This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. In 1991 Los Angeles Times Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated sports columnist Jim…
The English title is
Ethos, but the words you see in the opening credits are, of course, in Turkish:
Bir Başkadır. Episode after episode, I would rack my brain for a suitable translation one that fit the idea of
ethos, but also matched the delicate world of the show. “It’s Something Else,” I ventured to my partner. Or, “There’s One More Thing.” Or, maybe, simply, “The Other,” as in, an-other-ness? Something about this eight-episode miniseries its wistful soundtrack, its themes of miscommunication, deflection, silence, and withholding encouraged me to keep generating my own language for it. I still haven’t looked up the dictionary translation for the Turkish phrase.
you will see rain and sleet and icy areas as well. in terms of total accumulation, you can see on this map right here, ten inches or more and right here, this area, 20 inches or more. that includes parts of new jersey. a tremendous blizzard so early in the winter season. thanks. checking other top stories, a horrific bus crash in egypt has left eight american tourists dead. the crash happened at a popular site soult south of cairo. the bus apparently smashed into a parked dump truck. dozen injured americans were taken in for treatment. bud greenspan has died from complications of the head of