Can you take care of their and theyre. Not too sure i can. Conference time. Like take a look at there is i called you back here this needs doing this just to be finished asap. They all want something and now ill take your family. Stuff watch this ride i came back and got up too early i only had breakfast standing as usual. With as soon as one thinks down and all those waiting thats how it is all day long you need a break but not in the lunchroom you contradicts that. On that and this thing turn it off really off go off line get out of the office away from your colleagues go outside kind of call. Yourself brea. Sense your body be present. And be grounded for a moment. Thats good you can do that anywhere. You know you say the company will collapse. No it wont but you will if you never stop. Take a break the whole day has been like this i dont know why its not my fault. No its not his fault but who is to blame well some might say the clock the first mechanical clock in europe dates back to the middle ages to a monastery of all places and so when it became our Master Dictating the rhythm of our lives tick tock tick tock the cruel rule of the clock. Centuries ago and in some parts of the world to this day farm hands sometimes have extended breaks. Because people followed their natural clock. The working day was configured by the weather the seasons and our body rhythms. Until the advent of the mechanical clock it put paid to not rober thems replacing them with a single relentless beat sixty seconds in one minute with
a manmade clock now dictating time in Europe Christian monks are credited with inventing the first mechanical clock more than six hundred years ago so as not to miss pratt times. Before that theyd used candles when no one could burn down a Falling Metal Ball the monks up. But this method of timekeeping sparked many a monastery fire. Meanwhile merchants in milan florence and venice were quick to spot the benefits of mechanical timekeeping it meant optimized Business Management and higher profits the american inventor and later founding father Benjamin Franklin coined the term time is money in Seven Hundred Forty Eight oclock became the heart rate of the Industrial Revolution but it meant exact working hours and in banking enabled the concept of Futures Trading Money became a time factor. But initially the time wasnt the same everywhere not even in villages a few kilometers apart train drivers and passengers had to adjust their pocket
watches from station to station so functioning timetables were impossible at the same time the pace of Life Excel Aerated as people increasingly face the race against the clock more tasks to do every hour more places to travel to and more to consume every day the internet has made everything available everywhere every second of the day or night. People may appear to have more Time Available today than ever before but many feel more rushed than ever before and. Thats why more and more people now long to return to nature when it comes to work in line for them. To the gentle critique of their own internal clock. If only we could stop the clock get back into union with nature and in us else well some people are actually doing that or at least theyre trying to a spot of us serious and my colleague takes you to
a village far from the stressful wasteful wastes of the city. Dont get me wrong but sometimes it can be every bit too overwhelming theres a village of three hours from where people are trying to live at one with nature as best they can its good. I went to find out just how eco friendly this eco village is. The first thing you do after arriving is park your car outside the village. Is a car free zone im surprised to see there are any at all here but this is the countryside after all im just trying to reach one of the villages. In fact they want pick up their landline and i cant contact them because they dont have a mobile phone. They dont use them here and as soon as i go into the room im supposed to switch mine off. The eco village has
a population of around One Hundred Fifty it was founded twenty years ago. I moved here from hanover these are my sort of you know the most was the traffic and all the advertising was plus the feeling of being hopelessly exposed to everything here were showing how its possible to live sustainably injure. How does one have an enjoyable Life Of Agony we live comfortably here but we consume far less energy than people elsewhere to save energy and the buildings walls are insulated with bales of Straw Villages generate most of their own electricity which is also used to supply hot water and theyre proud of their Carbon Dioxide emissions which are far below those in most parts of the world the capital c o two emissions in the millions now are just two point four tons per year although thats still too high if we are to prevent the earth warming up by more than two degrees celsius. And one of the craziest things about seeing the. Compost toilet its all of them you know combustible if. They dont use a walk up. One of the things that surprised me is that it doesnt stink because its well integrated. I think we have. Got the village isnt only Energy Efficient the residents also try to grow their own food. They dont use chemical pesticides and they mainly work for land the Old Fashioned way. And again fisher is a gardener here. So for those tiles as i say its more ecological to work without machines so its the logical option so thats why its better for the soil it means less soil compaction less gasoline less dirt and Smell Texting until later and some
of them for you in the spring and summer you feel connected to all the growth and development and they connected to life with my this only a matter of so on them and the blame i mean imagine thirty five to create is in the shade and im always dying and im just filming. I cant be assessing. And the villagers are certainly no. Although i do get the feeling better a bit of machinery would make things more efficient. I cant see any farm animals here. But they kept strictly a. Daily communal meal contains no meat because its bad for the environment and because the vegans in the village insisted. Around seventy percent of the vegetables eaten by the villagers are also grown by them and theyre aiming to further increase that figure. Its really good and its
definitely one of them. In a while and instead of being thrown away the leftovers are recycled as compost the villagers who are opposed to excessive consumption are happy having a small range of foods to cover their basic needs they have a carters and bananas in the Village Store a luxury im reassured that has nothing against City Supermarkets as such. The range could be smaller as. Is of course i really notice the abundance of products and then i have no idea what to buy or whats actually in each item. The item stock by the Village Store are all organically sourced so they are more expensive than their supermarket counterparts but around the corner is a place where people give things away when they no longer need them like clothes. Most residents have jobs in the village itself as Administrators Carpenters or gardeners which means the money stays in zealand. But not everybody could afford to
