TCU Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart). Neck Sharpies on that defense. If you're in or around Ann Arbor, the Game Watch party's at Venue. Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac I love procrastinating. To be clear, I hate being a procrastinator. I live with a perpetual pit in my stomach that says, “remember that thing you were supposed to do? You didn’t do it yet.” That feeling is there even when I’m not behind on something; my nervous system just operates under a presumption of guilt. But despite that, I apparently love procrastinating. Because I’ve been doing it for most of my life. I crave the little burst of serotonin my body re
Purdue Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart). If you're in or around Ann Arbor, the Game Watch party's at Venue. Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac This day felt like it might never actually come. No, I don’t mean a Big Ten Championship Game appearance. Michigan did that last year. Nor do I mean a College Football Playoff bid. Michigan did THAT last year as well. Nothing that happened this year is particularly novel… which is the point. For the first time since the late Cooper Era at the end of the last century it is plausible, if not outright true, that Michigan has truly surpassed Ohio State as a program. Which means it is the firs
Ohio State Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart) Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac Pluto formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago from the same whirling cloud of gas and dust that created the sun, the Earth, and the rest of the solar system. Since then, it hasn’t changed much. It’s been the same small, cold, distant, rock ambling its way around a very, very distant sun. Low and slow, like a celestial brisket. When Pluto was first discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, it was immediately named an the ninth planet. And from that moment on, school children learned about the nine planets. Science textbooks spoke authoritatively about the nine plane