Commending Mammootty's film choices, Bramayugam director Rahul Sadasivan said, "If you look at his filmography, he did not start doing these experimental roles recently – he’s always been doing them."
The release day box office collection (Telugu) of Mammoottys Bramayugam is estimated to touch Rs 50 Lakh and upwards. However, this is just an approximate value and it could change by the end of the day.
Post Credits Scene: Men are doomed to fight endless wars among themselves, while women are literally erased from existence. Evil perseveres. This is the hopeless note that Mammmootty's Bramayugam ends on.
Revealing that even during the initial stages, he never conceived Bramayugam in colour, director Rahul Sadasivan recently said that he believed monochrome would help ignite curiosity in audiences.
Director Rahul Sadasivan and actors Sidharth Bharathan and Arjun Ashokan recently revealed that the atmosphere on the set of the Mammootty-starrer Bramayugam was relatively light, in contrast to the film's ominous tone.