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If not by funny can weigh in on social media. Istter http twitter. Com cspanwj. It also send us a email at journal cspan. Org. If you have not seen or read the republican pledge, please look at it. It is a very brief document from the rnc. It says i come in so and so, a firm that if they do not win the nomination, i will endorse the republican nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that i will not seek to run as an independent, write in candidate, nor will i seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party. That is it. Donald trump cited in new york. During the 1 00 hour yesterday. He was at a meeting with the head of the rnc. He came out it to a clock, donald trump did, he spoke to reporters. This is what he said. [video clip] justrump the chairman left, as you probably know. He has been extremely fair. The rnc has been extremely last twofor the months. I wanted fairness. I do not have to be treated any differently than anybody else. I just wanted fairness from the Republican Party. We are leading in every single poll. A new poll came out today that we are over 30 . We have hit numbers as high as 35 and 40 . I felt like the absolute best and to be the democrats, and very easily, i think, be to the democrats, no matter who it is, whether it is hillary are anybody else and i think that maybe hillary will have a very hard time, frankly, with what is happening, getting to the starting rate. The best way for the republicans to win is if i win the nomination and go directly against whoever they happen to put up. For that reason, i have signed the pledge. [applause] so, i will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands. We will go out, and we will fight hard, and we will win. We will win. Most importantly, we will make our country great again. That is what it is all about. What is being wind about all of this, this morning . The Washington Post headline bow that trumps loyalty ins the gop problem, but brings others. The bustling scene attended by a crowd of reporters and tv cameras was more political theater than the marking of a formal pact. Trump is under no legal obligation to abide by the political document. Him closer tokes a party where rank and file activists have throughout the summer, and his leadership has been met with alarm, especially the prospect of an outside bid that could siphon away those republicanentual standardbearer. By bringing trump deeper into the partys tent, the republicans gained reassurance about his intentions and fallout theing closely with unpredictable and sharp tongued billionaire that has angered hispanics about his remarks about immigration. We will take this closer with jonathan easily, a reporter for the hill publication. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. More on the back story, what led up to this event yesterday . What was happening behind the scenes . What finally made mr. Trump sign the pledge . Caller will lead up to it was the donald trump refused to take the option of a thirdparty run off of the table. You probably remember the very first question at the Republican Debate in early august. The moderator asked everyone to raise their hand to take it off the table. Trump was the only one who refused to do so, he said he wanted to to the option out there as leverage. He wanted to make sure the National Party treated him properly. There was tension early on between Republican National Committee Chairman and donald trump. He called trump, reportedly asking him to tone down his rhetoric about hispanics. Trump was trying to make inroads with minority voters, and the party did not think trump was helping with his rhetoric. There has been tension, there, but i think that trump has been living in misdirection for some time. His hand was forced a little bit moving in thisen direction for some time. His hand was forced a little bit. This loyalty pledge will probably be a requirement to get on the ballot. He was probably going to have to do this anyway. The National Party quietly circulated a pledge on wednesday to all of the candidates. The news got out there. The news that he would travel to new york city and try to get trump to sign. It is all happening on Donald Trumps terms. Us did not travel to see in the every other candidates. He went to new york city. There was political theater directly afterwards. Donald trump had a press conference with supporters at trump towers. Supporters in the background. Answering questions on home brady and kanye west. A spectacle that we have become used to with donald trump. Ultimately, he ended up citing it, but it is also not winding. Will be interesting to nonbinding. It will be interesting to see if donald trump continues to do well in the polls. If National Republicans decide to rally around an alternative to trump, if you will stick his word and stick to the pledge. Host it is up 30 and one of the most recent polls. We can look at that headline. What do you think of this decision to sign it . Will this decision improve the numbers, keep them stable . What is the speculation . Caller that is really hard to say. For now, and in the near term, it removes some of the drama surrounding this. It is really difficult to launch a thirdparty bid. It will be expensive. It is difficult to get on the ballots. I do not know how realistic of a prospect of ever was. If anyone could do it, it would be donald trump. He has the money to do it. There is still a question, whoever donald trump supports, hese polls so that does well across the conservative spectrum, with tea party people, people who describe themselves as very conservative, moderate, as liberals. Young people, old people, men, women. Are stillof pollsters trying to figure out who Donald Trumps supporters are. It is hard to see if they want him to run as a republican or would respond to him running as an independent. Whether this will energize them, or not matter to them whatsoever. We do not know if this will boost him in the polls, but right now, i think what it does is take some of the tension that has been out there between him and the National Party. Like you said, were he to run as an independent and successfully get on the ballot, and do all of these things, it would essentially kill republican hopes of taking the white house. That is what a lot of republicans are concerned about. They wanted to hear from him that he is committed to only running as a republican. That is what he is saying he will do. , a reporteran for the know, thank you for your insight. Lets get to your call. The first one is from wisconsin. A democratic caller. Good morning, paula. Paul. D morning, caller i cannot believe how the Republican Party is drinking the koolaid. They are at a new low supporting this celebrity blowhard. That is all he is, and arrogant billion air that wants to bully people and arrogant an arrogant billionaire that wants to bully people. Intonned investors investing him and then going into bankruptcy. I would have voted for romney in a second over this guy. I cannot believe that republicans are going to for this kook. He is a kook. He is a celebrity. Host 30 is the number in recent polls. What do you think . Shocking. Is it is like republicans, if they could collect the biggest crook in the world, they would support him. He is an overgrown bully that thinks he will bully his way into the white house. Host that is the democratic line. Lets go to lorenzo in austin, texas on the republican line. You think that donald trump should have signed the pledge . I think you should. I think he totally believes, and you will, when the gop nomination. His lead has not grown beyond the margin of error. Some things that you have to consider, it is not if not him, then who. Republicans, based on the bush. S have not liked he only has 8 of the polls right now. If you look at ben carson, his record on abortions with the Fetal Tissue Research is going to be controversial in the primary if it becomes exposed. Trump is the only one by default i can see winning the nomination. As for the previous caller, that was calling mr. Trump a crook and crony capitalist, it seems to be, considering the fact that Hillary Clinton has taken millions of millions of dollars from corrupt people to only want to control the system, who has had scandals since benghazi all the way to whitewater, shes the only first lady to ever be fingerprinted. She has such agates. The reason that people she has such baggage. The reason that people are supporting trump is he is the only person speaking against little correctness. When he does win the nomination, when it comes time, he will win the general election because people are sick and tired of the status quo of politician saying whatever they want to say just to get the right answers. Greensboro, North Carolina. Should donald trump have signed the pledge . Caller it is not make any difference if donald trump signed the pledge or not. Us liketrump played priebn a fiddle. If he does not get the nomination he would go to the third party anyway. I cannot believe that the republicans are really trying this tactic. Like i said, donald trump really played him like a fiddle. Host the first couple of calls, heres her first meet. Trump is being a realist, she writes. It is difficult running as an independent, which makes it almost impossible to win. This helps jump and the gop. To the New York Times this morning, they put it on page 816. He signed the pledge. There is a passage i wanted to point out. Why mr. Trump was asked, mr. Appearing with him at the news conference. That would have looked like an endorsement. Tourged the Party Chairman avoid it. Optics were clear. The head of the Republican Party came to Trumps Office in midtown manhattan. A tribute unlikely to be afforded to the other candidates. Chris christie called him obsessed and said that mr. Iebus did not give him the same respect for his signature. 2 ,do not have to be met at mr. Trump said. He said he liked mr. Christie. His voice rising, mr. Kim said he took pleasure in the fact that everyone that has attacked me has gone down the tubes. A little bit more of the flavor from new york. Greg is on the line for an independent color. Caller thank you, for having me this morning. I just want to make a comment. Ae republicans are using tactic directly from niccolo machiavelli. They need donald trump. You are fired, thank you. Caroline from winstonsalem, North Carolina. We are asking folks of mr. Comp should have signed the pledge. What is your perspective . Caller i think he should not have. Im a democrat. What i heard trump, i have been following him, he got on the stage and said that he would not sign. He lifted his hand and said that he was not going to sign it. Then, he came right around and signed it. I thought the gop has been dominating negativity about the democrats and president obama for years. He was different. I thought that he was going to stick with not signing. He signed it. Trump hadt the donald had negativity about other candidates, especially jeb bush. I do not care about the gop, but he planted the bad seed that he is weak. In the republicans believed it. Just like they did the koolaid about obama is weak and not a good leader. Up. Nt the democrats to wake stop being weak minded and let people planned negative seeds in. Our head and you believe it especially about hillary. Hillary would be you can see how he does people that attack him. In a war. He is the one unstable. We need to stake with hillary. She has the experience. Stop letting these gops plant negative seeds about hillary. Stop drinking the koolaid. Host thank you for your call. Rick writes on twitter that he is shocked that trump signed the deal, but it represents another deal he can win a gun he can regege on. There are staunch republicans that would have not have voted chums way if you had not signed the pledge. Reasonhat followed his for hesitation, you do not have to be concerned, because he tops the ranks by a great margin. They better see the gop making everyone who ever wants to run for president in the future sign the pledge. If they ever miss one person, trump should sue. Daniel writes the trouble make more money by setting the pledge. He needed to sign the pledge. The potential nominee should have signed it. You can leave comments at http twitter. Com cspanwj, facebook. Com cspan, or send us an email at journal cspan. Org. More reaction from the Washington Times on page 883. It says that trump signs pledge to support the republican nominee. The Senior Adviser from mitt romneys Campaign Said that it is good news is on as he does not change his mind. He said, all along it felt like trump has had a gun to the head of the republicans, basically saying, vote for me or i will kill the gop. By setting the pledge, trump his extortionist power over the party. At the end of the day, i do not think the pledge is worth much, because trump can always have a reason for backing out of it, claiming the party violated its pledge to him to be fair. They point out that for his part, mr. Come said he has no intention of changing his mind. That is a Washington Times be used. Marilyn from billy, maryland. The democratic line. Good morning. Bowie,lyn from maryland. The democratic mind. Caller host we will take more of your phone calls for the next 3035 minutes. Were looking forward to more facebook postings and tweets. We are asking if donald trump should have signed a republican loyalty pledge. We have phone numbers for democrats, republicans, and independence on the bottom of the screen. We do have a fourth line this morning just for supporters of donald trump. We look forward to more of your comments. Added Bloomberg Politics rights but donald trump just signed his political death warrant. There are a couple of Different Reasons for it. He said it is unlikely to he wanted toat accomplish. There are a number of reasons why it will hurt him. First, it shatters the independent image that is the key to trumps appeal. The idea that he is not beholden to anyone and will make a great president precisely because of this. Second, rather than quiet the attacks against him, this gives the gop license to amplify them without fear of repercussions down the road. Third, they ride by signing the pledge trump invites everyone to judge him by that standard. It is not a standard that favors him. Supports higher taxes on hedge fund managers, opposing cuts on medicare, until now his political image was of someone larger than either party that had appealing views. After today you will be easy to attack as a republican who will not get to the program. One more point at Bloomberg Politics, trump seems to not understand the dynamic of the republican primary process. The fact that he is leading in the polls while plainly gratifying to his ego does not mean much. And i trump sentiment is actually quite strong. Thank you for waiting. The democratic line, good morning. Caller i have a question. This is funny to me. Republicans, they open up this pandoras box. You know what i mean . This reminds me of what is that again . The boxstory that says in the scorpion wanted to get across the river. Get on led the scorpion top of him to get across the river. When the scorpion stung the fox, and the fox said, why did you staying me . It was because i always do that, and that is what republicans have done. Theyre going to get st inged. Dont blame anyone, it is your own fault. You open up