february 8th. rick santorum shakes up the republican race. he s coming off a three state sweep in minnesota, colorado and missouri. is an or rum hopes to cash in on his big wins. today he s in texas because an adviser says that is where the money is. so santorum said money isn t everything, but it s part of the game. we re doing very well raising money. i think last night we raised about a quarter of a million dollars online. and we feel like going forward we ll have the money we need to make the case we want to make. sap tore rum s rivals are nursing their wounds looking ahead to the next dates on the election calendar. newt gingrich is in ohio, one of the ten states holding haekss on super tuesday, march 6th. gingrich is hoping those races will revive in some way his campaign. mitt romney also looking for a win in colorado yesterday. now he s trying to rebound from his loss to sap tore rum. nonstop shelling is said to be under way in homs. we just got this video. this i