Fluvanna County first responders receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
Fluvanna County first responders receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine By Andrew Webb | January 11, 2021 at 5:28 PM EST - Updated January 11 at 5:51 PM
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) - The Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD) is continuing its rollout of vaccines in phase 1A.
On Monday, Januarly 11, Fluvanna County first responders received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic set up in Fluvanna County. It was the first time a clinic had been set up by the health district in the county.
Putnam Ivey De Cortez with the BRHD says the health district is planning to expand vaccination sites into other localities around the district.
Thomas Jefferson Health District changes name to Blue Ridge Health District at start of new year The Thomas Jefferson Health District changed its name to Blue Ridge Health District at the start of 2021. (Source: BRHD) By Elizabeth Holmes | January 1, 2021 at 5:46 PM EST - Updated January 2 at 11:26 AM
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) - The new year brings a fresh start for a public health district serving Virginia. January 1, 2021 marks the Thomas Jefferson Health District officially changing its name to the Blue Ridge Health District.
“Names often communicate values or a culture of an organization and Thomas Jefferson is a very controversial figure for lots of very good reasons,” said Rebecca Schmidt, the district’s director of partnerships and strategic initiatives.