it felt like life, it felt human, it felt funny. the winner is terms of endearment. jim was into the delicate shades of humanity before it was cool. oh, well, that was a lifetime ago. you look wonderful, you do. what are you up to? people change. well, i hope you ve changed. i hope you have, too. i hope so for your sake because your personality left something to be desired, namely a personality. you look at woody s career. in the 80s, which theoretically should have been past his prime because how can you go on after manhattan ? you think, oh, wait a minute. there s also zelig. there s also broadway danny rose. there s purple rose of cairo. by the time you get to crimes and misdemeanors, woody allen has now expanded his sensibility. it s an ensemble piece, it s got some humor in it and it s got some satire in it, but he s not trying to get a laugh every second. it s a wonderful moral conundrum from a very original standpoint. i think that s why it hold