Hearing impairment drives Josie Maki to explore medicine with the PEO Community Partnership Scholarship.
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Josie Maki
Jody Forsythe, vice president of the Ashland Chapter EL of the philanthropic education organization PEO, announced Josie Maki of Northwestern High School is the recipient of the 2021 Community Partnership Scholarship.
Maki plans to attend Rochester Technical Institute in Rochester, New York, to pursue a degree in biomedicine science.
Josie wrote in her essay: “At a young age, I realized when someone spoke to me I would turn my head in the direction of their voice. While I could not understand why my right ear was not hearing what the left could, my body adapted to my new norm. The progression of the silence led to my diagnosis of profound hearing loss in my right ear. This became a major challenge in my life that led to many obstacles I had to learn to overcome. With the help of technology, I was able to get hearing aids to