Serving up fresh, flavorful, and filling dishes that are a celebration for vegans and vegetarians, as well as an unexpected treat for dedicated meat-eaters.
Written by HH
Creativity Connects Brookfield
What fuels a vibrant, connected, and creative community? What makes people feel good about living in Brookfield?
When locals share the creativity that they uncover in the nooks and crannies of their community it brings about connectivity and makes us all feel good. Believe it or not, you discover creativity every day as you walk, shop, work, and play in Brookfield.
Creativity connects us.
Tell us about an organization in your town that makes you feel good
BTC4B - Brookfield Town Center for Business is a wonderful, community-focused organization that sponsors the block parties, the annual holiday tree lighting, the new pocket park and many other events. In addition to helping local business support, they are a philanthropic organization that truly makes Brookfield a great place to live!
By Scott Benjamin
BROOKFIELD - - In response to the worst economy in decades, First Selectman Steve Dunn says he is trying to get as low a tax increase as we can for the fiscal year that starts in July, because times are bad.
Dunn, a third-term Democrat, related that he is asking all of the [municipal] departments to come in with a zero increase on the operating side – but acknowledged that there will be salary increases and, for example, the Police Department will have to purchase body cameras to conform with a new law.
The $71.5 million budget for the current fiscal year represents a 1.76 percent tax increase and a spending hike of 2.09 percent over the previous fiscal year.