of a protest than it does a logical response to a safety issue. certainly, the safety issue is diminished not enhanced. and to think this professor would think that a 25-year-old man or student, his brain isn t fully developed and he would shoot somebody over a bad grade would make me think the professor needs to get off campus and out into the world a little bit. rational people just don t do that over a bad grade. how do you respond to those who are worried about this law, saying it will mean there are more guns on campus. if there are misunderstandings or accidents and they question somebody who is trained with a concealed carry license could stop a shooter. they think it s going to create more harm than good. let s take the first, that there s going to be a lot of funs. there s probably already concealed carry guns on campus,
and frothing at the mouth. would that be consistent with that kind of poisoning? it would be megyn because as the oxygen doesn t get into the brain, the brain starts dying, very quickly and starts convulsing. strictnine makes greater convulsions where the back is arched and things. but this doesn t look like that. looks like he is convulsing because the brain isn t getting, brain cells are not getting the oxygen it needs constantly. megyn: wow, it is so disturbing to watch. it is. megyn: unfortunately we re told this man had children. go ahead. megyn, this is what we used to kill the people in chicago with the tylenol overdoses and used to be used in our gas chambers whether we had capital punishment using poison gas. that was the gas that was used cyanide. megyn: oh, my goodness, so disturbing. what a tragedy. dr. baden, thank you, sir.
it sounds like somebody does things to himself to stimulate himself sexually. one thing they will often do is inhale gasious substances through a gas mask, and the deaths i have seen with this is because they forget there is no oxygen. they will just pass out and they asphyxiate because of lack of oxygen. we are breathing in 21% oxygen. if the oxygen level in our gas mask goes below 17%, the brain isn t getting enough oxygen. you need a spotter, greg. the scary thing is while dr. b was describing this, amy was nodding knowingly through the whole thing. i play it safe. i hold my own breath. you should be a psa. it is an interesting point. amy has been present when this happens and leaves. there is always somebody else there who then during the accident probably leaves. well, no, no, there are two ways of doing it. one with another partner and one by yourself. usually when you tie yourself
notable psychologist. first, what s a neuro science researcher? somebody who studies the brain really. neuro science is a broad term. it can be neuro biology or ne r newer neuro psychology. education is really the path that i want to take. let s get into the overall topic here. the brain. we ll start with you dr. pinsky. why does the brain not stop us from doing things we know are wrong? it would make sense if you have an evolutionary point of view that the brain was a perfect instrument that increased our surviveability and only did good things for us. not just trying to decide why the brain isn t the perfect system in terms of how to
mental acuity, this helps? well, what happens now is as you re starting to move and starting to walk. yeah. you re getting more blood flow to the brain. oxygen to the brain, all of that is good to get the brain going and ready to be access to in order for you to start learning. do they wear high heels when doing it? no. not recommending that. no, not a good idea. i m curious, across the country p.e. is being cut out of schools, what does it suggest to schools around the country who say, hey, it s parents jobs to keep these kids in shape and might affect their academic performance, right? absolutely. unformer, not enough people understand that. what s happening now with high stakes testing around the country. if a school is struggling, let s say in mat mat mix and 45 minutes of math isn t doing the job they think they ll put them in a double math class for 90 minutes, well, if the brain isn t ready to learn,