a pandoras box and he will get stung. I like it for the simple fact you will get it. You open the box and you will get it. Host thank you for calling. Rick from florida. Is, trump isestion a real estate mogul, and i have not heard him mention anything about the millions of people who lost their homes due to the financial bubble in the real estate market. Why is that . Host why do you think that is . Caller well, i guess because the reporters have not gotten around to asking him. Host something you look for to hearing about in the future, though . Caller i hope so. Host what do you make of the pledge . The whole idea of a pledge of loyalty to the party and the fact that mr. Trump and others are signing it . Caller i believe that he is a smart man that can get things done. That is why he signed the pledge. I hope that he does become president because he could make things happen for this country, and make things good for this country. Host john from pennsylvania. Caller good morning. I am a registered republican, but i do vote independently. I will be voting in the republican primary. , i would hope never to have to vote for bush o clinton, but donald trump has more scandals and skeletons in his closet than the bushs and clintons combined. If anyone would go to Atlantic City today they would see the is still the trump taj mahal they would see the taj mahal is still the trump taj mahal by name. The cards you get to play there are from trump and attainment. Trump entertainment. Trump was then major owner of that property, a tajleman walks into the mahal and shot the casino manager dead and killed himself. He done that, he had mailed a letter to the newspapers saying why he was doing this. Trump with his money was able to keep that letter from getting out into the public, but he had played the table games. It was because he was accusing trump of controlling the card games electronically. Host how did you not about all of this, john . Caller this was in the newspapers. The gentleman walked in and shot that was in the newspapers. It was in the newspapers that this letter had been mailed in. Host so, what is caller i do not know if the table games are controlled electronically. Every slot machine in the casinos are controlled electronically. Host let me jump in, im not trying to cut you off, just asking a question. Everything you said, what do you think that has to do a thing a good president ial candidate or a president . Connect the dots if you can. Isler i think anyone who going to Atlantic City knows that these machines and slot machines are being controlled electronically. They know who is playing those machines, and they pay off them jackpots to their friends. Trump has made clear in the debate that his reason for bribing Hillary Clinton, he gave her 100,000 and made it clear that he thought that she was such a beautiful person he had to have her attend his wedding. 30 of the people will believe that is why he bribed her, but i dont think the majority of people will ever believe that is what he wanted off of the clintons. He wanted a favor that would benefit him financially. Host thank you for calling. We want to get other viewpoints. Robert simpson is one. He wishes he says a pledge to work for all americans interest would have been better. The headline at cnn. Com. Carly fiorina, another republican candidate, says the pledge and at trump is unenforceable. We have tapes of chris christie, the governor from new jersey and a gop candidate, signing the pledge yesterday on fox news. [video clip] we have a pledge for you. We heard you had not signed it yet. Will you run as an independent candidate . Prieow, and i do not need bus to meet with me before deciding. September third, i am in. More of your calls. David from michigan. We will look at that pledge that the candidates are signing. Go ahead, david. Caller thank you for cspan and taking my call. I think it is the biggest joke in the world, donald trump. The Republican Party is fake. He is a fivetime taxpayer bailout boy. I cannot believe that republicans are supporting him. They are against taxpayer bailouts. He also said that the country runs better under a democrat president. They have so much ammunition after this guy it is a total joke. The whole Republican Party is a joke. The president ial debate with a total comity skit. Skit. Edy get with it, vote democrat, thank you very much. T an independent color, an independent caller. Caller listening to the comments, it seems like the iq of the callers is atrocious. Misinformation. Theyre taking comments as far as his bankruptcies. Dot is what businesspeople when the turn down hit. He was not doing anything illegal or immoral. The democrats, what they have to offer on their side is a potential felon, a communistsocialist but is nothing over there. I do not think a lot of democrats i think a lot of democrats are going to cross over to this man. We have a last ditch effort to maybe save the country. This goes not happen around, i do not think there is any saving it. Host louise from maryland. Caller good morning. Of thisat do you make pledge . Caller i think donald trump just hung his neck. I dont think he should have signed that pledge and i would just like the man we saw before. This has become a comical game to see who can be the funniest end of the most stupid things. He didnt have a little bit of rationality when he had not signed that pledge, but now he has signed the pledge. Has put himself in a news and i do not think he is any better off than Hillary Clinton for what she has done and i think it is a shame or america. As america, we have to wake up. That is all i have to say. Host all right. One more clip making news this morning. Politico has this headline trump stumbles. On with hughwent hewitt and the headlines said or the line says that the servative host hewitt basically an exchange on Foreign Policy and terror leaders. We have a little bit of tape we can listen to and we will be back for more calls. In front of islamist terrorism, im looking for the next commanderinchief to know is the players of that scorecard. You know, you . Trump i think by the time we get to office, they will be changed, gone. I knew you would ask me this because there is no reason because number one, i will hopefully find general Douglas Macarthur in the pack and whoever it is i will find. They are all changing. Those are like history change questions. Do you know this one and that . One in got youbelieve questions. Donald trump that is a gotcha question. I will be so good at the military that your head will spin. Obviously, i am not meeting or seeing these people. There will probably be a lot of changes and by the time we get there, which is still a long period of time, lets say you figure out nominations and you is going to represent the let sayans and february, march, april you get pretty good ideas, maybe sooner than that, actually, but that will be a whole new group of people. Host more reaction this morning. On twitter, they say that now that trip cap has signed a has cartee gop blanche to go after him. Oh. We have charles, independent. Good morning, charles. We are running a country, not a reality show. You know, Bernie Sanders is a straight up guy and you can trust in. You cannot trust trump. Host anything else . I think we lost charles. Lets go to alan in jacksonville, florida. Allen is a democrat. Caller thank you for taking my call. Host you bet. Caller it is amazing as a 67yearold male, sitting and whoening to other adults could just indiscriminately call each other names, they can denigrate each other, they can likes to be myho leader, who will not see how im going to support another individual who is as human as i am. I do not get it. Wheres the disconnect . That goesnews media after that kind of feature all with impunity. They just eat it up and they feed on it. What happened to issues . To individuals talking about how they will implement the things they are saying . If you put that in perspective with our current president , all of the things that he has done, all the things he is doing, and it is being totally just denigrated as if it is insignificant. Fromnother individual another party can come and dont even have to say what theyve got to do but can get all kinds of exposure . That is the tune that people should be talking about that is the tube the people should be talking about going down. Im not that we that i would allow some of the come in and take my ability to be who i am simply because of what they see. That does not scare me. I really would wish that we could elevate the conversation to a level whereby we can talk about how we are going to continue to improve our country for all of its citizens. Host what is it going to take to do that, al, when you look at the candidate, process, media, or whatever the influences are . What is it going to take . Caller adults in the room. Obviously, there are very few of them. You sign a pledge of allegiance in high school. If you are weak minded, you join gangs as you progress through youth and adolescence and adulthood. You either become a biker gang host 40 of the applications it has received, so some credit to germany so far. Lots more of these pictures in the papers and we can take another one and look at another one in the New York Times. We go to tom in fort lauderdale, florida. Tom is a republican. Talking politics today. Donald trump signing that loyalty pledge to the gop, the Republican National committee. What do you make of it . Caller i think it is ready obviously had to sign it because people dont want to support someone who might break off and blow up the election for the broken party. I think its pretty simple. Hungers for leader. They want a strong leader and that is why donald trump is important and that is why he is getting support. Donald trump, if he is president , will not create a bipartisan Economic Committee as the best way forward for this out whennd then find he hears a bipartisan solution, going from it. That is what this president did. Is trying tot operate an aircraft carrier, in my opinion. We are wallowing in racism. We are wallowing in economic stride. We are wallowing in international incompetence. We want a leader and that is why he is getting votes. Is, i get very incensed when i hear people talk about the financial crisis. It should be pretty evident to people that if everybody pay their mortgage, we would not have had the financial crisis why did people stop paying their mortgages . It was a responsibility of the people who sign the papers on those mortgages. They keep saying they are bamboozled, well, have you ever bought a car . Did the salesman try to talk you into a car that may have been more expensive than you could afford . And maybe the salesman were trying to sell you the top . Vacuum cleaner . People have a responsibility in their own actions. When they are shown in black and white what their fee will be and being able to honestly commit to the fact that they can make the payments, and that is the real. Tory of the financial crisis personal responsibility went out the window. If that is going on right now, the housing industry will go through it again. We need responsibility on a personal level. Host we do get the point, tom. Thank you. Steve writes on twitter that trump does not want to be beholden to anyone and you can assure that includes the american voter, if the latter stupid enough to elect him. In usa today they say could be the Tipping Point from the fed. It could take a blockbuster pay ,ate today to raise interest but some economists say the fed will not move even if job gains are eyepopping. Economists escape expect they were to report that they added a solid 218 thousand jobs in august, in line with the 211 average monthly addition so far this year. We will see what happens later and tell you all about it. Washington times reminds us that the new saudi king is in town today. To offer support for the iran deal and he once u. S. Backing on Foreign Policy, so the president is set to receive a reluctant nod of approval for the iran nuclear deal. The new king visits to white house and analysts say it will come at a price as basic washington support for the antiiran Foreign Policy in the middle east. King is here today. Should be in the president do anything out in public that we can record for you, we will certainly do that. One more political story to bring up, joe biden, he was in the soft last night. He is again expressing about 2016. He said on thursday night that he was unsure whether he and his family had the Emotional Energy at this point for president ial bid. Telling an audience in atlanta at the synagogue that i can look you straight in the eye and tell you now that i can do it. A little bit more take on the Vice President last night in atlanta. Joe biden i will be straightforward with you. The most relevant factor in my decision is whether my family and i have the Emotional Energy to run. Is notght think that unless i can go to my party and the american that i am ableay to devote my whole heart and my , ite soul to this endeavor. Ould not be appropriate everybody talks about a lot of other factors. The other people in the race and whether i can raise the money and whether i can put together an organization. That is not the factor. It . Factor is can i do undertake what is an arduous commitment that would be proud to undertake under ordinary circumstances . The honest to god answer is i just do not know. Host last night in atlanta, the Vice President. We have a couple minutes left on trump and his gop loyalty pledge. John has been thinking on. Democratic olc. Caller. Caller thank you. I have been a democratic supporter all of my life. Crossing one time to vote. Catch. Ake this if donald trump is on the ballot in 216, i will vote for him. Host how come . Three i know there are other candidates who are not politicians, but at this point in the race, they have been bought and they are owned by donors whoerest in have supported the campaign. Donald trump is the only one. We must remember that this country, when it was started, was not started by politicians but by businessmen and people like donald trump. All i want to say is go trump. I support you and thank you for taking my call. Host greg in chattanooga, tennessee. An independent caller. What do you think about this . Caller i like with the last caller just said. The only thing i see possible for the country at this point are our ties to you know who the country that we support that is pretty much wrapping up palestinians over there. Until we get ted cruz i love them to death until he opens his mouth about israel and it is all over. A very interesting conversation a couple days ago with david duke and alex jones a lot of people across this countrys eyes. [indiscernible] msnbc, all the false propaganda cspan is about the best channel, period. I support you all all the way. Until we get out from under that burden, we have no reason to be supporting them people over there. Host all right, lets get james. We are just about out of time. James from virginia. A democratic caller. Caller how you doing . Host good, how are you, sir . What is your perspective question of what do you think about all of this . Caller well, i dont think donald trump is the man to be president. He is just a businessman, a show man. We dont need that as a president. Sayslike that last caller that he backed ross perot and no other democrat other than ross perot, but