying to achieve here. If we air on the side of giving a hardworking family an extra thousand dollars or 2000 because of our approach, so be it. No apologies. We did not design the system and we were told we had to work within the system and we decided to do it and we think the 600 a week is a reasonable way to do it but i will yield for a question. The 600 a week if i did the math quickly is about 9600 and [inaudible] is an important number that we should consider. I think youve hit on the point that we should all be willing to agree upon that the systems of unemployment throughout our country perhaps are working on antiquated equipment that may need to be updated so that we fact keep people whole during their on a plumage. I would love for us to work in a bipartisan fashion to try to figure out through the public of labor how to [inaudible] so that those folks who deserve the benefits get all that they deserve so that we have a system that is nimble enough for us to meet the needs of statebystate without exceeding the need so that we are in this position again and looking at phase four, phase five we are not again having are conversation about systems that are so integrated or perhaps even obsolete that we are doing something that was not intended and im not suggesting that we give that and im not even suggesting we get that done over the next few months but i am however concluding that we should work to get it done. I dont disagree with my friend of South Carolina at all. I agree with you completely but we are in the midst of a National Emergency and that is not my announcement but the allotment of President Trump. I believe it. When you look at the people now filing for unemployment and atle the hardships they are facing the lifestyles that theyve had to live to try to comply with shelter in place and all the rules thatli are going off here the number of people filing these unappointed insurance claims tell us the reality of the situation and the notion, as you said, 9600 times three, three times four months basically comes out to about 80000 a year roughly. That is what this 600 is correct leading on an annual basis. On a four month basis if we fund up giving people an extra thousand or 2000 it is not inconsistent with what the Trump Administration says they want to do with their cash payment. In the meantime if we are going to move forward and i hope this crisis comes to an end quickly if we move forward into a new phase, phase four, phase five whatever it is, lets Work Together to try to upgrade these systems and make them work the way we want them to work. That in this first effort . I think its reasonable and thoughtful way to do it. Mr. Scott happy to answer that question if the gentleman would yield. Mr. Durbin i would be happy to yield for a question from the gentleman from South Carolina. Carolina. Both sides of the aisle would not agree that we are both inclined to get you in place but and we are in fact keeping the average person especially the working class people hold as we ponder and discuss this amendment, would you agree . Of course. In my final thought is, my goal isnt to come down here and have a disagreement come as much as it is to illuminate a very important part of the process that if we can get it fixed throughout our country that as we tackle these issues of the future, more focus on both sides of the aisle will have greater confidence in giving these resources to the states so that our people can behold, thats all i want to say. No disagreement. But the u. S. Department of labor says we cannot do that at this moment. And at this moment, when people are hurting so badly, when they lost their jobs, their furloughed, theyre laid off and theyre worried about paying their bills the Trump Administration says were going to send them a cash payment, we say and i hope its a bipartisan statement, we are with you too. It is not going to end with one cash payment. Were going to make sure youre on edge your benefits will keep you and your family together and if by chance you come up a little bit ahead in this process with a cash payment, so be it, so be it, if this moment in history facing this National Emergency we would rather air on the side of you being able to pay your bills and keeping your family together, future needs we can discuss, we can debate and see what we can do with the state systems but for the time being, no apologies, 600 a week from where im standing is exactly what democrats are committed to. I hope republicans as well. Our belief is that this is the moment we need to stand with these workers. I might say i support rubio and cardin on their efforts to help Small Businesses come i think thats the right thing to do, bipartisan from the start and really without much controversy. Have we asked any of those businesses to produce statements before they receive those benefits . No. We are not doing that. We understand this is an extraordinary moment and we may do Something Different or for thinking about longterm policy come about for the policy let us do the right thing, let there on the side of helping working families who are out of work and that is why i would oppose the amendment if its going to be offered by the senate and i came to the floor to explain how we reach this. And i hope others will consider that. Of view. I yield the floor. I would just say i appreciate the comments in the senator from illinois, it seems to me that from where he started they should be supporting the amendment and then we should figure out what we would need to do to push on the department of labor to modernize their systems, but i just want to say in public something that has been negotiated for the last eight or nine hours and we have enough and able to get conversation partners on that side of the aisle which is, you are absolutely right, the department of labor says there are massive system problems in the state. Given that we are entering a recession at this moment we are going to have lots and lots of needy americans that call on the state department, are substantial right now. So, i would just say taking you that good faith that you would like to upgrade the systems so that we can do this thing which doesnt accidentally stimulate unemployment by disincentive icing work, been trying all afternoon to get people to say, maybe we can get this solved by day one of the new unEmployment Benefits but by week eight or nine maybe we should have been able to get to a place where the department of labor had the resources to help the state departments of Unemployment Insurance deal with this. Ill follow up with you offline because i would like to work with you to try to upgrade the systems. I have one more thing to say. In the nature of the questions in the chair which i believe is an appropriate procedural. The officers very liberal on these things