of other fallen border patrol agents go to borderpatrol foundation.org. next william la jeunesse takes us inside mexico to explain where those guns end
of other fallen border patrol agents go to borderpatrol foundation.org. next william la jeunesse takes us inside mexico to explain where those guns end up once they cross the border. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu uss chose prego.
rifles. sean: the family is not just to grieve but also to look for answers. we have i one of the men and woman involved in fast and based on my experience are men and women of good faith who wanted to do the right thing. but they hadn t fully thought about the consequences of their actions. that inability to look into the future, to understand the risks they were taking, is their down fall. and maybe, although we don t yet know, the reason for brian terry s tragic death. sean: a very sad, very unnecessary story. if you would like to help the terry family and the families of other fallen border patrol agents go to borderpatrol foundation.org. next, inside mexico where those guns
rifles. sean: the family is not just to grieve but also to look for answers. we have i one of the men and woman involved in fast and based on my experience are men and women of good faith who wanted to do the right thing. but they hadn t fully thought about the consequences of their actions. that inability to look into the future, to understand the risks they were taking, is their down fall. and maybe, although we don t yet know, the reason for brian terry s tragic death. sean: a very sad, very unnecessary story. if you would like to help the terry family and the families of other fallen border patrol agents go to borderpatrol foundation.org. next, inside mexico where those guns thanks to the venture card from capital one,
rifles. sean: the family is not just to grieve but also to look for answers. we have i one of the men and woman involved in fast and based on my experience are men and women of good faith who wanted to do the right thing. but they hadn t fully thought about the consequences of their actions. that inability to look into the future, to understand the risks they were taking, is their down fall. and maybe, although we don t yet know, the reason for brian terry s tragic death. sean: a very sad, very unnecessary story. if you would like to help the terry family and the families of other fallen border patrol agents go to borderpatrol foundation.org. next, inside mexico where those guns end up once they end up across the border.