That you mentioned here you can see what happened between the one nine hundred sixty s. And two thousand and ten and the dimension you can see that suicide months have been worsening steadily until the implementation of efficient measures to slow it down bushy and keep its evolution under control whod have a. Bill that only. It was only in one thousand nine hundred sixty is that laws were created to regulate the pumping of water the chinese were the first to recognize the scale of the subsidence. Demand yasha it on some say its a reverse a vote you want to me and it poses a significant threat to shanghai skyscrapers. And it also has an impact on urban infrastructures only good. Thoughts. Since subsidence was established in One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty one in shanghai that theyve measured the loss of elevation of two to three metres so you appear. To allow me to you. Elsewhere in the country new urban centers are developing. Was Peace Development plans ignore the warnings and they r
Can you take care of their and theyre. Not too sure i can. Conference time. Like take a look at there is i called you back here this needs doing this just to be finished asap. They all want something and now ill take your family. Stuff watch this ride i came back and got up too early i only had breakfast standing as usual. With as soon as one thinks down and all those waiting thats how it is all day long you need a break but not in the lunchroom you contradicts that. On that and this thing turn it off really off go off line get out of the office away from your colleagues go outside kind of call. Yourself brea. Sense your body be present. And be grounded for a moment. Thats good you can do that anywhere. You know you say the company will collapse. No it wont but you will if you never stop. Take a break the whole day has been like this i dont know why its not my fault. No its not his fault but who is to blame well some might say the clock the first mechanical clock in europe dates back t
a system with the potential to revolutionize the freight hauling sector. very clever most people living in industrialized nations put in a few hours a week then generations of workers before them and yes many of us feel we never have enough time eras characterized by stress about day to day lives and time pressure in the workplace all began when instead of being guided by the sun human beings decided to run their lives according to measured time bright idea was that. the cruel rule of the clock. centuries ago and in some parts of the world to this day farmhands sometimes have extended breaks. because people followed their natural clock. the working day was configured by the weather the seasons and our body rhythms. until the advent of the mechanical clock put paid to not true
a system with the potential to revolutionize the freight hauling sector. very clever most people living in industrialized nations put in a few hours a week then generations of workers before the and yet many of us feel we never have enough time to write is characterized by stress of our day to day lives and time pressure in the workplace it all began when instead of being guided by the sun human beings decided to run their lives according to measure the time. it was that . the cruel rule of the clock. centuries ago and in some parts of the world to this day farm hands sometimes had extended breaks. because people followed the natural clock. the working day was configured by the weather the seasons and body rhythms.