to make this is turning out to be a debate on the floor of the senate commits almost historic. We just say this, we disagree on one basic premise, i dont believe in giving people 1200 as the president has suggested for each adult or if they ended up with a net game out of our approach of 2000 that we have now turned them into lazy people who will not go back to work, they will just wait for the next government check. These arent the people i know when that these are the people you know, these are hardworking people who with an additional thousand dollars may finally be able to buy that refrigerator, finally be able to get the car fixed and get some dental work done. I dont think paying them a little extra here is going to change their lifestyle and attitude toward hard work. We were green for a while and i think its important to understand your math isnt real. The reality is in lots on lots of states in the country when people are earning 12, 13, 14 or 15 an hour the unemployment option is going to be 2425 an hour. Were talking about cases where people might have an annualized right now of 30000 to be looking at an unEmployment Benefit of a thousand colors a week which is 50000 annualized so your math isnt real. The reality is that isnt 600 total, at 600 on top of what the unEmployment Benefits already were in that state. There are lots of people who are struggling to work hard to love their neighbor, we have a lot of health aides in nebraska makes 16 an hour. They their work is important, thats a vocation, people need them, their sick people from covid19 and other diseases right now in nebraska that need the benefit of those health aides when you have just told them in this bill, your work is a little bit important but look at this, you could make substantially more money if you didnt do the hard thing of trying to figure out what we do with our kids today when school is closed and i dont know how to do daycare and my sister agreed to help take care of my kids but do i really put the burden on her when i dont have to go to work to get this same money and i can get more money by going on the Unemployment Insurance program. Thats a disincentive to work that i dont think you believe in. Nobody in my state believes in. Its not a republican versus democrat issue its an american issue. We believe in workers and we believe and work we dont believe government should come in and say its much better off to be a worker than a non worker. Not talking about people who suffered layoffs last week were talking about creating a system which will incentivize more unemployment next week. Thats a mistake by this congress and we could and should be doing better than that tonight. I know the senator from texas is trying to get in. I will yield the floor. Thank you mr. President. Senator from texas to make mr. President the bill is going to pass overwhelmingly and unanimously but i think this amendment would make it substantially better. I expect to see a party line votes come i unfortunate i think the consequence of the system, the Unemployment Insurance system in this bill right now is that we are going to substantially disincentive eyes work and it is going to hurt workers come is going to hurt Small Businesses. Let me give you a concrete example. In texas right now the maximum Unemployment Insurance is 521 a week. After this bill passes that will rise from 521 a week to 1121 a week. That is just over 58000 a year. That means in the state of texas we are going to be paying people, offering them basically 20 an hour not to work. Listen, everyone of us recognize people are hurting. The problem is the incentive. We are creative creating an incentive that will hurt Small Businesses. If a waiter or waitress lesser job for a few weeks and are on a unemployment and making 25, 26, 28 an hour, suddenly the prospect of going back to that job and seen the money they are making going down substantially doesnt seem too attractive and suddenly the Restaurant Owner trying to make the Small Business work can attract those workers back and that is bad for everyone. Incentives matter. We want people to work. I would assess senator from illinois, he said the problem with implementing this principle that we shouldnt pay people more not to work then they make working you said the problem was administrative, the department of labor and states could into it. With the senator agree with this amendment and with the Democratic Party agree with the amendment if it simply had anguish inserted to the best extent practicable . Acknowledging that it might not be practicable but would you agree with the principle that in implementing this the states and department of labor should try to make sure we are not paying people more not to work then they would make if they were working . Is that a question directed to me . I will yield to the senator to illinois. Let me just say, we are talking about people who did not voluntarily leave their jobs. These people did not voluntarily leave their jobs. They were terminated, laid off, furloughed. These are not people who are gaming the system, they are victims of a system that was hurt by the National Emergency. Secondly, if we are airing on the side of giving struggling, hardworking families and additional thousand dollars a month, 1000 a month, for goodness sakes im not going to apologize for moment. These people are living paycheck to paycheck for many respects. Thats 30000 a year and for us to say theyre going to end up with a thousand dollars now they will never go back to work, i dont believe that. We will contact in this world of social media in such by nurses who say were going to quit our jobs so that we can take advantage of the unEmployment Benefits . No. We go to our jobs into what we have to do in the amount of money. And i think the senator from texas but i would just say this, yes come in this respect i agree with you. Take a look at the state systems the pain on Employment Benefits. Many of them are way behind the modern technology and cannot meet what you have stated as your goal here. If we want to work towards that goal of improving the state systems that senator scott said earlier, i will join you in that effort. Thats not apologize for sending an extra thousand dollars. One last. , we are asking people to stay home, to defeat this virus by not working, stay with your family so one here if theres a good unEmployment Benefit going in that they can keep their Families Together while they obey this directive at least from government state to make so, these quarantines are going to end. The period of staying at home is going to embed under the policy favored there is going to be an incentive that will end up with more people being unemployed. Lets say youre a Restaurant Owner and you keep your employees on you can pay them 10 or 15 an hour but if you let