On Monday, Susan Clark Jr. High (SCJH) held an assembly to celebrate the grand opening of its new $100,000 state-of-the-art “Don’t Quit” Fitness Center.
Burlington, IA- Aldo Leopold Intermediate School in Burlington has been named as one of three Iowa schools selected to receive a state-of-the-art $100,000 "DON'T QUIT!," fitness center. According to a news release from the office of Governor Reynolds, on Thursday, June 1st the Governor and Iowa fitness icon Jake Steinfeld, Chairman of the National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils, announced the three Iowa schools that were selected to each receive a state-of-the-art $100,000 DON'T QUIT! Fitness Center. The three schools selected were Aldo Leopold in Burlington, Boone Middle School in Boone, and Susan Clark Junior High School in Muscatine. Each fitness center is financed through public and private partnerships and does not rely on taxpayer dollars or state funding. Fit Supply provides the fitness equipment. "Congratulations to the winners and their communities on being selected," said Gov. Kim Reynolds. "Schools can provide a vital space
DES MOINES, IOWA (June 1, 2023) – Governor Kim Reynolds and fitness icon Jake (Body by Jake) Steinfeld, Chairman of the National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils (NFGFC), have announced the three Iowa schools that were selected to each receive a state-of-the-art $100,000 DON’T QUIT! Fitness Center. The multi-million dollar DON’T QUIT!