Rated m for mature. Why let someone else have all the fun . The sometimes haphazard, never boring. Fun. The why cant it smell like this all the time. Fun. The learning the virtue of sharing. Fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Your current gel antiperspirant wet ais. Sticky now, were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree dry spray. Degree. It wont let you down. [funky hiphop music] heard what happened with isis, but a bets a bet. [laughter] by the way, its called a niqab. See you muslames on the bench. Ha muslames i kill me man, fuck yall. Its too bad you didnt get that picture, my nig. Says who . Ooh. Together legend. [tires screech] milton, nice to have you home. Man, shut your bitchass up. So like i was saying, jungle fever is the dopest snipes joint, but white man cant jump is right up there, though. [as snipes] its pretty, its so pretty. Pound for pound, the best actor in the world. Aint no que
Class nosel noCC 01610 q russelRussel 8, Verizon 4, Tennessee 4, Virginia 4, Kevin 3, Jamie Foxx 3, U. N. 3, Kfc 3, Power 3, Ken 2, Nashville Hot Chicken 2, Bristol 2, Bae 2, Heineken Light 2, Widehead 1, Tennaginia 1, Lte Advanced 1, Colorado 1, Navy 1, Rattlesnake 1 Network Comedy Central Duration 00 31 01 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Virtual Ch. 745 Video Codec h264 Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1280 Pixel height 720 Audio Visual sound, color
Rated m for mature. Why let someone else have all the fun . The sometimes haphazard, never boring. Fun. The why cant it smell like this all the time. Fun. The learning the virtue of sharing. Fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Your current gel antiperspirant wet ais. Sticky now, were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree dry spray. Degree. It wont let you down. [funky hiphop music] heard what happened with isis, but a bets a bet. [laughter] by the way, its called a niqab. See you muslames on the bench. Ha muslames i kill me man, fuck yall. Its too bad you didnt get that picture, my nig. Says who . Ooh. Together legend. [tires screech] milton, nice to have you home. Man, shut your bitchass up. So like i was saying, jungle fever is the dopest snipes joint, but white man cant jump is right up there, though. [as snipes] its pretty, its so pretty. Pound for pound, the best actor in the world. Aint no que
Class nosel noCC 01610 q russelRussel 8, Verizon 4, Tennessee 4, Virginia 4, Kevin 3, Jamie Foxx 3, U. N. 3, Kfc 3, Power 3, Ken 2, Nashville Hot Chicken 2, Bristol 2, Bae 2, Heineken Light 2, Widehead 1, Tennaginia 1, Lte Advanced 1, Colorado 1, Navy 1, Rattlesnake 1 Network Comedy Central Duration 00 31 01 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Virtual Ch. 745 Video Codec h264 Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1280 Pixel height 720 Audio Visual sound, color