was not struck down is the papers please part. the part that is most offensive to hispanics because anyone who looks hispanic with probable cause could be detained. you have to have deep moorings to make an overarching speech. he wants to be generic, brand x. amazing and i wonder if the electorate s prepared to do that. thanks so much. stay with us. much more ahead. women control their own health care choices. that s up to you. [ mechanical humming ] [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid.
hispanics and then moments later, easy for romney to spell out restoration of the american dream and bash incompetent administration, but not a word. peggy noonan wrote about this on friday, making the point when is this man going to give us a constructive and sub stannive vision for our future in this country? when is it going to happen? i think that romney is not planning to do that. what he may do at the convention, maybe give a speech about the convention? right now, romney is being brand x. republicans, if you read even peggy noonan s column, they seem to be putting themselves in a win column, barring some big error on romney s part. he seems to be running more as a way to avoid unforced errors. offending as few new poem as possible and just being quiet and hoping for more bad economic news. ken, to joy s point, getting
you know, gore is the brainiac. i m not a brainiac. i m a regular type of guy. he was able to sort of pull it off with his beer and sports. i own a baseball team. i m the okay son of a family that people tend to like. mitt romney still is more of the 1% and of that cultural that makes it harder for him to put off. he has to get better because he can t get much worse. i m just surprised that after campaigning in 2007 and campaigning for the last two, three years now he still isn t more loose and better at it because almost every candidate in any race from security council to president gets better as a candidate. they do generally learn. in the case of george w. bush he was running as sort of his own personality. the problem for romney is he is almost incidental for his campaign. he is running to be brand x republican for people who are really coming out to vote because they don t like barack obama. defining himself is almost not relevant to his situation. it s almost irrelevant.
he was trying to get support financially. he was basically serving his donor base, not the president. but what about this problem with the president? if all obama has to face is the possibility someone is running against brand x whose name is mitt romney, he just offered himself saying, i can do a better job. i ve made a quarter billion bucks. all businessmen create jobs. in a sense, the president has to take on that argument because it sounds factually true. obama has to come in and say, he didn t create jobs. that was his job description. yes, but what that means is, the president has to dive systemically into a careful explanation of how the economy works for good or ill, how jobs, in fact, are created. what s the good part of business? what s the responsible part of business? what s the irresponsible part of it? he s got to get down in the
february 8th. rick santorum shakes up the republican race. he s coming off a three state sweep in minnesota, colorado and missouri. is an or rum hopes to cash in on his big wins. today he s in texas because an adviser says that is where the money is. so santorum said money isn t everything, but it s part of the game. we re doing very well raising money. i think last night we raised about a quarter of a million dollars online. and we feel like going forward we ll have the money we need to make the case we want to make. sap tore rum s rivals are nursing their wounds looking ahead to the next dates on the election calendar. newt gingrich is in ohio, one of the ten states holding haekss on super tuesday, march 6th. gingrich is hoping those races will revive in some way his campaign. mitt romney also looking for a win in colorado yesterday. now he s trying to rebound from his loss to sap tore rum. nonstop shelling is said to be under way in homs. we just got this video. this i