For the president to sign into law will be ready later. President trumps single legislative action. Its passage nearly as passed. Overnight passed the law, made some technical changes, and the house is forced to hold the revote today. Passed. No democrats voted for the bill. So pretty sure bet they wont be boarding the buses at the capital waiting to celebrate. Earlier the president revelled in the success of passing this new legislation. Not only hailed the fact that it cuts most individual tax rates and drastically cuts business taxes, but he also touted that it ends the obamacare rule that people had to buy Health Insurance or pay a fine. When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means obamacare is being repealed. Because they get their money from the individual mandate. So the individual mandate is being repealed. So in this bill, not only do we have massive tax cuts and tax reform, we have essentially repealed obamacare. And well come up with something that will be much