which-or-personally fineable information, the things that matter most to us and put is in a location and told you, they have no way to protect it and you do it at your own risk so you force me to give you my information. i don t think a lot of these security measures they claim are in place are truly in place. we ll find out. but are there no gates or guns or guards, guarding most sensitive information a person can give you, name, identifications, social security information. this is potential for abuse and fraud. a bren na, i sabrina, i want your opinion. does it just stop functioning, implodes on itself? frankly, i think that would be the best case scenario, for it to stop working. the better case is you have you re financial identity stolen. the worst case is that your health records are out there to be stolen. your records are then coamingled with something how don t know and you re miss diagnosed.
he will go to papal cloistering and he will go to live at his home and then as the home at the v vatican is ren na renovated, then he will return there. and we asked what that will look like going forward. we are joined by jesuit father james martin, and also joining me is sister camille who is a commentator for 1010 wens radio here in new york. father, i want to start with you about what becomes possible in this moment. how open is the group of, are the group of cardinals to a different direction for the catholic church? well, anything is possible with the holy spirit. they are very open, but what we have to remember is that all of