Delhi Lt. Governor V.K. Saxena on Friday directed Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) to conduct a probe into the alleged corruption in Transport Department."Lt. Governor VK Saxena has directed the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) to conduct a probe .
The capital on Friday recorded four more Covid deaths and 115 new cases, while the positivity rate stood at 0.15%. The new fatalities pushed the toll due to the infection to 24,952. The total tally is around 14.33 lakh. With hapless commuters compelled to wait for nearly an hour on average to enter the busy Metro stations during peak hours these days, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has requested Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) to allow standing passengers in its trains, sources said. On Thursday, the capital saw 1,56,636 vaccine doses being administered against Covid-19, the highest since the inoculation drive began. Out of those vaccinated, more than 1.25 lakh beneficiaries were in the 18-44 years age group, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Atishi said. Stay with TOI for more updates: