For the president to sign into law will be ready later. President trumps single legislative action. Its passage nearly as passed. Overnight passed the law, made some technical changes, and the house is forced to hold the revote today. Passed. No democrats voted for the bill. So pretty sure bet they wont be boarding the buses at the capital waiting to celebrate. Earlier the president revelled in the success of passing this new legislation. Not only hailed the fact that it cuts most individual tax rates and drastically cuts business taxes, but he also touted that it ends the obamacare rule that people had to buy Health Insurance or pay a fine. When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means obamacare is being repealed. Because they get their money from the individual mandate. So the individual mandate is being repealed. So in this bill, not only do we have massive tax cuts and tax reform, we have essentially repealed obamacare. And well come up with something that will be much better. We have Phil Mattingly who is inside the capitol for us. But lets start with you just outside where all the members of the congress are boarding the buses. And sunlen, as they have been passing you, has there been highfiving . Whats the sense after this big victory lap at the white house . Reporter certainly the mood is way up on capitol hill among republicans. And this is the start of the republican victory lap, the buses behind me. There is it a long line of buses, ready and waiting to take republican members from the house side of capitol hill to the white house today where theyll gather on the south lawn of the white house and celebrate this big legislative accomplishment with President Trump. Moments ago we saw the house pass their second version of the tax bill at 224201. No democrats supporting it. 12 republicans voting against it. Certainly a big day. And certainly a lot of pomp and circumstance later today from the white house when President Trump touts this big achievement. We saw him release the statement immediately after the house vote just in the last hour talking about how this is a big beautiful christmas present. Expect, brooke, that sort of t rhetoric today at the white house as well. Before we think ahead to the south lane, Phil Mattingly as you have been knee deep in all of this for so long and corowro piece on republicans learned from replacing obamacare. What did the party do differently this time to get this win in three months time . As much as humanly possible. Basically they wanted to take their failure on obamacare and do everything different. That means they wanted everybody involved from the get go. Thats why the big six existed. Senate leadership, house leadership, Key Committee chairs and members of the white house. But also wanted to make sure their rank and file were deeply involved. You saw it on the house. Taking the members off of capitol hill so they cant see the initial proposal and come out antique it to the media. They almost wanted to tire them out as many details as they could and try to get them on board. You saw a similar thing happen in the senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and warren hatch making sure their Committee Members were deeply involved hand engaged from the staff level on up from the very beginning of the process and making sure that the rank and file members were read in as well before we all were. Something that tends to frustrate members and we know more than they do. But, brooke, two other components here. First, tax cuts are different. Republicans like tax cuts. Campaigned on tax cuts. With health care they dont agree how the health care should be. You have polar opposites in both the house and senate. But you cant overstate the impact of the failure of obamacare on this process. Lawmakers have told me they went home for the august recess and got hammered stinging rebucks for inability to get things done. When those lawmakers came back to capitol hill, ive been told by several aides deeply involved in this process, their willingness to do something, no matter how difficult, thats how they moved through something you noted hasnt done in 31 years, they were able to get it done in dwree months. Willingness to do something, they did a very big something. So expect to hear as we heard from house and senate leadership, well hear from the president , essentially promises made t promises kept to the American People on taxes. Phil mattingly, thank you so much. Lets broaden this out and talk about this watershed moment for the trump administration. Obviously we have eyes on buses. And these republican lawmakers head to go the white house. But with me now i have cnn senior former adviser to the trump have campaign. Law school who wrote the book other peoples houses about the financial 2009 melt down. Also davis White House Reporter to the new york times. And bob cue sack editor in chief of the hill. So welcome to all of you. Julie, just listening to the president earlier today, final Cabinet Meeting of the year, a glowing self report card. Talking about tax reform, repealing the individual mandate. Economy booming. I imagine that was a warmup what well see from the south lawn. Well, absolutely. I mean, President Trump has been waiting for the opportunity to take a victory lap. Of course we saw him have a similar event outside the white house earlier this year on health care hoping that they would get there in terms of repealing obamacare. And of course they didnt get there. So for him to it be able to end his first year with the tax cut that he promised is a huge moment for him. Im sure well hear unrestrained boasting and celebrating, thanking the congressional leadership which he has not always been complimentry of. But i think as Phil Mattingly said earlier, they put all their legs in one basket and really had to do things differently on hee health care in order to have a win at the end of the year. And he pumplled it out and allod it to work and they got to the finish line on this one. Steven moore, congratulations. Its a big win. And within the win the president mentioned this earlier, although he was saying members of congress he said dont mention it too much, but eventually part of this is the repeal of the obamacare individual mandate. Also whats happened in terms of achievements, opening of onwar, successfully Supreme Court justice kneel gorsuch despite distracting tweets all year long, steven. Do you think people, and not just his base, but more broadly, do you think they are starting to notice what this administration has gotten done . Well, you know, its been two years now l, i was just reflecting on this this morning, tax cut to revitalize the economy. And here we are with the bill coming up in ha couple of horls. Hours. So it is amazing those who believe the tax cut was necessary. And this tax plan vote on today was not too different from what trump originally proposed. There are some differences, id say 80 . Its i think Phil Mattingly had it exactly right, brooke. As he always does. Well, there was just no room for failure. And i think republicans did know failure would have led to catastrophic consequences for the republicans, politically. Ill make one last point, if i may. Sure. Now, we dont have to debate the merits of this bill anymore. We have been doing that for weeks and months on this show. Now republicans have to deliver. In other words, the economy has to deliver the promised results. Im one of those people who do think well see a big burst of growth and continued strong stock market and continued strong job market. And if that happens, then i think republicans will feel very v vindicated. I think the Senate Majority leader did allude you still need to go out and sell it to americans. People are worried theyll have less money despite the fact they will start see some more on their paychecks starting in january. Jennifer, here is my question for you, great news for republicans, obviously. And we talked about polls. And you have the democratic leader in the senate saying this bill is quote, going to be an anchor around the ankles of every republican. And i want everyone to watch this from the senate floor. Nearly 145 million middle class families under 200,000 will either get tax hikes can we have order, mr. President . Senate will be in order. This is serious stuff. We believe you are messing up america. You could Pay Attention for a couple of minutes. We believe you are messing up america. Jennifer, what is the liability if the plan doesnt deliver on the promises sold . Thanks, brooke. Its really doubtful that this plan can deliver on the promises. Because based on Available Evidence, tax cuts for the very wealthy do not actually result in expanding the economy or creating jobs. What the Available Evidence suggests, however, is that by cutting the taxes on the upper echelon, what we do is concentrate wealth at the top. We increase income inequality. And thats not what we need right now at all. So the consequences will be, i believe, when people see that the modest tax cuts that they have now, which will expire soon, they are going to see that the tax cuts are definitely out weighed by the cuts they actually get to other services. So, for example, we have heard that, for example, single mother earning 30,000 a year, would get about a 700 more in her paycheck. But at that income level, she would qualify for her children for chip. But the chip program, which is the Childrens Health care program, that benefits about 9 million children, is being cut. So in addition, because the individual mandate is being cut as a result of this tax bill, her insurance premiums would go up if she now has to purchase them in the private market. So people are really smart. There is a reason why the public is skeptical. Because they understand that the republicans are giving with one hand but taking a heck of a lot more with the other with this plan. You know, it was a democratic congressman talking about how the grinch stole the middle class tax cuts. And steven i want you to weigh in. But bobbi want to hear from you first. Because we heard from Mitch Mcconnell acknowledging republicans need to get out there and need to sell this. Listen. Yes, they do. Do you believe there is a need for republicans to go out and sell this bill given kind of how americans are currently viewing it . Absolutely. We are looking forward to it. My view of this, if we cant sell there to the American People, we ought to go into another line of work. Bob, go ahead. Thats interesting. I mean, yeah, theyll have to sell it. Its not popular now. It has to be a shot to be more popular when they see the effects. But parties used to agree on this. Now we are seeing in the last decade obamacare gets passed through democratic majority, rammed through, and now this doesnt get any democratic votes. Its a party of strength they lacked on health care. You can see a lot can happen between now and next november in the midterms, but you can think of the ads for democrats in the republican tax bill making the rich richer. This could be momentum for them. How would you respond to that . I think one of the important developments of last week when trump the withhold tg tables will start changing. So by february tens of millions of americans will see their taxes actually being cut. You played that little click from Chuck Schumer saying all these americans will have tax increase. Thats false. What about all the rest . Im talking about this year, and next year. 2025 the world will be very different place. And by the way i assume those tax credits will be fully extended. But i would make one other quick point. You mention the obamacare issue, now know, for republicans this is almost the twofer one. It is. Not only does it cut taxes but lib rates about 15 million americans obamacare which are lower class that have to pay for penalty for insurance they dont want. So when people see that they will be happy about that. They can go in the private market and buy a Health Care Plan that will cost as much as obamacare does. Jennifer, how would you respond . You know, im quite disappointed to hear people considering it a victory when more than 13 Million People are going to lose their Health Insurance. They dont want it. Thats the reason they are going to lose it, they dont want it, they cant afford it. I think children may not, for example, children who have Health Insurance probably dont understand why its important to them. But i sure believe parents do. You know, i also want to say, we are nearing the tenth anniversary of the Global Financial crisis, and as you all remember that was the biggest economic downtown since the great depression. And since then bankers are having great profits and people invested in the stock market have definitely recovered. And the broad middle class, that includes people 5 Million People who lost their homes to foreclosure, most of the middle class and poor depend on wages for income and in investments are in in their homes t and we still have nearly 3 million homes under water. So most of us we are finally feeling the recovery. And this is just outrageous that we would do this that we are going to expand income equality. We have the top 1 that now has 40 of the nations wealth. This is the highest wealth inequality since the 1960s. And we are talking about more than 93 million americans getting a tax hike by 2025. We have you on with different perspectives for a good reason. Julie, let me cut through that because perfect argument on the left and right why this is great and not great. And im wondering as we roll into 2018, will this sort of win from the perspective of republicans, how long will this linger, and will it be enough to help them, you know, come midterms in 2018 . And, also, what about the democrats . Well, listen, i think what you are hearing is a preview of the kind of debate well hear all year long next year from republicans and democrats about are you better off and why arent you or are you. And i think a big risk for the republicans and President Trump at the and of this year was to not have anything to shown for the first year of unified republican control. Julie, hold that thought for a second. We are rocking and rolling with live tv. Well go to capitol hill and here from the democrats, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. Thank you for joining us today. We know they are popping champagne down pennsylvania avenue. There are only two places where america is popping champagne. The white house and the Corporate Board rooms, including trump tower. Otherwise, americans have a lot to regret. First i want to respond to some comments that senator mcconnell made on the senate floor this morning. His opening comments. First he said i brought them along, because they are so good to use. This is mcconnells transcript. Now, heres what he said. First he said the senate accomplished something really remarkable. Hes right. To pass a bill of tax cuts and have it be so unpopular with the American People is amazing achievement for the republicans. Its never been done before. To have for the first time, according to wall street journal poll, americans prefer democrats to republicans on taxes. Its truly remarkable. Great accomplishment, mitch. Great accomplishment, republicans. Now, second, he said he championed the open process the tax bill went through. Sure, they went through an open process. Only if you define open by one Party Negotiating behind closed doors having one markup with only one Expert Witness while voting down every single amendment proposed by democrats. If any one believes that this was an open process h then, then i have a bridge back in my hometown to sell you. Then he tells us this was passed to get jobs and put more money in the pockets of men and women. Well if you believe trickle down economic, you are right. But no economists believe this works. Job creation isnt working. Look at all the companies that have already said they are going to use their tax break for stock buybacks, for dividends that dont febt average americans. And i love the example of at t. Over the last ten years, at t has paid an average tax rate of 8 a year. They have 80,000 fewer employees today than they had then. Tax breaks dont lead to job creation. They lead to big ceo salaries and money for the very, very wealthy. And, finally, senator well pull away from this. Clearly you can understand the frustration from the democrats. Youve covered the hill to hear the minority leader talking about poking fun at the republicans and their alleged open process. I mean, isnt that the he can act same argument, put the parties in reverse from obamacare however many years ago it was . Similarities are endless. Nancy pelosi said this tax cut bill is the worst bill in the history of u. S. Congress. So thats a bold claim. But the thing is trump now owns the economy. There has been the debate who should get credit, whether thats president obama or trump for the economy that has improved. So if the economy goes well trump owns it. But if it goes south he owns it too. Julie, close us out. I dont know if they are popping bubbling in those buses head to go the white house, but certainly we are about to see mega victory lap led by the president. Absolutely. This was an improbable push, three months to pass a massive tax bill. And they got it done. I do think, though, bob is right, and as steve mentioned earlier, whats really going to matter is what people feel in the economy in the year to come. And the president insisted there be a middle class tax cut as part of this bill. But there is a lot of this bill that goes to corporations and to wealthier taxpayers. And if what the middle class is feeling negatively next year is not offset, republicans will feel it at the ballot box. Means republicans have a lot to lose in the elections next year if people dont feel quick benefits from it. You are so right. Its how people will feel as a result of this big change for them. Bob and julie, thank you so much. As we have been looking at these live pictures from capitol hill, these buses maybe about to be leaving their heading just down the road to the white house ahead of this 3 00 p. M. Ernie vent to celebrate tax victory. Well take that live, there you go, pictures outside of the capitol. Also does new jersey Chris Christie has an axe to grind. What Chris Christie is now saying about Jared Kushners role in the russian investigation. Dont miss this. You are watching cnn live coverage. Im brooke baldwin. grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow. When can we do this again, grandpa . Well, how about tomorrow . Ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. Was supposed to be a wake reup call for our government . Sh people all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. Im tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. Its why i left my Investment Firm and resolved to use my savings for the public good. But here we are nine years later and this president and the Republican Congress are making a bad situation even worse. They wont tell you that their so called tax reform plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. It blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. Its up to all of us to stand up to this president. Not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. Join us. Your voice matters. Welcome back. There they go. And the buses are rolling along headed from capitol hill full of republican lawmakers fresh off of this tax victory headed to the white house for the big celebration with the president of the United States there from the south lawn. Meantime, well hear from the president. Stand by for that. Now, as for one of the president s sons, don jr. , he is saying there is a conspiracy to block his agenda. My father talked about a rigged agenda, what are you talking about, and there is. There is and there are people at the highest levels of government that dont want to let america be america. They dont want to let the little guy have a voice. Don junior comments came earlier this month before he spoke to investigators. And comes as he and others rally against special counsel mueller and his investigation antique the Media Coverage of the russia coverage. So with me now crime and justice reporter, and federal prosecutor worked with mueller at the doj. Gentleman, go gentlemen, good to see both of you. What does it say, don junior the president s sign is peddling conspiracy theories. Thats not surprising. Hes done this before with most people on the right. A lot of the same what we are hearing from people on the right, that there is this deep state trying to take down the president. And the deep state would include members of congress. But then you also have to think this would involve people at the fbi, people within the intelligence community, who have been investigating this, who have been investigating russias meddling in the election. And then you have the special counsel, swhich is looking at people close to the president , including his son for that meeting, don juniors meeting at trump tower in 2016 with a russian lawyer, as we know, they talked about, well, they claimed to have talked about adoption at one point, then it was about dirt on hillary clinton. And hes been, don junior has been on ts hill several times now, been asked questions about that. And, also, that meeting is also part of the special counsel investigation. So there is no surprise here. This justins on the path kind of continues in the way of folks on the right have been treating this investigation and really whats been going on. Well, don junior words have been out on the either, and including michael zelden, listen to this. Thats a little more than scary. Thats a barely coated attempt to say america should be governed by the unchecked will of the executive. And those socalled forces pushing back, they also go by the popular name, the rule of law, and the system of checks and balances that have governed us for two and a half centuries. From the outside looking in, this is the family that is used to getting its way. And when people stop that from happening, they are viewed as enemies rather than in the american political system, doing their job with competing and coequal branches of government. Michael, listening to that, how do you see it . And knowing mueller, how do you think he sees it . Im not sure mule ser cares one wit what don junior has to say to a group in florida. The thing that strikes me humor where is dons lawyers making these statements. Because if mueller is listening, he cant like it, i dont think he cares, but he cant like it whose job it is to undermine the legitimacy of his fathers presidency while the kid is under investigation for coordinating with foreign nationals to impact the federal election commissions integrity. Its stunning to me. And its sort of lack of thoughtfulness from a legal jeopardy standpoint. But thats don junior. Sure. So from the president s son to soninlaw, michael let me stay with you and talk about Chris Christie he is speaking out against Jared Kushner and he had this to say about him. Im telling you that he deserves scrutiny. You know why . Because he was involved in the transition and involved in meetings that call into question his role. Okay. Well, then if hes innocent of that, then that will come out as mueller exams all the facts. Well, obviously, bad blood between the two. We know the story with kushner dad and Chris Christie some years ago. Do you think this is part of this or do you think there is more at play . Well, backing up for a second. Christi sends kushners dad to jail. That doesnt create good relationships among people. Then kushner, according to christi, gets christi kicked off the Transition Team and loses him could have vetted attorney general appointment or some other such thing, again, another thorn in that relationship. But its most benign sense, christi, if hes talking as prosecutor, says simply the guy had a role in the election, in the transition, and in the administration, all of which are under the mandate of mueller, so, therefore, he must be looked at. So in most benign sense, christi is just saying as a prosecutor, looking at this guy, of course hes part of the investigation. But of course with that bad blood history, i dont think hes saying it without some level of happiness that perhaps his tormenter is now facing some of the scrutiny that you like to see happen to your adversaries. Sure. Michael zelden, always appreciate sure. Thank you. If we dont talk before the end of the year, happy holidays to both of you. Thanks, brooke. Coming up here, republican lawmakers, they are in these buses on their way to the white house right this very moment to celebrate their big, big victory on taxes. And we are standing by to hear directly from the president on all of this. Also, if you ever needed proof that every vote counts, look at the state of virginia. A democrat wins a race for state delegate by just one vote. Were on a mission to show the new keurig k select brewer is the strong way to start your day. Pop that in there. Hit strong. Press brew. Thats it. Strong. Bold. Rich. I feel like youre toying with me. Show me how strong you are. screams lift me up dan lift me up coming up here on some of these live pictures of this motorcade of all these buses headed toward the white house from capitol hill full of j republicans. Tax overhaul. What about the substance, though, what is in the final plan . Lets take a look. Sweeping tax overhaul will lower most individual tax rates. Nearly double the standard deduction. Eliminate personal exemption. Caps the state and local Tax Deductions. And eliminates the obamacare Health Insurance mandate. Trying to figure out how the republican tax overhaul may affect you and your family, that can be daunting task. There are key Financial Moves that you can make right now before the end of 2017 to take advantage of these tax changes. We have a look at that. What did you find, christine . Brooke, there are a few things you can do before january 1 to lower your tax bill, at least try. If you can prepay property taxes this year. This is for high tax states. The tax bill caps the state and local Tax Deduction at 10,000. So if you prepay this years property taxes, you can deduct them under the old rules for 2017. But, remember, real estate taxes are at the local level. And each jurisdiction is different. Even just calling around this morning to different tax offices you are going to get different rules for different municipalities. So check with your local office to see if you can pay right now and check with your accountant. Also, defer any income you can to next year for lower tax rates. Im talking about bonuses, maybe some commissions. Also try to pay any expenses that can no longer be expenses, work related expenses and tax prep fees. Again talk tour accountant. You can make charitable donation that is you would have otherwise done next year. Your 2017 deductions will be more example. For a mard couple making 160,000, making a 1,000 donation, currently 28 tax rate. So the tax benefit of that 1,000 donation is 280. But next year their tax rate will fall so they will only save 220. Brooke . Christine, thank you. If you want more of a personal look how all this will effect you, there is a great piece, go to cnn. Com for that. Next, it was a racer thin margin of victory, election out of virginia. But just in this Major Development in the race, and potential outcome, a live report next. Why do people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ouph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. hard exhalation honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow. When can we do this again, grandpa . Well, how about tomorrow . Ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. Ask your doctor about entresto this holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions. And open up a world of possibilities. Save 20 for the holidays at ancestrydna. Com. I use herpecin l. Re, it penetrates deep to treat. It soothes, moisturizes, and creates an spf 30 barrier, to protect against flareups caused by the sun. Herpecin l. Were back and have some breaking news at virginia, Major Development in this much talked about state house race after mandatory recount it appeared the democrat in this race Shelly Simons defeated by one vote. So excited. I had to take a deep breath. We had to pause to make sure. The registrar did the math four times. But then we started celebrating. Its really neat. I think everybody has a little bit of ownership in the outcome of this election now. Everybody feels like they were the one vote that put us over the edge. All right. So shes all smiles. But i have a feeling that that may change. Ryan nobles and Juana Summers with the politics. Ryan noboles, did she win . Three judge panel had to certify the results this morning. And when they were getting ready to certify it, a republican lawyer came forward with the question of an over vote, essentially a ballot that wasnt counted yesterday. And one of the observers that took part of in this recount said that they didnt think that this particular ballot was enough to be counted, that it was filled out incorrectly. And he asked the judges to reconsider that decision. What happened was the person cast this ballot had voted for republicans across the board and had filled in bubble for both of them but had crossed out the bubble for sym plondmons. They said its enough to be counted. They wanted it to be included. And that would throw the race back to a tie. After a long period of time of deliberation, the judges agreed with the republican lawyers, that vote now counts. This is now a tie race. And, brooke, this means that now both candidates will go to the board of elections and they will literally pull a name out of a hat to determine not only who is going to win this house of delegates race, but thats also going to determine who has control of the house of delegates. Because the fate of the seat will make it a 50 50 race or 4951 race in the house of delegates. Soso much on the line, and basically going to come down to an election official pulling a name out of a hat. A name out of a hat in 2017. And that decides which way the state house swings in virginia . My goodness. I cant imagine for both of the man and woman in this race. Ryan, thank you for the update. Well keep a close eye on the hat pull. Juana, let me pivot to you, because i saw statistic this morning from emilys list, saying 25,000 women have notified them that they are interested in running for office in the near future. Thats a massive number. So on that, we talked, i talked to a woman, kathy tran who won a seat, first Asian American woman ever elected there. I said listen as a woman why did you decide to run . This was her response at the time. You know, i was pregnant, and due on inauguration day. And so after the election, i wanted to give my daughter a name that reflected our values. So it was important to me and my husband given the direction the world was taking. I made the decision to run when she was a month old. And i just had given a very aspirational name to this baby and i realized i couldnt sit on the sidelines. I needed to stand up and fight for my kids futures. I wanted to show one of these women face, but one of 25,000 out of emilys list. Whats the catalyst . What are they sighting . I think there are a lot of factors. More women, many of whom like the woman you interviewed didnt have traditional backing, infrastructure that you see of a traditional candidate, want to see the country go a different way and want to run for office. I think part of it is in response to the election of donald trump. You have the socalled me too movements in these big industries, but smalling working Class Industries most people are a part of across the country. People are saying enough is enough. Thats where we are seeing the majority of this action right now. Juana summers, thanks so much. As we listen to you talking about these women coming forward, i want you to look at this picture on this screen the buses have arrived. A lot of republicans here filling the south lawn of the white house. Celebration as massive tax reform is passed. Just waiting for the signature of the president to turn it into law. Live pictures of that. I think well take a quick break. When we come back, more from the white house. My dads. Grandmas. Aunt stacys. What are the reasons you care for your heart . Qunol coq10 with 3x better absorption has the 1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. Qunol, the better coq10. You are watching cnn live coverage here. Live pictures from the white house. Im brooke baldwin. Big, big day for republicans in this country. They are about to be joined by President Trump in celebrating his single major legislative achievement since taking over the white house 11 months ago. He is about to enacted the most substantial set of tax cuts this country has seen in 31 years and do a symbolic signing of this tax cut and jobs act. Official version of this bill will be ready later. Passage went nearly as planned. Overnight Senate Passed the law made some technical changes, passed the bill which made technical changes which forced house to do a revote. No democrats voted for this bill. Not a single one. Earlier President Trump revelled in passing the successful legislation. Not only hailed it cuts business taxes but touted the fact it rebeels the obamacare individ l rebeels repeals the obamacare individual mandate. When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means obamacare is being repealed, because they get their money from the individual mandate. So the individual mandate is being repealed. So in this big, not only do we have massive tax cuts and tax reform, we have essentially repealed obamacare. And well come up with something that will be much better. So lets go straight to the white house to our senior White House Correspondent there, jim acosta. Jim, it is quite a crowd at the white house. Set the screen for us. Reporter thats right. You have every single official from this administration out here on the south lawn of the white house. The chief of staff john kelly. The president s daughter ivanka trump is out here, soninlaw Jared Kushner is out here, state department, even some of the top lawmakers president has been sparring with, like bob corker hes up on stage. President is expected to come out any moment nowment and we just heard an announcement over the system, this may be starting mohamm mom tarr momentarily. But hes scoring a legislative victory and celebrating that. Hes not signing this bill as you mentioned. As you mentioned we were told by white house officials within the last hour or so, they held a background briefing reporting that that could happen down at maralago when the president is on his holiday vacation in florida. Your panelists can debate the optics of that signing that into law at his ritcy resort in florida. But as you mentioned ago they did have the revote. It was not the grinch that stole christmas. They did this to final passage. The president is coming out. And speaker of the house paul ryan is not talking about backing out. And unlike the victory lap that we saw earlier this year when they thought they were on the road to repealing obamacare, this time they actually have accomplished something. They have essentially rewritten the nations tax code for the first time in a generation, first time in 31 years. And that is no small achievement, brooke. It is a major something for republicans. And for this administration. Not the glitch that stole christmas. Dont quit your day job, jim acosta. Reporter ill try not to. And lets go to Phil Mattingly covering this for weeks. You contrast the last time you minry victory lap, the obamacare who came to screeching halt. We know how that story ended. What do you think went so differently to get them all on the same page. Reporter a couple of things, brooke, where republicans stand on tax cuts versus where they stand on health care. They have stark differences how the view how the Health Care System should be run. Republicans campaigned for tax cuts. All republicans campaigned for tax cuts, whether its Susan Collins or ted cruz, they have been campaigning on this issue. So it lined up naturally for republicans. But no question about t the Lessons Learned from the failure of obamacare, from perhaps that preemptive rose garden ceremony early in the year, played a huge role in getting here. In terms of leaders in both the house and senate, white house recognizing they couldnt do a top down approach. They needed to involve their members. Hand perhaps more importantly that they needed to all work together. Kind of 0en a unified front. Something we saw so many splits during the health care process. And i think one of the biggest issues here is how the failure led to this point. The stark attacks that these republicans faced when they went home for august recess whrks they talked to their donors and supporters about their inability to get something done, brooke ks by the time they got back to washington after that recess throughout the months of september and october, you heard it repeatedly, we have to do something. We have to come out of this year with some type of legislative accomplishment, move into 2018 with some kind of legislative accomplishment. Brooke, republicans won the house, the senate, and the white house. And they were moving towards the end of the year with nothing. Now they have something. That is a very big deal. You can debate the merits of the bill. Debate the current polling. Clearly republicans have a lot to do to sell this bill. But at this moment they now have something tangible that they can bring into 2018 and say, look, you guys brought us here. And we got something done. Noul you decide whether or not you like what we did, brooke. Phil mattingly on the hill. Look at these pictures there. The beautifully decorated very Christmasy White house. Chris, we are moments away from the president speaking out and speaking. But listening to you, what is the message . Is it i promised i would do this for you america and, look, we delivered . We did it. Now, i think you have to say two things, and Phil Mattingly touched on this

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