look what happened to him he lost. Go vote for joe biden. Joe biden is the best person to run for vice for president. Host what is it about him that appeals to you . Caller because joe biden is a aod, honest man and he is good family man. You can tell that. He is hurting now because he lost his son. I heard him last night talking and he is still hurting. That is one reason he has not jumped in the ring yet. He said it has nothing to do with money or the race, he can raise it because a lot of people would help him. Just hasnthurt gone away yet. He has lost family before and his family comes first. Person for the family first, that should tell you what kind of person he is. Im almost choked up myself talking about it. Host what kind of price do you think it would be, james, if he got in against Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and others . Caller i think it would be a good race because he is a different joe now. Was just a senator. Now he is Vice President. It makes a big difference when you say he is Vice President. It makes a big difference. He is a much different person now than he was then. Use a Vice President and people look, oh, man. It really makes a difference by being Vice President because hes got a lot more support. He could win it. There is no doubt in my mind because these emails are pulling hillary down and she has not done anything wrong. It is a shame that they do her that way. Host all right, that was the voice of james from virginia. The first section of fridays edition of the washington journal as we talked about the pledge. Lots more politics coming. Coming up, we will talk to anna. Alland of moveon. Org a bit later, we will be joined by Jenny Beth Martin by the Tea Party Patriots on the role of the tea party. And a lotion cycle more calls there. First, as we take a break, we want to show you a piece from comingwsmakers segment up. We interviewed the archbishop about the visit of pope francis to the u. S. Which includes a first ever speech by a pope to congress. Archbishop is president of the catholic bishops. I understand that john of the wrote on behalf house of representatives and i guess together with senator mitch mcconnell, they agreed to make this open invitation. It is my understanding that it is the first time that our holy father has been invited to this joint session. Of course, it is a great privilege. Like at thanksgiving time when youre welcome a special guest into our home and we are really happy that he will also be on, if you would come at the Public Square. He will be in the public stay, so we are eager for him to come. I would look to hear a little bit about the overall things you think he will strike. One of the questions is how much of his address will be interpreted in light of we are already in the political season with president ial elections and a lot of hot issues this is happening as Congress Returns some a long summer break later this month how much will politics be seen to play in his address and what you expect to hear out of him . I think wekurtz have to make room to listen to the message of our holy father. I do not have a text of what he will say, but we can certainly no one other visits and he has had where he has talked in the Public Square and i think that theres a good direction to begin with. I believe that his primary coming is for the world meeting family in which you will be there that saturday and sunday in philadelphia. However, this joint meeting of he will, i suspect focus in on things, first of all, of the common good of what it means to see the dignity of every human person, the great gift of our home which we call earth, and i suspect he will also take up themes such as what he calls the throw away temptation. The temptation for us to become so involved in consumerism that we miss the side of the person outside of ourselves. Washington journal continues. Host joining us now is anna galland who is executive director of moveon. Org. Good morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host lets start with iran because we learned that the president the white house has secured enough votes, starting in the senate, to keep this it avoidede and being defeated. What is a groups reaction to that . Guest this is an historic victory and armor and our members worked their hearts out to help secure this outcome. It is a good, diplomatic agreement that will help keep americans safe and prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. Alternative to this diplomatic agreement is putting us on a path to another openended war of choice in the middle east, which is devastating and an avoidable outcome. The majority of the American Public supports this, so good deal, the public supports it, and alternative is worse. Moveon members have been working for multiple months. In fact, looking back, there is a track record of over one decade of moveon members working to prevent and then stop down, devastating and destructive wars like the iraq war and now the possibility of a war with iran. We have been working in particular over the past two months to encourage democrats in congress to come up strongly supporting this breakthrough Historic Deal and we have been telling people that we will hold them accountable. Telling our elected officials that we will hold them accountable if they oppose this deal. Just in the last month, we had hundreds of events organized by constituents around the country, outside of congressional offices, in city squares and all around the country. We have seen the results of that work. As you know that this week, we have the 34th senator mccluskey come out saying that she would support this deal. That means that he awoke survived, but the fight is not over. We need to see every single democratic senator and every single undecided member of the house come out and say that they will support this deal because ideally, we would like to keep a bad bill of killing diplomacy and undermining diplomacy often desk altogether but we need to see every member of the Democratic Caucus cannot and support this deal for the reasons i said about how good it is and the fact that their constituents, voters, and in particular their Democratic Base will hold them accountable if they vote to kill diplomacy and put us on a path to war. Host our guest is in chicago, anna galland executive director of moveon. Org. We put the phone numbers on the bottom of the screen and we start with iran but we will do with president ial policies and other issues. Our guest just talked a little bit about moveon. Orgs work over the iran deal. We are reminded by this headline 10 million a contribution for them to oppose the iran deal. We also noticed the tweet recently by moveon. Org which we can show on the screen. It is in new york. It looks like senator menendez there and senator schumer, to support thed not deal. Most likely to start a war it says that. Tell us more about your effort, anna galland guest . Donor i should say this strike that we helped organize was bobby successful. We hit 10 million early on. That eventually climbed the wedding Million Dollars that to 40 million that they promised to withhold the Democratic Senators and democratic representatives succeeded in undermining the president s breakthrough diplomatic agreement with iran. The reason is that we do not need another devastating, costly, and avoidable war in the middle east. We have seen that movie before. We know how it ends. Democratic voters, progressive activist in the party were saying clearly and strongly that if you put us on a path to war, we will hold you accountable. Donations,tions, volunteer hours and with our support. You mentionedike will be has been heard in washington because even from small donors, even from people who can only write a check for 25 or whatever it is, that money adds up and members of Congress Need that grassroots support. The second thing you mentioned, the schumer mobile Chuck Schumer wants to be the next leader of democrats in the senate. If he wants to be if he wants to obtain that leadership position, he needs to lead carried leaving right now means supporting and enabling this birther diplomatic deal with iran to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. This is a weapon that nuclear experts, nonproliferation experts, retired generals, friends and allies from around the world believe is a good deal and the best option available. When Chuck Schumer came out and announced that he was going to vote against the deal, i members were furious and heartbroken. This is knowledge we expect from someone who seeks leadership in the Democratic Party. One of our tactic in response has been to take out the mobile billboard in new york city. We have been driving it around for one week. We had an amazing response and launched it with a rally with 100 people. We have that individuals coming off the street and taking selfies with it. I think it has been a really visible way of putting our money where our mouth is and say that if you stand against the clumsy, if you put us on a path to war, we will hold you accountable and this is what accountability looks like. Host richard is our first call in massachusetts. Independent. Caller how are you doing . I dont have a smartphone because i cannot afford one but i will go to moveon. Org. I would like to run for president and i still in my own business but lost everything because of the downturn. I bought a house in 2008 and nobody told me not to buy a house. In 2009, jim cramer said, i sold all my property in 2000. Then i hear marco rubio talking on fox news saying, i sold my house in 2007. He was a guy with two kids, married, why would you sell his house in 2007 if he did not know there would be a clash . All of these insiders have all the money. The heritage foundation, all these people have the money and they do not want to pay taxes. That is why they want a Smaller Government because they dont want to pay taxes. Now they dont want to pay taxes. Nobody ever told me about the stock market. Business 25 years, thousands of customers, nobody ever told me about the stock market. Host lets hear from anna galland. Guest thank you for your call. I would collect the couple of things number one, im site about the struggles the face and number two, it is not just you. Millions of americans lost their homes, whose livelihood took a big hit, lost big chunks on their 400 case on the 41 case. Heres the thing 401 k s. Here is the thing, a broader problem in our economy that we need to face is historic levels of inequality, corporations not paying their fair share to make it right. As you get later in the discussion on the 2016 president ial election, what all of us want to see, not just on the left it on the right as well, we want to see candidates for president and all of our elected officials talking about what they are going to do to make our economy work for everyone. If you work hard, you should be able to have a decent life. That means that people that are fighting for a minimum wage are fighting a battle that we should support. That means when we talk about breaking of the big banks or imposing a transaction tax on Financial Transactions and we talk about making sure that wall street is held accountable, those are all the things we need to make sure are coming up in the context of the 2016 president ial election debate. Those are the kinds of policies we need to be pushing for from our elected officials, said thank you for sharing your story and i think you the economy more fair is one of the great causes of our time and i think we need to ask that probably people who represent us in washington. Host i want to show you the recent poll numbers. It has Hillary Clinton up 45 and Bernie Sanders at 20 2 . They also put joe biden into the you maket 18 , what do of the current numbers, Current Situation on the democratic side . What is missing in your view in terms of person or a type of dialogue . You started to allude but tell us more. Think this is still an open race on the democratic side in the primary for president. Between now and november and it is actually important that we have a real series of debates to debate the issues affecting our country. That we really get to have a real open conversation about the challenges we face as a nation, and that can happen. That is one of the reasons you have an open debate leading up to the presidency, right . And the real contest of ideas. In terms of polling numbers, still an open race and we look forward to seeing the robust and vigorous debate this fall and spring to talk about what we need as a country. , i think, we move on as people may remember, we ran a Vigorous Campaign in late last year and into this year calling on senator Elizabeth Warren to enter the fray and bring her voice into the 2016 president ial mix. Hat of course did not happen we are encouraged to see that all the candidates are beginning to talk about real issues. I think you saw this week or late last week that Hillary Clinton, as well as Martin Omalley and Bernie Sanders, have signed on to a bill introduced in both the senate and house that would close the revolving door between wall street banks and government by laminating the golden parachute by eliminating the golden parachute that thinks give huge bonuses to outgoing members of their staff before they enter government. That is an important sign that candidates are listening to the progressive movement, that we have momentum right now in making a case that we need to make the economy more fair, we need to address big money and politics, we need to do something to address catastrophic Climate Change. You see all these terrible fires happening out west, another reminder of it, we need to listen to and hed the movement who are making important arguments about black peoples experience in america today, and we need to support diplomacy rather than get into other openended wars abroad. All these issues are vital, they are animating the grassroots base of the Democratic Party and we need to hear from all the candidates on where they stand on those issues. Host on to alabama. Republican, michael. Hey, michael. Caller hi. I was just wondering [indiscernible] terrorists and it seems like she is putting the on blast for not going with the bill. People just have their own views and why do you have to put them down like that if they are democrat or republican . Guest thank you for the question. Generally, i do not want to put anyone down. I appreciate you asking askingy and asking for stability and asking for a respectful question to take into account different views. The way i see it is that we are in a moment where there is an important policy choice facing elected officials in our government. There will be a vote in less than two weeks in the house and the senate where our elected officials will decide whether to support or undermine the breakthrough diplomatic agreement with iran that will prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. This a historic win, diplomatic agreement is for those who want to see our country engaging with the world in a pragmatic way, but in a way that leads with muscular costlycy rather than avoidable wars. I think this is a massive decision, heres a consequential for members of our Armed Services, consequential for those of us who want to see arestment here at home and eroding infrastructure, in human needs, and all the things we need to be investing in in the United States and around the world. It is a big decision. When i say that we have been Holding Democratic members of congress accountable, it is because i mean that in a sense that we are holding them politically accountable. We want to see them make a decision that secures peace and security for the next generation. If they vote to put us on a path to war, we will respectfully, civilly, but strongly called the amount and call them out and deny our future support. Thank you for your question. Host you spoke earlier of the need for debate on the issues among the democrats. I wanted to show you a clip that you have probably seen it. It is Martin Omalley, the former Maryland Governor at the dnc meeting last week in indianapolis, and he and others, as you know, have taken issue with the setup for the democratic debates. I want to show you this piece, clip, and that your response. Heres governor omalley. Governor omalley while the republicans put their backward ideas forward before not its a more than 20 million americans, we put our forward thinking ideas on the back burner as if we are trying to hide them from the airwaves. Think about it. The republicans stand before the ouron, they delight president s line they trickle down and they tell their false story only respond with crickets. Tumbleweeds. A cynical move to delay and limit our own party debates. [applause] four debates four debates question mark . We were told, not asked, before voters in earlier states make their decision. This is totally unprecedented in our partys history. This sort of rigged process has never been attempted before. Whose decree is this exactly . Where did it come from . To what end, what purpose, what national or Party Interest does this decrease serve . How does this help us tell the story of the last eight years of democratic progress . How does this promote our democratic ideas for making wages go up and Household Incomes go up again instead of down . [applause] how does this help us make our case to the American People . One debate in iowa . Thats it . One debate in New Hampshire . Thats all we can afford . This, the New Hampshire debate is cynically wedged into the high point of Holiday Shopping season, so as to people watch it as possible. Is this how the Democratic Party selects its nominee . Are we becoming something less . Something else . Whatever happened to the tradition of open debates and a 50 state strategy . , he calls itlland the rigged process. What do you make of what he had to say . Strongly agree that we need more debates. Four debates is not enough to get the viewings from candidates by president s often economy, Climate Change, movement for black lights, Immigration Reform , on what we can do to protect and extend womens rights, and all the range of issues, on diplomacy, on all the issues. For debate is a very small amount of time to the candidates for the policy did policy agendas, to hear who they would appoint, we need to hear a lot more than four debates worth from candidates to get a great sense of where they will take the country. I agree with the governor there and i think our members would and ao see more debates more Robust Exchange of views to understand how anyone contending for our Nation Highest Office and home of a Progressive Agenda and take our country forward. Host before we get back to calls, one tweet michael defined fair share . Everyone knows what it is but no one can describe it, can you help . Guest good question. Thank you for it. A share i think i use that in the context of the become more fair economy, so there is a really simple way to think about this. If you work hard, can you provide for your family . That is very simple. When you look at someone who was working a minimum wage fast food ,ob or to minimum wage jobs juggling hectic schedule, toominute demands, all often right now that is not the way to support your family. I would argue that that hardworking american reporting family in many cases is not getting their fair share of our economy. At the same time, you have billionaires at the top making a killing, doing better than they have done in generations, doing themselves and people like Warren Buffett say doing better than they need to be doing. He is saying his tax rate is lower than his secretaries. That is crazy. The fair share of that secretary is not there. Mean when i say fair share and i think the vision of building an inclusive and effective economy that works for everyone is something that people on the left and right can agree we need. Something we do not have right now. The solutions you are hearing from the Republican Party are nonsense. More of the same trickle down bogus stuff that has not worked for generations. We need to see that really robust conversation coming back to 2016. We need to hear in the context of the 2016 president ial election from all of the candidates about what they are going to do to make our economy work for everyone and what they going to do to comebat combat big money in our politics. It is not a problem for build economy but everything we care about. Host lets go to sean in new jersey. Democratic caller. Caller how you doing . Host fine. Caller one big problem in this country is america has become a big reality show. It is all of these republicans or politicians, democrats, they all, to me, are the same from the same trough as far as im concerned. Capitalism runs this country. Oil runs this country. Anything that creates the dollar runs this country. Any of those that think they can benefit from that, that is what those people want to lead to. , themerican people American People have become drones, video heads, consumers. We are nothing but programmed consumers because everything that you see and everything that ,ou hear is about buy,buy, buy so everyones focus is off of what is important. Those who are serious, the politicians, people who are serious are marginalized or demonized. Or toinsignificant somehow create, like killer for instance, create this benghazi what she really stands for. Unfortunately, it is not going to get any better. I dont care who we put in this office in the country. It is already set. Nothing is going to change, it will only get worse. Thank you. Host a two from our guest. Fort see why so much outlining many challenges we face as a country. I really appreciate it. I will offer an optimistic note. Late last night, moveon members began interbreeding to a humanitarian crisis happening halfway began country leading to a humanitarian crisis halfway around the world. Even in the darkest days when it seems we are in an awful spot and you have someone like donald contender as a viable for president who is an entertainer and clown show kind of character, not a viable politician who should be seeking our highest office, you know, even in those moments, americans are fundamentally decent. People are fundamentally different. They want to make a future that works were all of us that is sustainable, where well take care of each other and make the best of our time on this earth. Yesterday, you may have seen these heartbreaking photos of a threeyearold boy whose drowned body washed up on a turkish beach. These were just the saddest photos you have ever seen in your life. In response, there has been this kind of global home of conscience and people are contributing to support the millions of Syrian Refugees who have been streaming out of the country and seeking refuge in places like europe. Yesterday began mobilizing. I expect us to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to support those families. I offer this because even when things get dark and depressing and even when we think our economy is down the tubes, all these haunting challenges facing us, people have the ability to makeize together and things better. That is what moveon is about. Thats it we do together. We organized together and make an Amazing Things happen together. We support Refugee Families in need. We have organized and protected and historic breakthrough diplomatic deal else negotiated by the obama and the station which is going to prevent a war. That is profoundly inspiring to me. The president s achievements of the last year, as he has really stepped into a progressive posture, include putting us on a path to keep our air clean by enforcing the Clean Air Act and cleaning up our players around cleaning up power plants around the country. Calling for a path to allow immigrants to stay here. There have been so many aspiring victories by regular americans organizing together for progressive change. When it seems dark, i know why, but we can organize together and we can make light, so thank you. Lets hear from jack in providence, rhode island. Independent call. Are you there . Caller i sure am. How are you doing question mark host . Host well. Caller first of all, the iranian deal, this lady is giving a lot of baloney. It will not stop iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon, it will slow them down. Secondly, he could not get it the rest the treaty which we needed two thirds vote on president reagan had the inf treaty done with the soviet union. The congress. In power was a real good agreement. Thirdly, and the supportively, my Business Partner on some deals is an iranian. Ach and i useab them to negotiate on Real Estate Development because we partner up. He runs rings around all, hands down, that guy is brilliant, ok . This is baloney, it will slow them down. Israel, israel will never allow iran to get a Nuclear Weapon. Once intelligence operatives deem they are close, that is what the government at the israeli government, a progressive government, will do something for sure. All he does is slow them down, it does not stop anything. Take care. Host response . Guest heres is the thing about the diplomatic deal that was negotiated which we have set successfully defended and will continue to call on members of congress to come out and support the deal because every vote counts even though we know the deal will be defended and move forward, it Still Matters that every member of congress be called to account to support it. We need to show as strong as support as we can. Heres the thing alternative to this deal is a path to war with iran. No one should want that. We have seen how that story ends with iraq war. Verifiable, there are mechanisms in place, security cameras, inspectors. It is the strongest regime of inspections and verifications that we have ever seen. When the deal was announced, after years of hard work between the United States, five of the world powers, and a flock of negotiators and Nuclear Proliferation experts and others, and the deal was announced, many of those experts have said, holding out, we cannot believe how good this deal is. We cannot believe how good it is and how much it will prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. Deal is is, if this undermined, the rest of the International Community is not going to keep sanctions in place. It is either the u. S. Taking us to war with iran or this verifiable, breakthrough diplomatic deal. That is the tough choice we face. Its not really a tough choice, an easy choice. Of course we should stay off the path with war with iran. In the estimation, not just of me but the American People, Global Security experts, our closest allies abroad, retired generals, the folks who know best say that this is a good deal and we need to do everything we can to defend it. Host we have about 15 minutes left with anna galland was in chicago and executive director of moveon. Org. A little bit more politics. There is a headline in the Washington Post, and i wanted to get your reaction. Democrat dilemma cannot live without Hillary Clinton, cannot win with her. What goes through your mind . Thet as i said earlier, 2016 residential process is the white of the process right now. We need to have a vigorous, healthy, open debate about what kind of policies will move our country forward. That will move us forward to make the economy more fair . What will it was for to get the money out of politics . What is going to move us forward to combat, to move us forward as urgently as we must to combat catastrophic Climate Change . What is going to build the civil rights of all americans . How are we going to defend Womens Health and human rights in a moment where planned parenthood is needlessly under attack from republicans who want to defund it . On all of these fronts, what are we going to do to move our country forward . How we going to defend diplomacy abroad . How are going to build on this historic achievement of this diplomatic deal with iran . How are we going to secure a better life for African Americans who are disproportionately affected by a range of policies in an adverse way . On all of these fronts, we need a vigorous, open debate. We need to hear from multiple candidates about where they stand. That is the debate i hope we can have this fall. I think we need to have this fall. Allegory to having moveon members, they million moveon Members Around the country that other progressive five for this country, cotton for the country, are the lord to having moveon members engage with all the candidates to understand better what they stand and to draw their proposals for how they will take a country forward. Host to one of your points are the candidates doing enough regarding africanamerican and latino, to bring the support . Other pledging to do the right things what you think of the field . Guest i think you are seeing one of the most inspiring an important Civil Rights Movements in our history happening right now. In movement for black lives particular has been organizing and calling out for justice in cases where you are literally seen people being shot and killed by police. The police are supposed to and many local cases have come to light involved in fatal incidents of shooting. That is a real problem and that movement of grassroots activists around the country is right to be calling on elected officials, including and candidates, including the Democratic Party, and after what they are going to do to reform the worst Police Practices around the country. I think we need to continue to hear from all the candidates about concretely what will they do . Individuals are killed in encounters with police and what will they do to prevent these injustices happening in the future . Host jose is on the line from virginia. Democratic caller. Good morning. Caller good morning. Guest one. Caller im calling for clementa pinckney. Im calling for anna galland. I am spanishamerican and i want her to be civilized. Catchy stop calling someone a clown can she stop calling someone a clown . I always vote democrat. I will never vote against democrat. She is talking about their and thishments of them is an illustration you are americanlmost half the people on food stamps you call that and a competent . I want you call that and a competent . In a when your answer. Guest i referred to donald trump and one reason im so dismayed to see someone considered as even a possibility in the context of a president ial debate is that this is someone essentially all painted mexicans and america as rapists and murderers. This is someone who regularly demeans women in the most offensive possible terms. This is someone who is notorious for hosting a show where he gets to scream you are fired at people. This is not a serious candidate for our highest office. My critique there is both on style but also on substance. I think we need far