The market capitalisation of BSE-listed companies reached an all-time high of INR 294.49 lakh crore as the Sensex benchmark hit a record high of 63,588.31. The optimistic trend in equities allowed the market capitalisation of all firms listed on BSE to reach a peak, thanks to buying by index majors, HDFC twins and Reliance Industries. The Indian stock market has seen a solid rally in the last few months, especially within the mid- and small-cap ranges. Furthermore, positive foreign institutional investor flows, robust economic growth, strong earnings outlook, and robust demand from investors are driving investor confidence.
Indian equities are also feeling the heat with BSE Sensex slipping 1.92 per cent this year (as on September 26). Business Today has compiled a list of stocks listed in the BSE 500 index with the steepest decline in 2022. Instead of creating money for the investors, these stocks become wealth destroyers.
Equity investors became poorer by over Rs 5 lakh crore in early trade on Thursday as domestic benchmark indices tumbled, mirroring weak trends in global equities.