Through goododields and bad don maloy farming will never change. High prices and low. Don maloy you have your good years and the so, so years. While most farmers today rely on Technology Like automated Gps Computers for efficiency don, prefers the hand on approach nat yeah its the younger guys who do that. Nat pulling out paper a bill of sale he keeps in his pocket from a combine he purchased long ago nat 1963 reminds don how different farming is today isnt that something . Nat combine rolls the only thing hes worn more years than overalls is a wedding ring Alta Mae Maloy sixtyfive dodomaloy 5 alta mae malal hes no one to sit around the house. He has to be up and a going and doing something. Don maloy of course i always say yes and thats haha elias asks did you ever go to the bahamas or take a fancy vacation . Hah no, we never go nowhere. No . Im satisfied right here. One question dons family no longer asks, is how long hell keep going alta mae no they dont ask becuase they know hes go