better from our elected officials and candidates for Higher Office and i look forward to hearing from more serious candidates in the months ahead. Host to this point about the number of people on food stamps guest i think if you look around the country, you will see millions of hardworking americans who are too often struggling to make ends meet. Our social welfare is not strong compared to our peer countries around the world that are developed as we are. I think if anything what you are seeing is the equivalent of food stamps for giant corporations and billionaires at the time you safety net for hardworking individual and average americans. I think we need to aim our frustration in a different direction than toward people who are just scraping by with two jobs or three jobs and trying to make ends meet. Host don, brown city, michigan. Caller good morning. I really appreciate cspan, great show. Do miss anna galland, you speak a lot of rhetoric and what you have been talking about this morning. Come on, miss. You can come on there, look in the tv and talk about iran and it is such a good deal . Lets get the facts straight. You go down the road, 10 years, when it is allw, said and done, they will end up with a nuclear bomb, period. My whole family has served this country. Inad an uncle that served world war i. Jumped over japan and came home with a pipe in his head and you stand there and you talk your rhetoric . We are going to end up in a war with iran whether people like it or not. Lets face another fact, wars have been in the middle east for thousands of years. If you think this is going to stop wars in the middle east, youve got another thing coming. If you trust iran give me a break every break that we have tried to give iran, they have reneged, they have live continually, and to this day, they have lied continually, and to this day, they have said death to america. Having said that, how can you believe that we can trust that country . I do know people the people themselves i know a few of them, some iran, and i have talked to them the people themselves are nice, good people, but lets face it. Who runs the country . Its not the people, it is the government. Host that was don for michigan. Anna galland of moveon. Org, several callers have continued to press you about iran, but go ahead and respond. Guest two are for your call and thank you for your familys military service. I, too, have family members who served in the armed forces and i would like to thank you. I want to say two things. One, this diplomatic deal, the alternative to it, make no mistake, is that we will be on a path to war with iran. We will be on a path to an unnecessary, unavoidable, u. S. War in the middle east with a stronger country in iraq was. We have seen how can endeavor like iraq war ended it is unavoidable, but preventable, and if we have a good option to stay off their path, we should take that option. That is what this diplomatic deal represents. That is the first point. The second point, you talk about trusting the iranian officials and how that is a terrible mistake. I think everyone who negotiated this the would agree with you. To not trust, verify. This deal has some of the most stringent, the strongest mechanisms that we have ever seen in an International Accord to monitor and verify the iranian governments compliance with the terms. This is deal of prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon and if it failed, then we will have to go back to what we are doing now which is sanctions, but lets try something first that could move us tuesday move us forward rather than deciding, well, lets just go to war. We have done that before and seeing how it ends. Ourink in the interest of Service Members and veterans, many of whom, by the the, showed up as part of moveons National Days of action in the last month and said, we know what Armed Service look like. We want to avoid preventable and unnecessary war, lets embrace the diplomatic deal, lets firste the diplomacy foreignpolicy which is smart, muscular, and part of it dancing our interest in the world rather than say, sure, lets go to war with iran. It would not be quick, it would not be easy, it would be devastating to the lives of Many Americans of folks abroad, we do not need to go down that path. Host we have frank from ohio on the line. Independent caller. Good morning. Caller i appreciate it. I wanted to tell you some facts. Can you hear me . Guest go ahead. Caller number one, this young lady talk about accountability. Accountability goes both ways. Obama, what he was senator, had no courage to vote against [indiscernible] senator kennedy, god love him, he said no, its and senator feingold, jewish, he votes against the war, so talk about accountability that democrats did not vote. Number two, i am middle eastern. Scholar in the Muslim Brotherhood in turkey. Iran is menace. Obama is doing like a timberland. [indiscernible] what does make a difference if youre devoured by a line or coyotes . Boatis run by committee creatures by medieval preachers. And military iranian are too much inferior force it down. [indiscernible] problem did not break evenly between shiites. They given to the shiites. Let me tell you one thing, agnostic, there is no love left for obama in was the middle east. Toalk to syria every day london. This lady talking out of her head, obama is an insult to Woodrow Wilson and eisenhower. I know eisenhower kicked israel and england and france out of egypt. Iran needs to be bumped. Iran is nothing but menace and you know what they say even when good men do nothing, i am fully behind that jewish mans talk from rhode island and i have no problem with israel. The jews in israel, they are realistic. Israel could live with the arabs and all of my friends. I am a retired professor from you and i have problem with politics. Sympathy. King turkey, my daughter lives that, she taught two years ago when obamaas was on people and put red lines in the sand. Host guest thank you for sharing. You obviously have a lot of regional expertise. I appreciate your call. We disagree on a couple of things. One factual point. President obama rose to power through the Democratic Party, with support from moveon members, because of his strong opposition to the iraq war. Americanlped to bring troops home from iraq, which we think is the right thing to do, though there remain advisers and others there. That is one point. On iran, i think everybody agrees on one thing, which is ally and is no u. S. Involved in a tremendous amount of activity that is problematic to u. S. Interests. That is true. Now, we should think of the question, should iran obtain a Nuclear Weapon . This deal will prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. If you are concerned about what iran is doing now, imagine how concerned you would be if they have a Nuclear Weapon. This is a strong deal and has mechanisms to keep iran to their word. Moveon members have been vigorously organizing over the past months and years to support this deal, for security, for the security of the global community, and for our children, and grandchildren. In norths go to ann carolina. Good morning. Caller first of all, i want to say that people seem to be calling in and forgetting that other countries were part of this deal. The last person forgot that france, england, and germany were part of the deal. But i also want to say is that i think the democrats really need to get out and vote for the congressional elections. This president supports most of the platforms that you talked about, but there are so many things that republicans obstructed, so he was not able to get through. As long as that congress is there, no matter what democratic they willyou put in, not get so many things done. This president really had to govern and accomplish a lot through executive order because he could not get things done. They decided they would obstruct him from day one. What will it take for democrats to win that congress do you think . , thinkingst of all about one second, i appreciate what the caller said. Thank you. To win back congress, it will take a fired up base of progresses that believe that we wil can push our country in the right direction. We have work to do, as engage as activists to broad swath of voters. What we need from our elected officials is bold, progressive leadership. Like making a possible for all americans to attend College Without wrecking up debt. Advancing the civil rights of all americans, embracing diplomacy abroad, getting millions of undocumented americans on the path to citizenship so that they can come out of the shadows. These kinds of policies fire us up and give me something to believe in, and makes you want to go out there, though, and invest my life in this democratic process. To win the next congressional election, the grassroots base needs to get out there and mobilize. We need our elected officials to keep on fighting for all of us, just like many of the champions in congress are already doing. We need them to fight for all of us, and rallied to their side when they do. Host lets go to an independent caller, good morning. Caller i have three comments. Thank you for appearing today. I feel that the Obama Administration is shortsightes Obama Administration policies are shortsighted. For one, obamacare. Also, i feel with the planned parenthood issue and block letters matter, we have to look at history and see who started planned parenthood. Singer. Argaret she had different motives. Lastly, when we talk about jobs and quality, why cant we ever talk about the Federal Reserve . The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, and therefore controls the standard of living. Lets stop beating around the bush and go to the source. We need to repeal the Federal Reserve act of 1933 and restore issue its policy back to the government, not to and independent agency, where no one honors those who they are. , wet i would just say disagree. Rly moveon members, as a community, our progressive americans about the country, working to make this country live up to its full potential in helping the economy more fair, Holding Elected Officials accountable, and staving off Climate Change, and building the Civil Rights Movement in this country, and fighting for diplomacy. We are fighting on all these fronts. Together to make this country more fair, just, and sustainable. I invite you to join us on moveon. Org, and i think cspan for allowing me to have his conversation with people who do not necessarily agree, but i think it is vital that we have this conversation. Host and a gallant anna galland is in chicago. Thank you. We have the new jobless figures that just came in in the last few minutes. Unemployment rate, according to the bureau of labor statistics, for august was 5. 1 . It is folly to a sevenyear low,. The number of jobs added, 173,000, a little less than what was forecasted. Im sure we will hear analysis about this throughout the day, and implications for what the fed might be doing based on these numbers. Coming up next, we will talk more politics with the copartner of Tea Party Patriots, Jenny Beth Martin. Switche later, we will gears and get the latest on the tpp, the Transpacific Partnership. Our guest will be adam behsudi. F politico this we can come i cspan city cspan cityr tour is continue in Grand Junction, colorado. Here is the mayor talking about the city. , Grand Junction is on the western slope of colorado. We are 30 miles from utah. We are kind of in the desert, but 10 miles from the mountains. We have the best of both worlds. The city itself is an old city. It has been here since 1882. It has progressed over the years. We have had a lot of boom and bust. You see a lot of growth at times. You see areas that have really grown, and areas that have. Ecome somewhat subdued as we boom, bust, or whatever, people come in and build areas. In the 1980s, the oil industry pulled out of here. That was probably the biggest. Ust that the area had seen from the early 1980s to about 1982, we had a tremendous amount leaving the valley. The houses were empty. It was probably the worst i have ever seen. Then, a got a little better in the 1990s. As the 1990s progressed, we saw drilling start. It really started booming here because we have more natural gas in the area than anywhere in the United States. That is still a big part of our in grandhere junction. We also have a lot of people who work here and work on the internet. You dont have to live where you work anymore, and people love to live here. Outdoors. E love the we have some of the best biking in the United States. People come here to do biking. They can go out on the trails every night, if they want to. The university continues to grow. It is probably one of the Fastest Growing universities in the United States. We would like to have jobs here to allow those people to stay and create their homes here. , washington journal continues. Host at the table now, jenny president and cofounder of Tea Party Patriots. We want to start with donald trump, and specifically eight piece. O a politico it says that he has, if nothing for, exposed the tea party what it really is. His popularity is proof that the tea party is less a Libertarian Movement than a right Wing Movement of populism. Tea partiers are less upset about the size of government overall than they are that so much of it is going to other people, especially immigrants and nonwhites, they are for governments for them, and against governments not for them. What is your reaction . Guest im not sure that i what donald trump is saying exposes that. I can tell you that the people i work with around the country are concerned about the size of governance. We have maintained that the one way to balance the budget would use the petty plant which reduces spending by one penny out of every dollar that the government spends. That can happen across the board and the government, as far as we are concerned. We just want to get to a balanced budget so we have a debtfree future. The the numbers are on bottom of the screen for our guest, Jenny Beth Martin, of Tea Party Patriots. Before we came on it, we were looking at this pledge that donald trump side yesterday signed yesterday at 1 00 in the afternoon with the head of rnc. Lets take a look at what he had to say. [video clip] the chairman just left, as you know. He has been extremely fair. Terrificas been. That is what i have wanted. I wanted fairness. I dont have to be treated any differently than anybody else. I just wanted fairness from the Republican Party. We are leading in every single poll. I know poll came out today where we are over 30 . We have hit numbers as high as and 40 . I felt the best way to win and beat the democrats, and very easily, i think, be the the democrats,at whether it is hillary, or imebody else and frankly, think hillary will have a hard time to get to the starting gate the best way for republicans to win is if i win the nomination and go directly against whoever they happen to put up. For that reason, i have signed the pledge. [applause] i will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands. We will go out and fight hard, and we will win. Most importantly, we will make our country great again because that is what is all about. Host your reaction . Guest i think it is very interesting that he has done that. I think it will put some voters at ease who are looking at who they want to vote for in the republican primary. To look more begin at the records of each of the candidates. Im glad to hear that he will be true to conservative values. That is an important part of what the Republican Party stands for. Host what do you make of the broad numbers here . This is the poll that made so much news, donald trump at 30 person field. Guest when you see that donald , and carlyen carson fiorina, are doing so well in the polls, it shows that people across the country understand that something is not working in washington, d. C. Willnt to find people who point out and expose the problems with washington, and show is a plan for how they will make our country work the way it was intended with constitutionally limited government, more personal freedom, more economic freedom. Host slate has this headline donald trump is not the gops biggest all of your problem is that they do not have a plausible champion waiting in the wings, a backup candidate. Would you agree . Guest when you look at the field, we have 17 people who are willing to step up and talk whyt what they believe and do you think their direction for america is better than where we have been headed for the last 7. 