Indian shares tumbled on Monday as an alarming rise in Covid-19 infections and fresh stringent curbs to contain the spread of the coronavirus cast a shadow over the economic recovery. The Sensex fell 1,708 points, or 3.4 per cent, to end the session at 47,883 the lowest close since January 29 while the Nifty 50 index closed at 14,311, declining 524 points, or 3.5 per cent. The fall was the biggest since February 26 and the second biggest in the past one year. It wiped out Rs 8.8 trillion of India’s market capitalisation. Broad selling was seen across the market as more than five stocks declined for every one advancing stock on the BSE. Overseas investors sold shares worth Rs 1,746 crore on Monday; buying from domestic institutions was also muted at Rs 233 crore.
Read more about Sensex, Nifty end marginally lower; L&T and financial stocks fall on Business Standard. A weakening rupee and selling by foreign investors also weighed on Dalal Street, traders said
Read more about Surging yields drag indices: Sensex falls 440 pts, Nifty ends at 14,938 on Business Standard. 10-year US Treasury yield crosses 1.5% again following Powell s comments
Markets found firmer ground on Tuesday after five days of heavy losses as investors made a cautious return to select energy, banking and infra counters amid mixed global cues. A spurt in Covid-19 cases and lack of fresh buying triggers continued to weigh on sentiment, traders said. After gyrating 667.46 points during the day, the 30-share BSE Sensex ended just 7.09 points or 0.01 per cent higher at 49,751.41. On similar lines, the broader NSE Nifty settled 32.10 points or 0.22 per cent up at 14,707.80. ONGC topped the Sensex gainers chart, climbing 5.55 per cent, followed by IndusInd Bank, L&T, UltraTech Cement, SBI, NTPC and Titan.