Please silence all electronic devices. By person responsible maybe asked to leave the room cells set an vibrate you cause interruption for the approval of the minutes regular meeting so moved second. Technical all in favor, say i. I. The is have it. Thank you very much item 5 communication directors please be advised for the establishment of a blue zone on delores regarding the arguable and others for closed session have within removed from the agenda at the request of staff item 6 introduction of new and Unfinished Business by Board Members. First happy new year and thank Internal Revenue leader ed reiskin for a fabulous 2015 we really feel the agency has accomplished so much and seeing a result often the streets with and know how much hard work we appreciate if very much and it is is mark of a great leader ed and the leaders and his Leadership Team theyve moved forward hiring the right people supporting them and getting fabulous results happy new year and thank you to you and youre L
Sergeant, next item. Item 8 rotate to where to disclose any or all the issues in the closed session. Colleagues a motion to not disclose the items. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The that item passes southeast item 9 adjournment. Colleagues do i have a motion. Yes. He move we adjourn. Second that item passes second that item passes were adjourned colleagues [train whistle blowing] global warming. [whistle blows] some say irreversible consequences are 30 years away. 30 years . That wont affect me. [brakes screech] this is smack in the middle of the tenderloin neighborhood where there are 50,000 people within walking distance. You see the kids that are using whats provided, but there is so much opportunity for this to be a stronger, more welcoming, healthier cleaner safer place for the people of this community to play. There are going to be new green areas, a fullsize basketball court, Outdoor Fitness equipment, community garden, a brandnew clubhouse. Its going to be a much more welco
Agenda at the request of staff item 6 introduction of new and Unfinished Business by Board Members. First happy new year and thank Internal Revenue leader ed reiskin for a fabulous 2015 we really feel the agency has accomplished so much and seeing a result often the streets with and know how much hard work we appreciate if very much and it is is mark of a great leader ed and the leaders and his Leadership Team theyve moved forward hiring the right people supporting them and getting fabulous results happy new year and thank you to you and youre Leadership Team i dont see very many of you today but thank you. Id like to add that the agency is so well served by every level we see it all the time basically continues very supportive and the ambitious we get a well thought out and advanced on behalf of the people of San Francisco and this board thank you very much and director reiskin thank you. So as just one more thing id like to request we adjourn in the memory of mary brown a city Family
If not by funny can weigh in on social media. Istter http twitter. Com cspanwj. It also send us a email at journal cspan. Org. If you have not seen or read the republican pledge, please look at it. It is a very brief document from the rnc. It says i come in so and so, a firm that if they do not win the nomination, i will endorse the republican nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that i will not seek to run as an independent, write in candidate, nor will i seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party. That is it. Donald trump cited in new york. During the 1 00 hour yesterday. He was at a meeting with the head of the rnc. He came out it to a clock, donald trump did, he spoke to reporters. This is what he said. [video clip] justrump the chairman left, as you probably know. He has been extremely fair. The rnc has been extremely last twofor the months. I wanted fairness. I do not have to be treated any differently than anybody else. I just wanted fairness fro
Thank you. I want to not something before we start that also meeting today starting at 2 oclock and cohen and i each have a items and if land use if this Committee Hearing is still going when those items supervisor cohens item gets called we will take a brief recess and resume when theyre done i dont think either item will take long. Madam clerk call number one its a resolution of the president to permit the issuance the qualified Revenue Bonds for the presidio avenue. Okay. And supervisor breed is the author of this item and understand that ann ray merry from the office of Housing Community development. Good afternoon, supervisors im ann im from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development this is for the city to submit an application to the Debt Committee to issue up to 15 million in Revenue Bonds in support of the john burton housing complex that will be 50 new units for singlefamily homes the Booker T Washington is using the Housing Authority and the new participating at