them go, they can go on unemployment and make more money. You dont think theres going to be a lot of Small Business owners that have their employees say wait a second, i can make more money, thats a bad incentive. We want to create incentive. I agree people want to work but government can mess that up, if we make it more profitable, look, the checks it doesnt create an incentive, its not 1200 if you do x contacts, we want incentives that bring people back to work so that these Small Businesses that are closing their doors every day dont stay close, they open up again and have opportunity again and it is a perverse incentive to pay people not to work yes, we should help them but we should not trap them and thats what this policy. Im sure youre acutely aware that this is a four Month Program, we are not offering people this benefit indefinitely. I hope we dont have to renew it but to sam going to change my lifestyle and give up returning to a place where i have work forever where i was just laid off because they close the restaurant because of a four Month Program come i dont think so. I think people are more loyal to the workplace if they are treated fairly and if we end up giving an additional thousand dollars a month at the end of the day come i think its the right thing to do so make the incentives matter and we dont want to delay recovery by four months hopefully we stopped a Global Pandemic and stop it soon. You dont know how soon that will be were flooding more resources than we should be in the testing and preventative gear, and the ventilators. Theres a lot we need to do to stop this pandemic but when it ends in will end, we will get through this, we want people to go back from to work not four months from now, we want them to go back as soon as they are able and thats what the economy needs to be strong. I would note again that i posed a question to the center of illinois, would he take and not modification that acknowledged the problems but said this is the principle that you should follow that you should not be paid or not to work in the senator from illinois did not answer that. Did the senators support the cash payment to these families whether they work or not. I do come im going to vote for it, but it doesnt create an incentive, this is where too many in the Democratic Party dont understand the incentives of trapping people out of work sending these checks right now, if you make 75000 or less, youre going to get a check in the mail in the next couple of weeks, thats something released but it doesnt create an incentive for tomorrow. What i dont want his people to be sitting there making a choice. If youre sitting there and saying gosh, i can make a lot more money staying at home with my kids not working and if i go back to the job, thats not an irrational decision if youre making a 28 an hour to stay at home, we are causing the problem if we are incentivizing people not to work and thats not ultimately in their interest, this is hurting workers to pay them more not to work than to pay if they were to work. I dont think President Trump payment under the Employment Benefit is going to make a worker lazy and government dependent. These are not the people i know, these are people who get up and work hard every darn day. If they get an extra helping hand out of this, so be it. Were trying to deal with a Health Crisis and help families get through it. Thats where we started on the side of the aisle. We may talk about something in the future but i dont think it makes them lazy to receive the president s cash payment or to receive an extra payment from this on Employment Benefit. So with respect, the senators from illinois it is suggesting that this is somehow some moral judgment that it makes them lazy. Its the contrary. Im saying people behave according to rational incentives. We dont wantmy click, our girls are 11 and aids at home. We have incentives all the time, positive and negative, incentives work. We dont want to create a system where someone being perfectly rational and reasonable says gosh, can make a lot more money for my family staying home than i can going to work. If i go to work my family makes less money. Thats not a question of being lazy, thats a question of, the government is putting me in a position where if i want to care for my kids i can do a better job by staying home. That is really foolish and that is the position right now of what i expect to be the Democratic Senators who will vote no on this. That is a bad policy for workers, its a bad policy for Small Businesses, its a bad policy for the economy, we should support jobs, not paying people, give them a safety net. Give them relief, yes, but some create incentives to make the problems worse and thats what the democratic policy will do. I yield the floor. The senator from delaware spoke first. And is recognized. Thank you. To my colleagues come i think senator from nevada is going to stop and i have great affection and respect and him from the day we got here. I used to be state treasurer. I was elected at the tender age of 29. Delaware had the worst Credit Rating in the country. We were dead last. We cannot balance our budget to save our souls. We have pretty much no money over time we straightened out our financials, a guy named as our governor, is treasurer for a while and democratic republican legislators split and we learned how to Work Together. We called it the delaware way. And later on as i get to be governor mike caso, who is his successor, but i was very active in the National Governors association and he let me be chairman for a while. There was a governor on welfare reform when i was a member of the National Governors association. I was raised in a coal mining county in west virginia. Parents, not much money, deep faith, hard work. And my dad used to say to my sister and me, i dont care if you have to work three jobs to pay your bills, work three jobs. Thats really the way i was race. And i suspect most of us here were raised that way, strong work ethic. When i was involved i used to say, people were better off working then they are in welfare. Bill clinton said that often. I believe that. Say people are better off staying home then working is the same principle were talking about here. Every state has its own Unemployment Insurance fund. We have one in delaware, one in nebraska, wanted texas and illinois. No different. Different benefits are calculated in different states in delaware, i just got off the phone with colleagues fees to be a member of my team earlier in the senate and now secretary of labor and i said, what do we pay people in delaware on nonemployment interest . What is the Interest Rate . And he said its between 25 and 50 of what people were earning but he said, theres a 400dollar cap per month or per week. On the benefits that we will pay anybody