5 years. I think we do have several people who are there and willing to step up, and talk about what they are willing to do. Right now, it is donald trump. We will see how long that continues to stand, if it goes all the way to the general election, or not. Be strictly we certainly have a lot of people who are willing to talk about how to make our country better. Host can any of those people win over the key demographics that people keep talk king about . Guest yes, i think most, if not all, can. The way you do that is have a track record of showing you want togive more freedom americans and his country and limit the size and scope of government, and you understand that right now, the way our country is working, the people inside washington, d. C. Get their way and make deals with andbusiness and big labor, big government, you china altogether, and it leaves the average american out of the process. Host how do you get support for the Tea Party Movement at this point . Guest i think we can tell that donald trump is talking about principles and issues that the Tea Party Movement has talked about for many years. Is doingeing that he that, Carly Fiorina is doing that, and ben carson, and they are the ones in the lead. Clearly, the values and issues that we talk about are the ones that voters want to hear. Host lets go to the phones. Randy first up from prescott, wisconsin. Good morning. Caller thinks he said thanks cspan. On when the lady from moveon. Org was on george them. Supports trumpke a guy like donald , he is talking what we want to hear, what people want to hear. Moveon. Org, theyre giving money now overseas its a shame what is going on there. Make thisd trump, country great again. Do what the people of the United States have been wrong before. The tea party is doing pretty good. I would love to have the lady from moveon asked the lady g what is ther difference between a socialist and a democrat. Lets make this country great again. We have a democratic president theres nothing but running this country down. Livesse matter black matter, correct. Ves matter. It is up to the president to come out and say stop this, but you do not hear him saying this. The tea party, and everybody else, i tried to get this country back on track. We have to make a change, and we have to do in 2016. Donald trump is saying what we want to hear, ben carson is saying the good stuff we want to hear, Carly Fiorina. We have to get behind them. Hillary clinton is done. Forget about her. Quit wasting your time. Host what do you think . Guest thanks for calling in. I think youre right, these candidates are talking a lot about what we want to hear. We want to see solutions for how we can expand our freedom, how we can get the government out of live our life the way we see fit without interference from the government, as long as we are not harming other people or infringing on their rights. We need to make sure were listening to all the candidates. It is a crowded president ial side. For the republican and, compare their track record, and determine who will be the best person. Host remind us of the definition of a Tea Party Patriot report do you think and what you believe . Guest at Tea Party Patriots, we believe that we want more freedom so that every american can pursue the american dream. That is essentially what we want. Our core values are personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debtfree future. Host john, good morning. I naturally independent caller, but i can only get through all the democratic line. I would like you to answer a couple questions that the gal before could not answer. If there is so much money in politics, how can i get some of that code rather money that koch money in my pocket . All labors all i ever money intoo much politics, it is their money, and it will not affect my vote one way or the other. If it affects all of these s folks, its wrong. Guest we have been targeted by the irs. We understand that when that can have a silencing effect on people across the country. We have seen that happen firsthand. I think the best thing, right now, from what we can see, is that we continue to live by the rules, the way they are intended, and currently written, so that government bureaucrats are not changing them on the fly. When it comes to campaigns and elections, the money must be disclosed when you are advocating for or against the candidate. That needs to continue to happen. Host jeff is calling from new jersey, independent caller. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Host you bet. Aller i just want to make statement about the deportation of immigrants. It is something that has been done before in history, and no one brings that up. Also, before the revolutionary war, probably at the start of it, we were forced to house, feed, and probably School British soldiers. Either inngs that up american history. Thank you for taking my call. Host your reaction . For letting me know about those things that have happened in our past history. I was down on the border last in the summer, and i can tell you, we have to make sure that we get our borders secure. Frightening when you see that the laws of this country, that were written and obeyed. Are not being when that happens, were living essentially in a lawless society. When you talk to the people who are living there, they are being impacted by this crime happening in their homes, backyard, and neighborhoods. We have to get this problem under control, and the first up is the border. Host what about the rhetoric on the right side . Beginning with donald trump, the right way to go . Most important thing is that we get our Border Security or a be have to do that. The American People, we dont trust the government in washington, d c to do what they are saying. We see what is happening on the border and the rules and laws in place are not being obeyed. When donald trump talks the way he is talking, people appreciate yes, the real problem we are facing in this country with illegal immigration, we have to solve this problem. Host a little more from this poll, donald trump leading in all demographics, in addition to leading overall at 30 . , verying to the poll conservative voters, donald trump has 29 . Tea party supporters, 36 . Does that sound right to you . Guest i suppose so. Host under age 50, 30 4 . By gender, 37 percent, men. 23 percent, women. There was a piece that the tea party said they are still trying to determine if donald trump is fair cup of tea their cup of tea, play on words. Ourt what i see from supporters around the country, with donald trump, they hear what he is saying and like what he is saying a lot. They also look at senator ted cruz and see what he is saying. A note he has stood up and fought in washington, so we appreciate that track record. I also heard a lot from our supporters about ben carson and Carly Fiorina. Candidates, the they each have something. Ifferent i would say that the Tea Party Supporters are looking at the entire field, looking at the track record, and working to determine who will be the best next president. Host lets go to john, calling from l. A. Caller good morning. Cspan. Odness for i would like to ask ms. Martin why the tea party suddenly came into existence when barack obama was elected president . Also, does she think that trump is right about his birth. Guest i would say, first about president obamas birth, he has said and shown birth certificates that he was born in hawaii. I believe what the president says in this instance. The tea party came into existence in 2009. Outs inank bail 2008, and vista news bill in 2009. We were very concerned, as we were watching government spent more more money, and our neighbors losing their homes across the country, going into bankruptcy, and losing their homes. When government was bailing out the big businesses and giving the stimulus program, we felt like it was time to stop. Our country at that time was several trillion dollars in debt, not as much as it is now, and we wanted the outofcontrol Government Spending to start. Host you bring up fiscal matters. I want to get your reaction from news on the hill. Chris van hollen says that the tea party could be forcing a Government Shutdown. He says that this years course of events mirrors the lead up to 2013, when gop leaders said they would not let it happen. At the end of the day, the Tea Party Folks have an awful lot of power in the house and senate, so we have a fight on our hands. As the tea party does the tea party won a Government Shutdown want a Government Shutdown . I think we never want to see a Government Shutdown. What we want to see is congress fighting for what we believe in undert the spending control. That has been very important to us. We also want to see, back in 2013, the entire government continue to function and be funded, but we wanted to see happen was the Obamacare Program not funded. We wanted the entire government to be funded without obamacare being funded. As we lead up to what will happen, as we hit the october 1 fiscal year deadline, we will see that there will be a lot of bad deals made. There will probably be a really big massive spending bill, that. S what happens every Time Congress works under a deadline, and makes various bad deals. You will see the tea Party Standing up and calling out what is happening and holy ar holding our elected officials accountable. Twitter, do you think the growth of government is out of control now . Seet you can certainly that from Tea Party Patriots perspective, we have held both parties accountable when it comes to Government Spending. It is currently, and has been, far outside of the scope of what it should be. Yes, it is out of control at the moment. Is it always going to be . That is up to us as american citizens. We are part of the government process. We are part of the governing process to hold our elected officials accountable. We have to elect officials who will work to get us to a debt free future. After the elections, we have to stay involved and make sure they keep their promises. Host debbie, republican caller. Caller good morning. Notuestion is do they realize that if we do not get our border secure, we are not safe. Im not talking about one race comingle, but many races across the border. America, first of all, has to be safe. The second thing, we do not hear lot about bobby jindal. I have listened to him, and he is a smart guy. Talk a lot,get to maybe he does not have a lot of money, i dont know. I understand why people like donald trump. He says what none of us have the guts to say. Most of us feel that what donald trump is saying is for americas best. Yes, he says in a very raw and ss way of saying things, i think he needs to tone down his rhetoric, but other than that, i dont think he is a bad guy. He is just an american, like anyone else, saying, we need to get our country back. I think bobby jindal is a good b guy, you dont hear much about him at all. Guest we will see what happens when it comes to bobby jindal and how he does in the upcoming debate, and if he winds up. Aving a surge we will have another debate in a few weeks. As far as donald trump goes and the rhetoric, and thinks he is. Aying, i think you are right a lot of what he is saying is what people across the country want to hear. Even when he says things that some people may not want to hear, they have respect for the fact that he is willing to stand up and say it. He is not sugarcoating things, or worrying about being politically correct. He is worrying about our country and saying that he thinks these are the solutions that need to happen. We, as american citizens, appreciate that. It is not something that is simply glossed over. We hear all too often from politicians, whether inside washington, d. C. Or in our state capitals. It is one reason that donald trump is doing well right now. Host 20 minutes left, or so, with our guest, Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots. We have been talking little bit about iran this morning. Hold an antiiran deal rally in d. C. Will you still hold the rally . Guest yes. It will be next wednesday, september 9 on the west lawn of the capital at 1 00 in the afternoon. The purpose is to make sure that our elected officials understand that we do not want this iran deal to pass. It is not a good deal. It is very very concerning to us at Tea Party Patriots for a few reasons. The very first reason, and the reason we got involved is that it should be treated as a treaty, and it is not treated as a treaty. That is why we got involved because we stand for constitutionally limited government. That ship sell, so we started looking into the details of it, and we heard about five deals that have come out, and secret deals that have come out. Iran will be able to inspect one of their sites themselves. Americans will never be allowed to do the inspections. Ran will get to have a 24 get thingsriod to in order before any inspection happens. We have to give them a 24 date notice before inspections occur. Then, the money that will be released from the sanctions is und terrorism. Even secretary of state ker ry said that will not happen. It is a bad deal for america. We need to make sure our elected officials understand that we do not want it to happen. The vote has not been cast yet. Host are less guest our last guest from moveon. Org said this is the best guest the people in iran still want to see americans dead, and aey will wind up having Nuclear Weapon at the end of this deal. Were not going to be able to ensure they have one during the time of this deal. And, the money will be released that will fund terrorism. Seeterrorists also want to us dead. This is very concerning to me. I dont want my children and a world, where they graduate from college, facing a world where iran is armed with Nuclear Weapons. Host back to our calls. Lee is on the line from oregon, democratic caller. Caller good morning. They for taking my call. Thing that concern me yesterday is that the other republican candidates will sign this pledge. Donald trump is a demagogue. We had demagogues in the 1930s, who blamed our problems on the jews. We had demagogues when i was a teenager with mccarthy who blamed our problems on communists. Now, we have donald trump, and all her problems are blamed on illegal