Why these revered developers started a game studio in Ireland
By The Washington Post
By Niall O Donoghue
When you talk to veteran game designers John and Brenda Romero these days, it s only a matter of time until they mention their new home, Ireland.
During a skype call alongside Brenda from their home in Galway, John, 53, who is best known for designing the PC shooters DOOM and Wolfenstein, reminisced about a conference he attended. He went to a pizzeria to catch up with a friend, who soon asked John: Why Ireland? I went on for half an hour just talking about everything that s just amazing about Ireland and Irish people and the country, just everything. At the table next to us, a guy got up and he was gonna leave and he came over and he just said: Couldn t have said it better myself, said John in his best Irish accent, cracking up with laughter. Brenda jokingly called John the greatest unpaid spokesman for Ireland.