regardless of what they were making, 400 a week. And, if you think about it, 400 a week for four weeks is like 1600 a month, add to that the 600 benefit were talking 2200 per month. If somebodys working full time excuse me but if you add the numbers come if you have the numbers, im not sure we end up with 24 per hour in delaware. They might be the case, but i would have to see those numbers. My secretary of labor said he thought the number that we are looking at here was Something Like 13 an hour in delaware, when you add it all and is supposed to 24. So we will go back into our math. With a gentleman yield . I dont think any of us think a math debate is the most productive way to spend the time in the senate but just so were all talking about the same, 4 a week at 600 as a thousand dollars week divided by a 40 hour week, thats 25 an hour. I dont know how you explain that to people who are making 15 or 16 an hour until aware that youre going to pay them 25 if they become unemployed. In the senator from illinois said this is a program only for people who are involuntarily separated. Thats the way the program worked it would be great. But anybody who has spent time with on Insurance Programs in your state thats not how it works. I would actually works is once you create a disincentive to work employers regularly work with employees to say i kind of would like to drive you off the system and i think you should recognize this would be better than you for you, too. Thats what happens. And so, soon thank you. We will go back and how we engage our secretary of labor and make sure we have our math right. The other. That he made was come i asked how hard would it be to administer and he said something we could stand up in a couple weeks were talking months . And he said this would not be in an easy thing administratively to do it and the time when were anxious to get the benefit out the door and hurry, this would not be easy. I would just ask to keep that in mind. One of the people i talked to last week when its trying to figure out really the packages, legislative package number three should be is one of the people we talk to. We talked about the three teas, timely, targeted and temporary great those are the three that he talked about. And, timely means like making sure we figure and calculate the right benefits but we will turn around and pay it in a timely way. What i gather from my secretary of labor is we are not going to be able to incorporate what they are doing at the state level, the state, the federal benefits into it in a timely way. I think we could do that you would have probably a fair amount of bipartisan support. It sets a lane we just dont know how long that delay would be. This is a ted kennedy used to sit behind me when i first came to the senate. I knew some senators dick durbin, we would serve in the house together and other people were governors together. I did not know ted kennedy and he said one day, i said, im in new here in the senate i dont really know you very well and i what i was doing was going to meet with have a cup of coffee with the senators i did not well know well and i asked if i can maybe have a cup of coffee with him and he said will do better than that, come to my hideaway and will have lunch together. And i said thats great, i didnt think we ever would bet it was a nice offer, two weeks later we had lunch together and it was like a Kennedy Museum some of you have been there before its an amazing place. I asked him, how is it that so many republicans here want you, ted kennedy the most liberal democrat maybe we had at that time, they want you to be there lead cosponsor on their bills, why is that . And he said im always willing to compromise on policy, never willing to come compromise on principle. I think that the policy here is that when people are unemployed and they need help we want to help them and help them in a timely way. With the senator yield . Ill finish my thought and ill be happy to. But in a timely way, i am a second concern along with my first concern, just concerned that the idea to deal with this in a timely way is going to be diminished, may be significantly. We just honestly dont know,. A question for the senator, you said that you are concerned about implementation that it may not be timely at the state level to implement this. I think just prior to when you came to the floor i suggested a possible amendment to the senator from note baskets amendment that would add a qualifier Something Like to the best extent practical, doesnt slow the program down but it it acknowledges that both the department of labor and the state should endeavor to implement this in a way that ensures people dont get paid more not to work and then to work. So it puts a qualifier, you just suggested there might be bipartisan agreement with the senator from delaware be amenable to such a change . I would be happy to discuss that with you online i wasnt here when you spoke. Thank you and i yield the floor. From michigan. Thank you, mr. President. For over 200 years the American People have shown resilience in the face of great challenges, from civil wars, International Conflicts and yes, pandemics. We have faced these challenges united and with resolve. Unlike the challenges of the past, the Novel Coronavirus pandemic is a crisis that together we can, and we will overcome. As the cases of covid19 increase every day my top priority is protecting the health and safety of michigan and to people all across the nation. There is no doubt we are facing an unprecedented Public Health emergency and an economic crisis at the same time. Families in my state of michigan and americans across the country are worried about their health and their safety and whether or not they are going to be able to make ends meet during this emergency. We must act quickly to provide relief for struggling families and Small Businesses and Healthcare Providers. Even as we move with urgency that this difficult time demands, we must ensure that this bill is done right. And that we are getting the right help to the people who need it the most. We must act aggressively. And now, we must do everything to provide relief to workers and families in michigan and across the country. Americans are facing an unprecedented personal, health and financial challenge. Workers on my home state of michigan who are forced to stay home from work due to coronavirus should not need to worry about whether or not they can pay their bills or put food on the table. Thats why i authored legislation thats included in the package before the senate to expand unemployment assistance. We have never had unEmployment Benefits in response to a Public Health crisis but we have never seen an emergency on the scale of what we are seeing right now. We must support workers who are not receive a paycheck or