Multifaceted story with the bbc s chief international correspondent lyse doucet. Bbc s chief international correspondent lyse doucet. When we say that correspondent lyse doucet. When we say that everything correspondent lyse doucet. When we say that everything has we say that everything has changed forjournalists but changed for journalists but nothing changed forjournalists but nothing has changed, the fundamentals are still there, especially when you are on the ground especially when you are on the ground in especially when you are on the ground in the heat and dust, in this case, ground in the heat and dust, in this case, under the ground in the heat and dust, in this case, underthe bombs, it is the this case, underthe bombs, it is the coup, this case, underthe bombs, it is the coup, where, what, where, is the coup, where, what, where, why? what is actually happened? rememberthat where, why? what is actually happened? remember that good old fashioned word facts? it
have a good weekend. you, too. to find the fox business network go to fox salmonella tainted tune yaw making 53 people across nine states sick. some reported feeling ill after eating sushi containing raw tuna. they have yet to find a brand restaurant or retailer as the source of the outbreak. the affected states are on the screen with 31 of the cases in california alone. as american pharaoh races to the finish in his quest for the triple crown his owner is accused in a federal gambling lawsuit. a florida man is suing ahmed siak saying he didn t front the money. he is claiming it is a scam and is asking for the case to be