slice is no thicker than a page dr tally finds the bullet in just a few seconds don t seem to hear form if you can see the nose here and front again you hear the eyes are up here and this is the brain isn t that i ski and if we move upward a little we see that this area of the brain shows evidence of bleeding and that s where the bullet is that year and. the result is clear. does it give you some of the evidence shows that the victim was shot from behind and not in the front as the suspect claimed he had done after the victim drew his gun and so the suspect statement was incorrect give all fall short of the strange. in a normal autopsy the brain is removed from the skull before it s examined this makes it hard to determine the exact angle and location of a bullet. mixed a robot makes a 3 d. skin of the body to capture all the surface injuries. the robot can also extract
green point the subject selects diagonal to the upper right. second picture. again diagonal to the upper right. most of the patients showed a kind of memory effect. in the image of the lattice they saw first had a strong influence on what they said they saw in the next image. those who chose vertical in the first picture and nearly always chose vertical in the second picture two at that moment the nerve cells in the prefrontal cortex were highly active even though the images stored in this part of the brain. only one patient made decisions at random in her case part of the prefrontal cortex had been surgically removed. the composition she couldn t remember what she d seen in the
after you ve overcome the problems that all appear wonderful in retrospect was. to is currently building two new production holes soon they ll be manufacturing an electrically powered burst and further ego models. there goes. and again. and again. most of the time blinking is an automatic reflex blinking helps to fend off germs and protect our eyes from sunlight. it also spread stiffelio it s which helps ensure that the surface of the i doesn t dry out. all good and well but it does still leave one question. every few seconds everything goes dark around eleven thousand times a day we should be seeing this but we don t so what s going on in our brain.
neuroscientist got the opportunity to carry out a test on epilepsy sufferers who had had electrodes temporarily implanted in their brains to treat their disease one group had electrodes in their prefrontal cortex is. the place for the prefrontal cortex is in front here traditionally it s associated with your higher cognitive functions for example how you concentrate how you retain things in memory and those are the functions typically associated with this part of the brain not perception but we suspected that the region does play a role with this feeling in effect such as when you blink. to question much from. the electrodes read just a neural activity while the test subjects look at two images one after another showing look to says of dots. they have to decide whether the dots are oriented vertically horizontally or diaconate harder than it sounds as the arrangement of the dots is ambiguous first picture vertical horizontal or to acknowledge using the
wanted to find out the neuroscientist at the german primate center in putting in studies perception. that we don t notice the darkness when we blink is because the i actually reacts extremely quickly to change. it can be seen of a black image lasting just ten milliseconds and the dark face of a blink is much longer about fifteen times longer. so we ought to notice it. for this grooms and for the brain one hundred fifty milliseconds are an incredibly long time when you close your eyes during a blink the brain isn t getting any input so it fills up that gap food and gives a look of. as a result you don t notice the one hundred fifty milliseconds of darkness but what fills the gap. to find out chips it how to watch the brain in real time as it processed visual. but he needed the help of electrodes to direct. the