have been laid off due to coronavirus. That is why i fought to create a nonemployment Compensation Program to provide federally funded benefits to people who are unable to work during this pandemic. It would expand unEmployment Benefits to workers who have exhausted their state unEmployment Benefits, and it would make unEmployment Benefits available to people who dont usually qualify including Small Business owners, freelance writers, workers, independent contractors, Seasonal Workers and people who have recently started or were about to start a new job. And it provides workers with extended Unemployment Insurance so that hardworking families can have some certainty that they can stay afloat financially during this crisis that is likely to last a while. Our Small Businesses have been hit especially hard and some are at risk of having to close their doors or lay off their employees, our Small Businesses are the backbone of our economy and they need support now more than ever. Thats why worked with my colleagues on the Small Business committee to craft legislation for Small Business loans. As a result, this package now increases the funding for the popular and successful seven a Small Business loans to 350 billion. I also pressed for additional funding, 240 million for Small Business Development Centers and Womens Business Centers that increase the funding for minority Business Centers as well. These funds will go a long way towards helping Small Businesses pay their rent and keep lights on. The legislation also includes significantly more funding that will go to hospitals and healthcare system. The funding will ensure that the overstretched hospitals will make up for lost revenue, keep their doors open and make payroll for the dedicated nurses, doctors and Healthcare Professionals who are on the front lines fighting day in and day out to stop this pandemic. Ive been working closely with the Healthcare Providers in michigan and they cannot stress how critical this funding is to their ability to continue to provide the care and comfort during this pandemic. I will keep fighting to ensure the resources, supplies, gloves, masks and medical equipment they need to protect themselves and their patients from coronavirus. Finally, as the Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee i work closely with chairman ron johnson to ensure that this legislation has strong oversight in place. We must ensure that the funds we are authorizing are going to the people, the Small Businesses in the Healthcare Providers who need them the most. Our oversight provision creates a Pandemic Response accountability committee. A board that is made up of agency watchdogs who will be charged with auditing and investigating the administrations Coronavirus Response efforts and how americans hard earned tax dollars are being used to address the serious crisis. We are also requiring the Government Accountability office to audit where the funds are going and Keep Congress and the American People up to date through realtime publicly available reports. This model was used to successfully attract spending of the 2009 recovery act and the Great Recession and i was proud to work with my republican chairman to get this important accountability measure in this bill. This bill is an important step forward to addressing the crisis headon. And ensure our nation can get back on track once we have addressed a serious Public Health threat and the resulting economic crisis as well. Its an important step up but it is not the last action we will need to take before this pandemic is over. Im going to do Everything Possible to continue working with my colleagues in a bipartisan manner to ensure michigan communities and families have the resources and support they desperately need. I will continue working closely with michigan governor gretchen whitmer, local leaders, Public Health experts and National Security officials. I will continue to take each and everyone of us doing our part and working together to prevent the spread of this pandemic, protect Public Health and continue to address this economic crisis. Together mr. President , i know that we will get through this and we will come out stronger on the other side. I yield the floor. The senator from vermont to make mr. President , let me be very honest and tell you that there is much in this bill that we have not yet seen the printout yet that i am concerned about, i am especially concerned that the administration will be able to expend 500 billion in virtually any way they want, any corporation they want with virtually no strings attached. The American People at a time of massive income wealth and inequality do not want more corporate welfare than they do not want policies which will allow corporations in some cases to receive loans or grants on then do stock buybacks to enrich their stockholders, provide dividends or may be raise the compensation and benefits of their already way wealthy ceos. What the American People want right now is for us to use our taxpayer dollars in every way there would be to protect the working families of this country, to protect the middle class, to protect the 50 of our people who are living paycheck to paycheck. As we speak tonight, half of our people in this country, the richest country in the history of the world are living paycheck to paycheck. And they wake up in the morning and they say i can barely make it on the paycheck that i got because i am making 12, 14 an hour and now that paycheck has stopped. How my going to pay my rent, how my going to put food on the table for my kids, how my going to make sure that the lights remain on, how my going to pay my student debt . How my going to pay my credit card debt, somebody in the family get sick, how my going to pay that . Now this bill has been worked on extensively in the last few days, there are elements in it that in my view are positive, dont go far enough by any means, but one of the things this bill does do is provide the largest expansion of unEmployment Benefits in history, expending about 250 billion of federal funds and what it does importantly, the bill understands that for all kinds of absurd reasons having to do with the republican attacks on workers for many years, fewer than 50 of American Workers today are eligible for unEmployment Benefits. What this bill does is it says rightly so in the midst of this terrible economic crisis were some people nobody knows, were some economists are estimating by june and the next quarter unemployment could be 20 or 30 what this bill does say is whether or not you are eligible for on Employment Today you are going to get Unemployment Compensation. That means many of the workers, people who drive supercars come of the waitresses and waiters who make salvation minimum wages, many independent contractors, they will be eligible