Why these revered developers started a game studio in Ireland
By The Washington Post
By Niall O'Donoghue
When you talk to veteran game designers John and Brenda Romero these days, it's only a matter of time until they mention their new home, Ireland.
During a skype call alongside Brenda from their home in Galway, John, 53, who is best known for designing the PC shooters "DOOM" and "Wolfenstein," reminisced about a conference he attended. He went to a pizzeria to catch up with a friend, who soon asked John: "Why Ireland?"
"I went on for half an hour just talking about everything that's just amazing about Ireland and Irish people and the country, just everything. At the table next to us, a guy got up and he was gonna leave and he came over and he just said: 'Couldn't have said it better myself,'" said John in his best Irish accent, cracking up with laughter. Brenda jokingly called John "the greatest unpaid spokesman for Ireland."