literally on a daily basis with bipartisan leadership in the senate, with the outstanding leaders in the house and of course with the make it safe coalition, with the advocacy groups and ith all of you, to make this bill the next step on the road to the president signing a whistleblower protection improvements statute that he can sign into law, and we are not flinching. we are redoubling our effort and very very much looking forward to working with the outstanding leadership in congress, both in the house in the senate in a bipartisan way u.s. buffer these protections for so long, with all of you on behalf of the president and the white house, thank you you were. keep it up and we look forward to working together with you in the months and the years ahead. thank you. [applause] congressman is our next speake but. [inaudible] there should ve been time for when we started the program. thatis to introduce you to the organizers of the events from today and tomorrow. for the fi