for the extended unEmployment Benefit and that is the right thing. The other thing this bill does which is right is it says, okay, we are in the midst of a horrific crisis, unprecedented in modern american history. Not only are you going to get your regular unEmployment Benefits, we are going to add another 600 a week to it, and now, i find that some of my republican colleagues are very distressed, they are upset that somebody is making ten or 12 blocks in our might end up with a paycheck for four months more than they received last week. Zero my god, the universe is collapsing. Imagine that. Somebody making 12 blocks in our now, like the rest of us faces an unprecedented economic crisis with the 600 box on top of their normal unemployment check might be making a few blocks more for four months. Zero my word, will the universe survive . How absurd and wrong is that . What kind of value system is that . Meanwhile, the very same folks had no problem a couple years ago voting for a trillion dollars in tax breaks for billionaires on the hurts profitable locations. Not a problem. But when it comes to low income workers in the midst of a terrible crisis, maybe some of them are earning or having more money than they previously made, zero my word, we have to strip that out grade we have to tell those poor people that no matter what, and by the way when the my, bill first came up unbelievably and i know many republicans objected they were saying we want to give whatever 1000 or 1200 box, poor people should get less because poor people are down here they dont eat, they dont pay rent, they dont go to the dr. They are somehow inferior to make that was addressed, and now everybody is going to get the 1200 but some of my republican friends still have not given up and the need to punish the poor and working to have raised the minimum wage in ten years. We havent done that. We cut program after program and now workers may be running a few blocks more. This is an amendment coming up, i dont think it will go very far, and if it does go far, i will introduce an amendment to deal with the corporate welfare, the 500 billion in corporate welfare which is to me a very serious problem, but i dont think they will get the 60 votes and that will be the end of it. Mr. President , this bill also includes some 250 billion in onetime checks of 1200 for adults and 500 for kids. I have a couple concerns. I believe that in the midst of this unprecedented crisis that we should make this a monthly benefit, not a onetime benefit and depending on what happens, and i expect very much that this congress will be reconvening because i think this coronavirus the bill that we are on right now will be superseded on the floor of my strongest guess is this does not go far enough, but the bill does include 1200 checks for adults, 500 for kids that will help in the shortterm, we have got to do a lot better than that. As many of you know, and countries around the world, the u. K. , denmark, other countries the approach that they are taking which makes sense to me is basically to say to employers, if you keep your workers on the job, even if theyre not working right now, we will pay and the u. K. Pays 80 of their salary, 80 , others are higher. I think this is the direction we should have gone. But what we do here is give 367 billion in loans to Small Businesses and those loans could be forgiven if those Small Businesses dont lay off workers. And i think for a variety of reasons that is exactly the right thing to do. The goal right now is to stabilize the economy by telling workers that they will have their jobs when they come back when this thing is over and that in the meantime, they will have all or most of their income. That is my preferred approach. This bill provides 150 billion to states and cities. I can tell you in vermonts and every other state in the country states and cities are hurting because as we all know there has been a major decline in tax revenue. And that is an important thing to do. By the way, in the midst of this crisis a lot of the responsibility is going to fall on local and State Government. One of the concerns of many that i have about this bill is that in the best of times this bill requires an enormous amount of work by the federal, state and local governments. How do you get these on employment checks out . How do you deal with the Small Businesses to apply for these loans, this is hard stuff and it becomes more difficult when so many workers who work for local and State Government are not coming into work because of the coronavirus. One of the issues we will focus on big time is the implementation. If anyone thinks just passing the bill everything will smoothly, you are mistaken. This is a complicated, multifaceted bill and it is going to take an enormous amount of work to make sure the money goes where should go in a costeffective way to this bill does a lot of other things as well but i think will help the american economy. To conclude mr. President , this is not the bill i would have written, frankly its not what most would have written. Theyre very apprehensive it will go to large corporations with very little accountability and in a political season let me make the radical suggestion that we have a president of the United States who may end up targeting some of this money for states he needs to win. So, this bill has good things, it has some issues of real concern. One thing we must not do is to punish low income workers who might get a few dollars more than what they previously earned. Thank you. Mr. President. Im just looking at the senator for vermont speech and there is obviously a lot we dont agree on in life and policy and politics and economics, he caricatured the entire purpose of this amendment tonight announced to affirm work, under his vision i dont know where he thinks the workers who stock shells and drive trucks right now it come from because he made an argument about government subsidies that would be on a permanent basis higher than all of those jobs. I dont understand how that system would work but i would praise him here. Two things, one, he said something that the apologist students usually dont say. If theyre going to vote was something theyre going to do everything right then if theyre going to vote against something they say is the worst thing thats ever been written. Senator sanders just said that this bill has a lot in it. Its big and clunky and were in the middle of a National Emergency and theres some good and some bad and hes going to vote for. I also believe its big and clunky and stinky. There some is good urgent and necessary and theres a lot thats poorly thought out and not implemented effectively. On that, im also inclined to vote for it. I appreciate the candor and admitting its a big craps shift which. In addition, i want to praise