P nasty crash, effecting puniversity parkway. Pwell show you video from the pscene. Peastbound and westbound lanes of puniversity are completely closed pin the area of desoto road, all pthe way to bradenton road. Palternate, myrtle street. Pclosure can be fairly extensive, pdeadly crash investigation. Pif we can, we can show the pvideo. Pthree people have passed away in pthis crash. Pspeed was likely a factor paccording to police. Pone other person injured, pexpected to survive. Pwell keep you posted any new pdetails that come from this one. P we have cloud cover tampa psouth this morning to the north pmostly sunny. Pit is the temperatures that are pgoing to get you. Pcooler than they have been. P52 p58 in tampa when i came in, pbrooksville, 48, 46 crystal priver. Pgoing to be cooler tomorrow. Pwe have about 30 hours, i think pof a nice cool down. Phighs in the mid 60s. Resident obama and first family pin havana. Resident obama first sitting resident to step on in 90s. P rays arrived l
Pim told that our camera man is plooking towards the tree where pthis vehicle crashed into. Pas we mentioned before, pbradenton road de soto road and parea of sarasota around 3 this pmorning crash was reported. Pthree 21yearolds are dead a pfourth person was taken to the phospital hospital with injuries pthey are expected to if i have. Olice still trying to figure pout what caused the crash. Pbut they tell us they do believe pspeed was a factor within the ast 30 minutes or so. Pwe actually saw that roadway pfinally reopen after being shut pdown. Puniversity parkway was shut down pfor several hours. P getting on to other incidents phappening on roadways we do want pto remind driver in lakeland you pcan see delays over next several pdays. Pnot only along north crystal plake drive but also south pcrystal lake drive. Parea just east of u. S. 98 csx pdoing rail road work. Pdetours are going to be on pcombee roaded and thursday is pwhen those roads will reopen. P boy, is it cool outside. Pi
Pshuding down eastbound and pwestbound lanes of university arkway. Pthis is in area of de soto road. Pand were hearing that three eople were killed in this pcrash. Pthere was a fourth person who pwas injured. Ptaken to the hospital. Psurvive. Pno word yet on exactly when the proad might reopen. Pbut latest word from sarasota olice they were awaiting a tow ptruck so they can get this skrek pout of the way. Pmeantime some alternates for you pi have here for you on your map pmyrtle street just to south of puniversity parkway. Pi will let you know looking a plittle bit jammed up right now. Pso if you head to north also peastbound westbound is looking retty clear. Pwell keep you posted latest pwith us. P big, big difference in ptemperatures this morning. Plook at the 40s. Psnuck all way down into polk pcounty. Pyou got lakeland, bartow, winter phaven 48, 49 degrees. Pwesley chapel at 49. Pstill 50 in brandon. Ponly reason clearwater to venice pis mid to upper 50s, because pwaters are warmer
Pthree 21yearolds are dead, and pa fourth was taken to the phospital. Olice are still trying to pfigure out what caused the pcrash. Pbut as fox 13s Kimberly Kuizon preports, they do believe speed pwas a factor. P investigators here at the psarasota Police Department are pnow working to a piece together pwhat led up to at crash. Pwhat we know is a car with four pmorning around 3. P2. Pthree men all 21 years old died pon impact, their names have been preleased. Pthey are wesley and michael pduffy of sarasota. Palong with dane custer of pbradenton. Pmccurly had just had 21st pbirthday on march 17th. Pnow there was one survivor in pSarasota Police are hoping he pcan help put those pieces ptogether. Pour officers will be planning to ptalk to that person. Pthe sole survivor of this crash pso to see if they remember panything or know what might have phappened to cause this crash. Pthats all part of investigation pat this time Sarasota Police say pthis crash. Pthey do have some witnesses but p
Home prices have surged in the U.S. in recent years. Driven by rising demand and supply constraints during the pandemic, the median home sale price spiked by nearly 50% from the second quarter of 2020 to Q3 in 2022. While the sale price of a typical American home has fallen in recent months since, housing […]