REC Limited has signed four MoUs worth Rs. 16,000 crore with Dilip Buildcon Limited, GMR Power & Urban Infra, CDS Infra Projects Limited & DP Jain & Co. Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd for financing road and highway projects, according to .
REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, hosted a conference on ‘Financing for Roads and Highways’, to bring all key stakeholders under one roof and to discuss financing aspects of the sector. The confere
The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Secretary used a speech in central London to warn he would name and shame under-performing local authorities.
New home planning permissions approved in the third quarter of the year fell by a record 19% to just under 2,450 projects compared with a year ago, data from the Home Builders Federation shows. The body says the declines are part of an “increasingly anti-development policy environment” and are set to fall further