the senator for vermont for his candor and saying something i totally oppose but i appreciate his integrity. He said, correct me if im wrong, he said, he wishes the 1200dollar Monthly Payment on the 1200dollar emergency payment would be made monthly impermanence, is that right . Not permanent, but during the crisis. That is helpful clarification. You were saying a lot of Different Things and i thought you were arguing for a ubi a 14gram. I just wanted to clarify that. I appreciate the fact that you believe a lot of things very differently and speaking in the third person a lot of things differently than i do but you argue forcefully from that position i think this body would benefit, i hope his positions are voted again and again but i appreciate the way he argues for his positions. Cement several senators on the other side have been arguing against the provision of this bill to supercharge on employment insurance right now. Something the Senate Democrats have negotiated with the Trump Administration, secretary mnuchin, and chairman grassley. Based on what i am hearing from senators on the other side, you would think that this provision was pretty much going to end western civilization. Now, supercharging unEmployment Benefits has long been a priority for Senate Democrats in fighting for those improvements in unemployment since the process began. In our view, it is the key to getting help to make senator, would you please use your microphone . Thank you. Supercharging unEmployment Benefits is long something democrats have been fighting for. It is the key to getting help where it is needed most and believe me, colleagues, when you see the unemployment claim numbers tomorrow, if the numbers are accurate, this chamber is going to see that the Unemployment Crisis is exploding in america. I dont believe anybody in our great country should fall into destitution. As a result of this pandemic. So, i obviously disagree with my colleagues who oppose our amendment so strongly to improve unEmployment Benefits. I just want to make a few key points in response to their arguments. First, i want to start with an argument i heard that just about knocked the wind out of me when i heard it earlier. It is the idea that nurses are going to quit their jobs as a result of this legislation, mr. President , nurses are not going to be quitting their jobs to get unEmployment Benefits because, the head is not how nurses think when they get up in the morning, by now, everyone has seen the herculean efforts of our nurses fighting the pandemic, nurses in america are brave, they cares, they are the True Professionals in Portland Oregon to Portland Maine there on the front lines despite putting themselves in harms way to save the lives of our neighbors, whether in South Carolina, oregon or anywhere else. They dont cut and run, and contrary to the suggestion of my colleagues from nebraska, retired nurses have been coming out of retirement and droves to help treat patients were suffering because of the coronavirus, second, if the head scratcher to me that mike probably thinks from nebraska is raising the subject should know, im a ranking democrat in the finance committee i learned about objection when i watched his press conference and then i called him about it, the proposal has been out there for days, senators have known about it the whole time. Its not a draft, its not a lastminute surprise, what is sensitive from nebraska wants to in effect dropped now was part of the bill mr. President , youre a member of our committee and i enjoy working with you, but the senator from nebraska wants to drop now in fact, was part of the bill that Republican Leaders mcconnell introduced on saturday. He introduced it on saturday because Senate Democrats insisted on it being part of the package and as secretary mnuchin said this afternoon, on national television, we all heard it, republicans agreed, i will have a little more to say about secretary mnuchin three marks in a minute. Third cap pillow talk about why this is so needed, why my democratic colleagues and i have worked so hard to help the millions hit by this economic wrecking ball get through these horrendous times, for most americans the old unemployment rules will cover only a third to half of their lost wages, thats it. Pretty hard to pay the rent, put food on the table with that. Even before this crisis, even before the crisis the Federal Reserve found nearly half of americans wouldnt not have been able to come up with 400 cash to cover costs in an emergency. So, lets face it, millions of americans were rocking on an economic tight rope balancing against the food in the food against the fuel and that was before the pandemic thats why we are on our side feel so strongly, so appreciative of the work that senator peters, senator menendez who helped in the negotiation and of course the leaders, we all said that we need and improve supercharged unEmployment Benefits to a place people have lost wages. Thats with homelessness, hunger and bankruptcy because virus has shut down our economy and caught them cost them their job. This isnt the fault of any workers in South Carolina or anywhere else and, while the consumer economy is shuttered, the congress has responsibility to make sure that americans can bounce back in a matter of weeks or months, otherwise millions are going to struggle with the economic crisis and many might not make it if this senate doesnt move to help them now, now, now. The panic people feel over the virus is already too much in the least we can do as lawmakers is to have their back when it comes to surviving this economic crisis. Now, all my colleagues know we are on the third bill in the fight against the virus. Mitch mcconnell first virgin of the bill did virtually nothing i read it carefully and the Republican Leaders for spill, eight lines of text, not a pages, eight lines and those eight lines only dealt with filing for unemployment online. Now, that bill has an awful lot of corporate goodies, lots of slush funds for big corporations, but just a few measly lines workers hurting in workers losing their jobs, Senate Democrats fought for and one changes that make up this robust, expanded, supercharged program of Unemployment Insurance, its based on a bill and its based on if they will need more weeks of coverage than they otherwise would. The existing length of on Employment Benefit will not cover the time this crisis will last. Second, the senate needed to modernize the unEmployment Program because it really hasnt changed much since it was developed in wisconsin in 1932. Mr. President , 1932, nobody was talking about gig workers, and that unEmployment Program that was invented then hadnt changed all that much. Certainly hasnt been built to take on the kind of challenge our country faces right now. Democratic senators and i looked at that system and said the old system wouldnt be good enough for independent contractors, the selfemployed, gig workers, parttime workers, and freelancers, they are a big part of the face of the modern economy, they were not the kind of workers anybody was thinking about a 1932 when the program was invented, Senate Democrats led the effort to get those people coverage and im glad that at one point in the negotiations we could get bipartisan support for it, for people who still have their jobs but had their hours , we are going to bat for them for people in the service economy, restaurant, salon, gyms, you name it, all of those people who are suffering because their jobs, their businesses have been put on pause were going to bat for them. We are talking about millions of americans, people who are looking at hard times ahead and they need our help now. The old Unemployment Insurance system wasnt working, so Senate Democrats, Senate Democrats said, we are going to come together and we are going to go to bat for all of those independent contractors, the selfemployed, the freelancers and the gig workers and now come i think not only are we going to help them over the next four months, but i think we have developed some ideas that can be part of reforming the Unemployment Compensation system after those four months. Now, i want to turn toward why this agreement raises benefits specifically by 600 per month, i have heard my colleagues and theres strenuous objections to that amount, the reason it is 600 mr. President is because labor secretary scalia, after meeting with the Senate Negotiators myself senator grassley, secretary mnuchin senator portland, big group of us, secretary scalia, after meeting with Senate Negotiators left us with no other way to get benefits to workers quickly. Secretary scalia said this to had no other way to get the benefits to workers in time. We needed a simple solution and i know my colleague distinguished colleague in the senate and others sponsoring this proposal to unravel what Senate Democrats did was secretary mnuchin, they may not believe me, but i want to show the words of secretary mnuchin himself specifically on this question of why we were focused on making sure that workers could get that extra 600 a week. Just today, secretary mnuchin said and im going quote here, most of these states system has technology that is 30 years old or older. If we had the ability to customize this with much more specifics, we would have. This was the only way we could ensure states could get the money out quickly and in a fair way so we used 600 acrosstheboard. Incentives. Most americans want what they want. They want to keep their jobs. They want to keep their jobs. That is what secretary mnuchin said today in defending the language that is in the bill as a simplest and fastest way for workers to get their benefits and why we disagree so strongly withnd the amendment from the senator from nebraska to unravel the approach. It now shows the paymentpa of 0 is a simplest way to get the replacement without causing as of now, an administrative train wreck. I will close on this. I am sure that everybody here read the unemployment claims are expected top go up by 2. 5 million in one week when the statistics are released tomorrow, let me say that again. 2. 5 million. That is almost as many jobs that were lost in the entire year of 2008 when the Great Recession hit our country so hard. It is a single largest rise in unemployment synths that begin to be tracked. The Great Recession job losses, thats how many unemployment economist claim to see in a single week, this country has ever faced anything like it, its not a normal recession, this is not a normal bill trying to stimulate the economy in which the government tries to get the economy a shot of fiscal adrenaline. This is a time when we face. What the Congress Needs to do, and act now, we will not do that but shortchanging workers, we are losing hours and losing gigs. I feel so strongly, americans want to work, businesses want to keep their employees on the job. Americans want the economy to spring back the life once the pandemic is under control. That is what supercharging an benefits is all about. Here is the bottom line on the provision that Senate Democrats agreed with the trump of administration, secretary mnuchin and chairman grassley on. Our proposal was not a drafting error, it did not top out at the bolast minute, it will not bring about the end of western civilization. I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will review what secretary mnuchin had to say, this afternoon on national television, supporting democrats negotiated with him and the administration and join us in making sure millions and millions of americans do not fall into this. I yield the floor. Mr. President. Senator from vermont. Thank you, mr. President , i want to make a couple comments. I did speak earlier this afternoon about this. Its almost an understatement to say that america is at an inflection point. Were facing a Public Health crisis unlike any weve seen in generations. At every level, state, local, county are racing to respond, react and mitigate to theac crisis. Hospital systems are soon to be overrun if not already are. The package here is a good one. Doesnt do everything, no. Is it perfect, no. Is it better than where we were, yes. I thinkou the senate should be e conscience of the nation. It is time for us to have reality trump rhetoric. As i said in the past, it speaks to reality. I think of our own government, the republican governor who has worked so hard to help our state, this will give him some tools as well to our speaker ofe house and our legislature. With this bill, we support the victims of this terrible virus, the Healthcare Providers in the First Responders and our frontline. The essential workers are akkeeping our stores and shelves stocked. In necessities available to families hit by the fallout in this pandemic. I have been fortunate, ive been married now for almost 58 years to the best medical surgical nurse of evers known. I hear her tell what it is, she tells me what the doctors and nurses faced with a situation like this. Mr. President , i praise neither you nor i have to face with they face on the frontline, we should go forward and pass this bill. I would ask that my full statement be included in the record. Without objection. I yield the floor, i suggest the absence. As consentn known with respect hr 747 be redrawn. Without objection i ask an unanimous consent that they proceed to the consideration of hr 748 further that the only amendment should be offered by senator mcconnell, 1578, 1577 and other designated further and let the seven entered senate vote with the 60 vote affirmative threshold for adoption, further following

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