Parliamentary the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island. Mr. Cicilline parliamentary inquiry . Has debate concluded on the rule . The speaker pro tempore all time for dwight on the rule has expired. Mr. Cicilline in light of that, mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to bring up h. R. 4872, the end the shutdown act of 2018, may i firn. A continuing resolution through tuesday that would immediately reopen o the government while negotiations continue on a budget agreement that adheres to parity, reauthorizes the Childrens Health Insurance Program and other Critical Health care programs. Addresses dreamers, and providing assistance to americans impacted by natural disasters. Im asking for unanimous consent to bring this bill up to reopen the government. If all the claims my republican colleagues im asking for made about openi the government, heres the chance. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is no longer recognized. Under clines consistently issued by successor speakers