Our phones to just republican callers to hear your thoughts on the primary process. If you like the calendar changes , if you prefer a longer primary. Rocess if you are a republican in the eastern or Central United states, our phone lines are 20 25853880. If you are in the pacific or 3881. Ain region, 202585 you can tweet us or go on her Facebook Page. You can also email us at journal cspan. Org. That the rncweets tweeted yesterday playing out in the papers. Here is a story from the New York Times it na central called central called it i want to read you a bit from the piece from politico this morning the reporter for politico joins us now. You mentioned a six significant rule changes that were implemented. Take us through what happened. Fort the most significant the purposes of electing the we are probably not going to have the first states vote until february. They have created a penalty so states like florida do not move up and try to leapfrog other states. New hampshire, iowa, sout
[ theme ] stephanie hello, current tv land. Our number one Jackie Schechner. For political geeks, its like christmas morning, state of the union night. Did you hear whos going to be there . Ted nugent. Bill press just called him a terd in the punch bowl. Stephanie theres a metal detector before you get in, right . Just checking. If you threaten the president , under investigation which he was then probably not allowed to come to the state of the union. Stephanie one would think. I hope the secret service men go like this, watching you. They should prohibit him from coming. It seems a strange thing to allow. Stephanie its a new level of disrespect for the president. And dangerous. Stephanie its right wing, another version of joe wilson yelling you lie. Its a visual you affront to the president. I agree totally. Heres Jackie Schechner. Good morning everybody. North korea has conducted a third test of its Nuclear Defense program. The white house is calling its a highly provocative act emp
Vote, the families of newtown deserve a vote. The families of aurora deserve a vote. The families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence deserve a simple vote. As for the republican response today on some of the issues laid out by the president , both Speaker Boehner and Senate Leader Mitch Mcconnell call the president s speech a missed opportunity. An opportunity to bring together the country and instead became a retread of lip service and liberalism. For democratic president entering his second term, it was simply unequal to the moment. Following four years of this president s unwillingness to challenge liberal dogma. We got more of the same. I have been dealing with a minimum wage issue for the last 28 years that i have been elected office. When you raise the price of employment, guess what happens. You get less of it. In a time when the American People are asking where are the jobs, why would we want to make it harder
Stamps. Those stories are ahead, but we begin where we have to begin with the big news out of the house of representatives where republicans just passed a bill to fund the government. It also defunds obama care. That means its a bill to shut down the federal government. And so, our message to the United States senate is real simple. The American People dont want the Government Shutdown and they dont want obama care. The house has listened to the American People. Now, its time for the senate to listen as well. Senate democrats to do the same thing. And i want to know where senator prior stands on protecting the middle class. The consequences of this horrific bill. How about kay hagen in North Carolina . Does she understand the consequences that obama care is having in her state . What about mary lan dree of louisiana . Republican Congress Want to stop the country to deny the people the chance to see a doctor. How many times are we going to do this . It is a wolf in wolfs clothing. The u
Up until third grade youre learning to read after third grade youre reading to learn. But if you arent well equipped reading pro fish eptly at the end of third grade you will struggle throughout the rest of your school years woodruff ray suarez looks at the firestorm of criticism leveled against some of the front runners for highlevel jobs in a second Obama Administration. Former senator hagel hasnt been officially nominated to become the next secretary of defense but that hasnt stopped his critics from going to war against the possible picks. Brown and mark shields and david brooks analyze the weeks news. Woodruff thats all ahead on tonights newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by bnsf railway. Support also comes from Carnegie Corporation of new york, a foundation created to do what Andrew Carnegie called real and permanent good. Celebrating 100 years of philanthropy at carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. And fri