aliens. When will someone of the press, like what edward r. Murrow did, what donald and say trump is. The basic andg to stings of the American People. Someone has to stand up and say enough. Host are you still there . Caller yes. Host who do you think that person will be . Caller i fear there is no one. We have no one in the press who has the procedure encourage to do what edward r. Murrow date. We currently have no one in the Republican Party, whether be senator mccain or governor romney, or whoever, who will stand up and call this man out. We have a lack of courage. Host thank you. Calling out donald trump. Guest i think we have watched as people have attempted to call out donald trump. I think that one thing that has made donald trump appeal to even more americans for instance is macys pulling his sponsorship from them. Their sponsor he says, i will continue to say it i think is right what think is right. People are looking hi at him and saying, he is saying what he believes, and not allowing people to bully him around, and they appreciate that. Host republican caller for Jenny Beth Martin. Caller good morning, miss martin. I have a couple of questions and a statement if you would just give me a second. My first statement is keep up the good fight. I support the tea party 100 . , doirst question would be you first see having any rallies in myrtle beach or the wilmington, North Carolina area anytime soon . My second statement is that i support donald trump, while he may be a little abrasive, he is not business as usual, and that is very appealing to me. And my lust question, my last question, im also interested in dr. Ben carson, Carly Fiorina, and ted cruz. I would like to know, what is the tea Party Opinion of those three candidates . Thank you very much and have a nice holiday. Guest thank you for your support. As far as that of in myrtle beach, first, come on up to washington, d. C. Next week on wednesday and join us on the west lawn of the capital as we opposed the iran nuclear deal. I dont know right now, on the top of my head, what will happen in world beach over the next few months, but in january, there will be the statewide Tea Party Convention in myrtle beach. As the other candidates you said you like donald trump and are also interested in been present, Carly Fiorina, and ted cruz. Im here today talking from Tea Party Patriots. Partye finish at tea patriots with our focus on the iran deal and the upcoming protest next week, then our super pac will be working and gearing up again as we and value andach of the candidates show the positives and negatives of each of the candidates, compared to our core values and the issues and solutions that we care about to our supporters, to let them take a look at that and determine whether the Tea Party Citizens Fund will make an endorsement. I encourage you to look at our website for more details on that in the next few weeks. We need to evaluate each of these candidates on all of the issues that we care about. Host how do you go about the evaluation process . Us of the issues. Are there many of them that you will focus on . That wee have several are focusing on. Issues, whether we make an endorsement or not, these are the issues that we care about. Issues. E about eight i dont know i will list every single one of them. We are focusing on things that can actually be done by october 1, 2017. We are almost at october 1, 2015, and we are seeing the congress will be making deals. We want to see obamacare revealed. We want to see our Border Security are equivalent to see a balance budget with a penny plan our borders secure. We want to see a balanced budget with a penny plan. We want to make sure we have the biometric visa entry and exit system in place. We have a few other items. We are calling them are yellow card project. We will roll them out in the next few weeks and educate people about how we can actually expand her slow freedom, economic freedom, and have a debt free future. Host here is a tweet to send your way. Tea Party Patriots claim they are for constitution and will rally against iran deal, but not a people on congress not r. Thorizing isis wa guest when it comes to the iran deal, it should have gone through congress as a treaty. That is why we got involved in to begin with. It is not being dealt with as a treaty. It may pass with a minority. This is the first time we have ever been involved in an issue that expands beyond mostly domestic economic issues. This is the first time we have been involved in something dealing with Foreign Policy. Host we will go to arizona now, democratic caller. Caller good morning. Before i get to the body of my comic, i would just like to say, anybody who calls up and denigrates government, or wants to and it or replace it, i would like to know, what would you like to replace it with . My background is tv news. I teach a class of propaganda at the local community college. Oregon, yes,nd mr. How did the tea party informed . There is a documentary online,. T is ca heres the trick. Saturate the airwaves with thatand patriotism was how fox news was created. Rupert murdoch created a network where workingclass people would go hard to the right. What is limited government . Is sell offans for all public assets, including our public parts to industry. States rights. States, by themselves, are far weaker, and can be taken over, one legislator at a time. Individual rights what that means is you can die under the bridge that you live under. The koch brothers, the heritage foundation, i dont even know what to call them. Brats. Them the rich these people are in the extraction business. They always confused success with matt. They do not give a damn about the constitution or workers or labor. By the way, i big labor because im a working person. I just want to point this out. Pagepatriotism is the last refue of scoundrels, and religion is the first. Guest you said quite a few things, so i will do my best to comment on those. I never said i want to end government. If you are saying that is something that i said, that is simply incorrect. I said i want to get Government Back into the size and scope that it should be. We want to see us having a debtfree future and the balance budget. Right now we are 19 trillion in debt. The way we get to that is implement the penny plan which lessmply spend one penny out of every dollar that the government spends. If we do that, we will have a balanced budget in five years. That is nothing that is too radical. It is simply spending one penny less out of every dollar that is spent. If you had to do that in your household, or i had to do in my household, i would find a way to do that. I dont remember Everything Else you said. I would like to say that i ,esponded to a rant from cnbc of the chicago stock exchange. They said that our Founding Fathers would be turning over in. Heir graves we got on a Conference Call the very next day, and a week later, we had the tea party. We organized through twitter. Most of us i did not know i knew one other person on that call, and only from online commute rations. Communications. It was a spontaneous movement, and because of what was said on cnbc. Host good morning. Go ahead. Caller using your logic, why do ,e need your organization moveon. Org, or any organization, to tell us the obvious. If you can read, you can open a history book and find out what is going on in this country. For you to tell us obvious, and draw a very good salary doing it, it seems almost against your own message that you put out there. Secondly, about immigration i am from california, i this isamerican something from the 1960s that started, if you are aware of the bracero problem. The reason we have such an oflux of workers is because the agribusiness. This is something that we started and have to pay for. We are paying for it by having immigration now being part of the fabric of this country, whether you like it or not. You will not be in the majority and a very short time. Look a whole lot different than you. That is something you have to accept. Thank you for that. Perhaps, read a little bit, you will find out why things are the way they are. Guest i certainly hope that a lot of americans do read and stay informed on what is happening in our government. Organizations like my organization, or organizations , we the guests before me are involved in what we are doing because we want to take action, not just read and passively Pay Attention to what is happening in the world around us. We want to take action on what we see. That is why Grassroots Organization like Tea Party Patriots, or others, why we do what we do. Host art in texas, republican line. Caller i have a question for you, jenny beth. Having aoncerned for ,imited federal government limited in power and scope. That is the essence of the Article Five Convention of states movement. Im wondering whether the Tea Party Patriots have actually endorsed the Article Five Convention of state, which is our founders way of reining in a tyrannical government. Host lets hear from our guest. Guest thanks for calling. , and think what is laid out on the article five process is a very good process. I, personally, like what it says. You have to Pay Attention to the fact that just because this is , it islike personally is no not what our organization is necessarily supporting. We have done a lot of training on this and debates, live debates and also online, and town halls, and at the end of the day, our supporters are del divided on the issue. Im not saying they think it is a bad idea, but they are not 100 sure. What we have done a Tea Party Patriots is continue to provide information on it, and encourage people to get involved in the other organizations working on this. My former cofounder is involved in convention of states. To work andus all focus not just on what is happening in washington, d. C. At the federal level, but continue to work at the state level to push and minutes to the constitution, so that if we get the opportunity to have our states ratified, the we will be able to do that. Int lets try to get another call or two. Walter, new orleans, democrat. Caller good morning. My question is about the basic way that the tea party was organized. It was organized as a political organization. , the way the tea party supposedly has been when theyd, the irs were doing what we, as citizens, tosigned them to do have anh, when you organization is politically affiliated, have taxfree status. Just recently, sirius radio, have they dropped cspan . They were at 120, and now there is a Fox News Organization there. The last remaining question for this young lady is the republican constantly talk about securing the border. Does anyone know how much we invest every year to secure the border right now . To take steps to make our border strong . How much are they willing to that supposedly to secure complete border . Thank you. I think you will answer one of the questions. Host go ahead first. Far as how this movement got started, i cnbcnded to a rant on about the stimulus package, and which they were complaining about the same as package and said that our Founding Fathers would be turning over in their graves, and we should have a Tea Party Like they did. We got on a Conference Call, there were 22 of us, and we hung up the phone, and about one week later, we had 48 tea parties across the country. We have 35,000 people in attendance. We have grown from there. The way we got started was to stand up and say, we are very concerned about the spending in our government, and protest, using our First Amendment rights. As we move through the process, we understood that if we were collecting money, we would have to set up some sort of structure with the irs, to report what we are doing. Requiredhat is legally , and we have no problem living within those laws. We did that. Unlike other organizations, organizations with the words Tea Party Patriots were targeted. Our process of applying for the 501 process, it should have taken 6090 days, maybe four months tops. As it turns out, it took my organization over three years, and we got a phone call from the irs to our attorneys, the day before i testified to congress, saying that we would be granted our status. That is not living within the law. That is not the way the law is written or the regulations are written. It is wrong and lawless. Irs will be held accountable for this. Siriuso the collar about toe were moved from 120 2 455. If you have lost cspan radio someirius, there are freeways you can listen to the spirit you can listen to it at cspan. Org radio. Riussas si. Ecision, not ours loretta is calling from mississippi, republican line. Caller i heard donald trump this iranthat over thing, israel, if they attack iran, we are obligated to help iran. Is that true . Guest i am unaware of that. Im sorry. Host we just saw that story yesterday, and have no way of knowing why that is true. Why do you bring it up . Caller i decided on another channel, and i was wondering, because i havent heard it before. I was also calling about the you have to pay for cable to get fox news. Cbs,those other stations, nbc, and abc, you can be low income and watch them, even if h theiragree with the views, you have to pay for fox news. Mississippi, they tried to break in her house, and she had to call the police. It is real. I also want to call and talk about absolute power in the government. By native american family, my grandfathers mother marched on the trail of tears. There is power, and it can hurt people. Guest thank you for that. If you want information about what Tea Party Patriots did regarding immigration, you can check out our website. We did the documentary from my lastand my teams time year. We will be in washington next week on wednesday, september 9, at 1 00 on the west lawn of the capital. Said a ted cruz the donald trump will join us. We are rolling out more more speakers each and every day. Come and join us. Be a part of this. Make sure that our congressmen and senators, before they actually asked their vote, understand that we, as american citizens, are greatly concerned about this iran deal. Host Jenny Beth Martins president and cofounder of Tea Party Patriots. We have a little bit more than 30 minutes left on this edition of washington journal. When we come back, we will talk about the Transpacific Partnership deal. Our guest will be a reporter with politico, adam behsudi. We will be right back. A signature feature of booktv is there all day coverage of book fairs and festivals from across the country, with top nonfiction authors. Here is our schedule. Beginning this weekend, we are live from the 15th annual ouronal book festival from nations capital. The september, we are in new york with the brooklyn book festival, celebrating its 10th year. The southernt is festival of books. The week after that, were live from austin. From our nations book length, it is the wisconsin book festival in madison. Bostoneast coast, the book festival. At the start of november, we will be in portland, oregon, followed by the National Book awards from new york city. And, were live for the 18th year in a row at the Miami Book Fair international. That is a few of the book fairs and festivals this fall on booktv. Wos the sunday night on q a, Stanford Law School professor rodey talks about the high cost of law school and then lack of diversity in the profession. We need one year program for people doing routine work, two year programs as an