there at brand x, i think he tweeted something like, mitt romney looks like flip-flopper again. is he a patriot or a flip-flopper? it depends on your point of view. i ve heard a lot of views but they go into two theory camps. one, he is a tremendous human who is able to say, i might even think donald trump is a little bit dangerous. that s why i m doing it to put myself between him and the world. the other is he is the most ambitious dude ever. from the race against teddy kenlds to the governor s race to the positions on abortion and all these things. that the consistent thing is his ambition wins out when running into principle. i tend to think, i m going with the former. i m not willing to dismiss him as ambitious to a fault but those are the only two option
it s narrow and i think this is the biggest challenge for ted cruz. at a certain point he has to expand his appeal and for so long covering congress and covering politics now, i ve talked to republicans for years, establishment republicans loathe him. i am not overstating that. i do think cruz is very well positioned to win in the south. there are lots of evangelical voters there. he will do very well in the south. if he can get through iowa, win or second place, and can do decently in new hampshire, i think he can do very well in the south. then the moment of truth for the republican party will be, oh, cruz or trump or brand x after march 1. i think the republicans i ve been talking to today, that s what they re thinking. stand by. we have much more to talk about, including growing fear among those establishment gop leaders donald trump may emerge as the
instead i had katty and brian and they are as clueless. take a look. it s a complete mess. freak show. train wreck. joining us now he s a big deal, i know, i m told this. i m not very pop culture. comedian, movie star, author and host of the show brand x, russell brand. embarking on his first worldwide comedy tour, the messiah complex. he already told brian he might want to disrobe. i m just saying. i thought i could loosen up and show more chest hair. you look fantastic. very kind compliment. you also look beautiful. brian you re free to wear whatever you want. this is one of your freedoms afforded to you. i appreciate that. the boots? the boots are fabulous. put them on the table. kinky boots time.
have you guys here. we ask the questions. instead i have katty and brian and they are as clueless. it s a complete mess. train week. joining us now he s a big deal, i know, i m told this. i m not very pop culture. comedian, movie star, author and host of the show brand x, russell brand. embarking on his first worldwide comedy to your, the messiah complex. he already told brian he might want to disrobe. i thought i could loosen up the show more. you look fantastic. very kind compliment. you also look beautiful. brian you re free to wear whatever you want. this is one of your freedoms afforded to you. i appreciate that. the boots? the boots are fabulous. put them on the table.
when i was a young journalist. we used to get rockets n from our boss saying brand x that was a.p. i was with upi. brand x has got such and such a story. can you match that story? the question is are producers at the broadcast networks, in the newspapers, sending rockets to their reporters and saying match that story? i don t see that happening quite yet. and if, in fact, this love affair with hillary, which has spread throughout the entire media overwhelms the desire to match other stories, to be competitive, then i think this she could slip through this. gretc hen, jehmu and ed thank you very much for being here today.ou gretchen is going to be joining us later with her 9-year-old daughter kya for a musical tribute to the victims of the new town school shooting. but, first, as the jury deliberate brats the fate of the abortion doctor