(Stock Photo) With just one week left before the 2022 Personal Income Tax (PIT) filing and payment deadline on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, taxpayers are encourage .
The Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) will begin its annual tax clinic sessions at locations islandwide from Saturday, April 1. BRA’s acting Senior Manager, Headquarters Services, Carolyn Williams-Gayle, in a media release, said that the sessions continue to be part of the BRA’s outreach strategy for supporting taxpayers and improving service delivery and compliance during the tax season. “We will have a dedicated centre in operation at the Queen’s Park Steel …
Five people appeared in court on Thursday to face charges in connection with a $1.7 million marijuana seizure.
Brittany Diamond Maurissa Worrell-Lucombe, of Chapel Gap, Paynes Bay, St James is charged with importation, possession, possession with intent to supply and trafficking of $1 747 600 worth of the illegal substance.
The offences are alleged to have been committed on February 23.
Station Sergeant
First place was given to the Yellow House Vipers at the Milton Lynch Primary inter-house sports but guess what? - Also striking to share that top spot were Blue House Lightning Bolts.
Astoundingly, Blue and Yellow tied at 194 points and Red House took home bronze with 136 points.
It was indeed an intense showing of athleticism on Friday at Briar Hall
Over the next two months, basketball players will get a chance to improve their fundamentals in a coaching programme hosted by George Shepherd. A former national basketball coach, Shepherd, said the aim of the initiative was to improve the individual skills of each player that joined. “It is for youngsters who want to develop their game,” he said. “It doesn’t matter how old they are or what their skill level …