option for people who want to do something specialized, and 34 years for years for34 year people who want the general practice education that we have. We have is onesizefitsall model of Legal Education that is extremely expensive. The average debt level for law students is 100,000. That assumes that you can train everybody to do everything in the same way. I am licensed to practice in two states, and i would not trust myself to do a routine divorce. Sunday on cspans q a. , washington journal continues. Host we are talking trade now. Our guest is trade reporter for politico. He is adam behsudi. Specifically the future of the tpp, the transpacific trade deal. Can you remind us of what the trade bill is all about . Guest this is a 12 nation trade deal. The u. S. , mexico, canada, malaysia, and other countries. They had been negotiating this trade deal for over five years now. The talks relief elevated really accelerated over the last year and a half. Japan joined, which will be the secondlargest economy in the talks. They are at this point where they are trying to close the deal. The last round of talks that they had was at the end of january in hawaii. I guess there was a hope that they could i guess there was a hope that they could close it there. They need to go to the n reassess the situation there. This has been a longterm issue. This has been something the Obama Administration has been pushing for a long time. One of the president s top economic minorities while he has been in office. Move forward what are currently the top three of the stickiest issues . Guest this is true deal of the 21st century. They are going to address these issues like allowing data flow between countries unhindered without barriers. Onling with disciplines state owned companies and state owned businesses, which has been a big issue in china. These sticky issues have been the issues that have been at the end of trade talks. Have new zealand, which is a exporter. Y they want the best possible for their dairy producers. Dairy is about a quarter of their exports. The export is 95 of the dairy they produce. This deal really doesnt mean anything to them. You have the u. S. Looking how to balance imports and dairy products. On the back you have canada, which is a closed market there. Australia is a major sugar producer. The u. S. Has a strict program to regulate imports of sugar. Those are the issues, and then automobiles, which have always been sensitive. You have a whole different ballgame. They have been struggling how to the rules that would allow countries like japan to take it vantage of all the terror benefits they could get in the field. Host web the headlines today and the trade pacts on the andute . Where is congress how does it feel of a deal at this point . Guest it was a vote that basically gave the administration the authority to a fasttrack through congress. Physically congress can just opponents ofown the trade issue see this movie that needs to be done. They want assurances for they is going to skip. That is going to be a template for when the actual trade deal back. If congress will have to approve this trade deal. They can use that as a template to get the trade deal past. Host lets go to our first call from megan inventor ventura, california. Good morning. Caller i like to speak about homelessness. There are so many people homeless. Nobody seems to care. Host can you link that what were talking about. Caller i believe it did there is no more cattle. Theres no more trade, no more anything. The economy is being destroyed. Guest on a certain set of this argument has been the argument accelerate thes environment. Degradation leads to a job leads to a loss of jobs. That has been something opponents of the trade deal have argued is something that needs to be addressed as well. How do you do a deal in a way that makes countries maintain high standards for the environment, pay workers fair make sure people can organize under labor unions. If you raise the standard in all countries it will not affect the standard we have in the u. S. I guess you look at the issue of homelessness there can be a link drawn on the line. Caller what i would like to is this trade deal is the only thing the Republican Party agrees with this president on. Before george bush left office they deleted emails and torture videos. Guest hes right to point out that this is one of the few areas where republicans in congress have sided with the president. He didnt rely on them immensely to get the trade Solution Authority bill through. There are few things that republicans in congress and the Democratic White House agree on and trade has been one of them. Host one country have not talk about his china. Hy isnt china involved . Guest that narrative has changed over the years. Overjoyed people saw this as a containment strategy. China wants to become a consumer driven economy. Be and if you have a certain standards of trade rules in this deal it will persuade china to engage p. M. Host to engage. From john hopkins university, talked about concerns china may be having over these discussions. Heres a look. The other 11 countries all ttp tp, all joint trade losses as a result. The chinese are obviously watching this. Potentially very nervous about ttp. Guest im not an economist, so i cant say exactly how their economy would be affected longterm by not being a part of this deal. They are major player in this region. You could argue their trade with , with countries in South East Asia is much higher than what the u. S. Trade, their economies are becoming more integrated. You can argue china would be nervous. , some people here argue driving this whole thing toward their interest. China is also pursuing its own initiatives in the region. The regional conference of Economic Partnership with a bunch of countries in South East Asia. And china has a deal pending with australia right now. Politically hanged up on something. Caller i would like your guest to answer some questions if he could. Malaysia washink raised from a tier three to a tear to nation. President obama played golf with the Prime Minister of malaysia. I wonder if there was a quid pro quo involved there. I think we have to stop the fallacy that things are going to even out. Our country is suffering. All american citizens should march on washington. A they are working against the citizens of this country. Guest the malaysia issue, malaysia has been an interesting country in this deal. They have turmoil in their country. The trafficking issue came up in the context of getting the fasttrack through congress. Menendez introduced an amendment that would bar any agreements to be fast tracked and they included countries that are on this tier three of the s report. Rtment it is seen as a good standard. Good standard for changing trafficking and getting countries to respond. Malaysia was graduated to tier two, which dropped them out of and entangled could have been a complicated thing. Senator menendez and senator corker are investigating into why the decision was made. Was it may 2 and complicate things and get this deal done . Was their actual meaningful change . We are going to see more on that in the coming weeks and months. I think you are going to see tariffs reduce on tech products. Techre going to see services, the ability of countries to go into of companies to going to countries without facing barriers. The tech sector is big in these countries. A lot of Asian Countries manufacturing. That is going to be the basic benefit. And it is all going to come out one the deal is done. We will see how they dealt with this issue of Data Transfer and data flows, which are critical for all businesses. Host john is on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller i was wondering your on donald trump sings of thing about ford and nabisco moving to new mexico. I was wondering how would would affect our people here as far as jobs. There were 173,000 jobs created. I was just wondering how this would affect us. Host im not familiar with that statement. Mexico is part of the trade agreement. Companies move operations to new mexico to take advantage of cheaper labor costs. I guess it is anyones guess what are at what happened to ttp. Companies are going to move operations. I guess with the mexico you have seen that migration under nafta. I guess you could main that could not happen as extensively as ttp. Nobody shift operations to others in the countries. Host rick is on the line now. Good morning. I have a question for you, you touched off on the subject of nafta. Nafta was created, a website was created called nafta. Org. It identifies child losses in america. What other protections for americans keeping their jobs here in america . The other thing i started researching is no one ever considered transportation cost. Airline cost is fuel. Are americans going to be protected from losing jobs if this trade agreement goes through . Guest demonstration would tell you that they are negotiating the so way that would rate all that would raise all the standards. Telling vietnam to raise your start and standards in a way that would mitigate the transfer jobs to that market. Same with the environmental rules. In the specific chapters there are going to be safeguards. I think the u. S. Is negotiating , which would prevent a surge of automobiles to come in from japan, therefore displacing u. S. Auto workers. Overall rules and standards being raised. Not everyones a winner, not everyones a loser. I think the numbers on job are so manye factors that go into calculating fat. How to be hard to tell directly link the trade deals. Host where our business and manufacturing groups . Where do they stand now on ttp . Business manufacturing groups are pushing and lobbying the steel very hard over the years. Labor has been on the exact opposite side. It is generally known the labor unions will come out against this. Taking a specific stand on it until they see the deal. They do argue this will lead to more job losses and depressed wages. Is not a huge change to trade policy. Those two sides have been diametrically opposed on this. Host a short piece talking about ttp. We will hear the latest right now. Will cause a lot of disappointment. China will get all the benefits by selling their products through the other countries. China can make 70s make 70 70 ofduct, met the product, send to china. Guest some people arguing china can use this as a backdoor. That has been argued in the textile sector. And manufacturing, the chinese into thesewill go countries, they will go into the products shipped among the countries and those product will have no tariffs so if you go down the line chinese manufacturers, i guess you can argue they would benefit from this. Host thank you for waiting, you are on the independent line. Caller i wonder if you could explain to me the secret tribunals. Why would they secret that would they be secret . Belo corporation sue a that wast for a law that rental mental to this country for Companies Profit margins . Guest what you are thinking about is the investors state dispute settlement process. This has been a part of a lot of trade deals that have been negotiated. It gives companies the ability to challenge a government if they feel like regulations and laws are causing some sort of damage to their business. Panelcases are heard by of private sector people that are picked on a rotating basis to man these tribunals. And they are not in the Court Systems of the respective countries. It is an extrajudicial sort of forum. Opponents of this feel that companies can abuse this process. And then challenge Public Health regulations and things like that. The other side would argue differently. That theyre just protecting their rights as businesses to operate and invest in these countries. Host the International Trade policy for u. S. Inside trade, focusing on a deal in malaysia and places around the world. We have a call from randy from pennsylvania. What part of the state are human . Caller southwest pennsylvania. First of all i dont believe in free trade. What i believe is fair trade. It possible to have fair trade with the ttp when five of the members are third world countries . Vietnams gdp is for 5,000. Please explain. Guest that has been one of the major criticisms of trade and general when you have a wealthy country and a country like vietnam with low wages. How do you bring the two how do you bring equilibrium to that relationship . To be made argument if you making . 60 per hour in than a company is going to want to produce there because it is going to be much cheaper. That is sort of the big argument area the administration is big argument. The administration is making the case this would be an danced trade deal. You are going to raise standards and get them to be more on the level of developed countries. That is going to take time. The damages are going to be felt. I think that is a constant struggle. Host don is an independent collar, hello there. Caller one the Affordable Care act was passed, it ran in over 1000 pages. Republicans are critical. You have to read it in order to understand it. Ttp runs over 2000 pages. How many republicans will read this bill in total . How many will understand it . And does the general public have access to this bill . Thank you. Guest the negotiation is behind closed doors. Out. Ng their positions especially proponents of the who say if we are going to sign and vote for this thing we need to know what is in it. Given members of congress the ability to access the text under certain conditions, we can go in and read what is being negotiated. They can go in for their realm understanding and read the text. It will be made public. Likely shortly after they conclude. There are rules that mandate it is timeto to put in the public sphere. There is a lot of criticism in the transparency of this deal and i think there are arguments on both sides to be made about how transparent or on transparent the process has been. Obviously countries are going to close this deal as soon as possible. I think the original plan was to try to get everything done before the end of this year, not getting into 2016 president ial elections. They will have to meet again. Trade minister is going to have to close a deal. It sets offe a deal events goingiming to the fasttrack bill. At the least it is going to be 90 days worth trade deal has to by the international it has to be open to the public. A you are looking to early through First Quarter for Second Quarter of next year when congress can take this up. Host our guest has been the trade reporter for political. For politico. We appreciate it. We have a full and very interesting Labor Day Weekend of programming on the cspan networks. Beginning on cspan tomorrow, congress is returning next week to take on the iran nuclear deal. We are going to hear from state and Treasury Department officials. That is saturday at noon eastern time. Tomorrow, all day starting at 10 eastern and continuing until 7 00. Live coverage of the 15th annual National Book festival. Event coverso live he will get the chance to talk to many authors. Race warez at 5 45 p. M. Eastern. That is on cspan three tomorrow at 8 p. M. David rubenstein talking about what he calls patriarchate patriotic giving. 1823 copyopying of the declaration of independence. We will see you tomorrow. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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