opt into this sustainable lifestyle not even people in germany joining the collective costs Twelve Thousand euros building and maintaining an eco village doesnt come cheap says ian linton isnt quite an eco topia its a Compromise Solution for people flocking people to the car people use Plastic Packaging point is being aware of the fact that you can do more i just think that people here seem to be happy with will take their own. And figuring it out as they go as it were but he doesnt fit. In here she goes so whats the biggest challenge in that village eating vegan toilet flush or having to make do with. Well thats a tough one how are you supposed to see. The way of policing your data out there
for others to process and turn into hot cash but why office the e. U. Has upped the pressure on online providers saying its the use of us who own their data your Data Footprint is worth money time to check out how you can profit from it. For facebook and google its easy users provide them with loads of information about themselves that Companies Use the data to trim ads to users probably interests but who owns that data in the European Union under the new general Data Protection regulation the users remain owners of their own data so shouldnt they also benefit financially if social media and Internet Firms make money with it the american german start of data wall that has developed technology that lets Internet Users keep their data private and helps them to earn when the data is being used five to ten years down the road back onto this as like dark ages of data where we have no control and basically anybody could claim ownership of our data and we have
no way to interfere right and i think that data in the future will be one of the most important assets for people to own and will be one of the most substantial Revenue Streams for data to be able to monetize a little. While the rules in the e. U. Are now very tough in many countries d. D. Hughes and ownership are still un break elated data wallet which is currently in the beta phase says it lets users determine themselves who can use their data. Social Media Companies gather likes comments and Status Reports and use them to infer emotional states and attitudes photos that people upload are another important source of data for them. Online retailers monitor Shopping Habits and infer preferences and lifestyles registered users of dating sites and online forums also review a lot perhaps more than they realize retailers discount cards tell the relevant
parties how much money you spend. But all the data have to be processed and evaluated and thats what makes them valuable. And thats where did. Brokers enter the picture. They purchase big data sets and analyze them to draw up user profiles. Profiles describe individuals their fears and needs and perhaps their financial status that allows for targeted advertising tailored to our pocketbook they can describe us better than even our best friends can. Cost in nola is a Gator Security expert and consultant he views the Global Market in data critically its a huge business which benefits only a few. Who has revenue of more than One Hundred Billion dollars
a year from advertising the Companies Running those ads have to take in those hundred billion to pay for the ads so they add a certain amount to the products they sell so a Single Company isnt in hundreds or even thousands of dollars on each. Its how that. Turns the tables on the online giant paid plans to have its clients manage their data via its website and earn a share if and when the data are sold. Data while it is a small start up so facebook and google probably dont yet feel threatened still its agenda should alarm the big boys. We basically allow people to take all of the data create all over the internet over the hundreds of different platforms that they use put it into one profile and based upon expressive consent shared with the companies who didnt wear the shirt in the state or with so if you have your you know dataset you can sell it to one company but you can also sell it for fifty
companies. Its an interesting project helping people to assert ownership of their online data well making some money in the process. Now most of us have a bank account. Of us will have to skype with the name admin on our Balance Sheet it is a Dutch Company that handles payments for Global Tech Giants which is net Flix Facebook and ebay from Start Up To Industry Unicorn thats kind of Success Story is celebrated at a competition sponsored by audience at a major European Tech conference we met this years winner to find out why size and growth. Aster dam is mellow and picturesque its also a High Tech Hub and hosts of the t. N. W. Tech conference among the attendees are europes Fastest Growing startups in scale ups many are here to impress potential investors theyve entered the tech five
competition cohosted by a Young Company thats already got through its initial make or break growth spurt and there is a certain level. Of by Hungriness Europe who feels companies or people feel like you know procurement is out there i think thats a very. Thats a very good attitude to be there i. Founded in Two Thousand And Six i. G. N. Was floated in june its Market Capitalization is in the billions it offers a unified Payment Solution for Companies Operating and expanding on a global scale its clientele includes the likes of netflix and facebook as illustrated in this Video Companies face a deluge of different contracts because countries have very different rules thats where i didnt comes in. Here Companies Sign one contract for their Global Financial transactions its a very logical thing for all doing this to continue to invest in International Expansion making sure that we support all the right Payment Methods because the
world recently launched in kind of a for example and will continue to expand into more and more regions and the way we do that is we follow our customers needs more customers more credibility and if need be in more money from Investors Max Larman is also familiar with that equation three years ago he founded a Mattress Company in Frankfurt Germany emma. You know me and my mattresses are designed to fit every body shape regardless of your size or sleeping position and order online and we deliver the mattress to your home in a small box and you have a one hundred day test period and the people here are tuned into the latest developments and opportunities they have began this. Its whether theyre selling Online Services or cations or mattresses. And moving first thing were currently consolidating opposition in some european markets and expanding into others such as Denmark Sweden and portugal. And emma won The Tech Five Award for the fastest
growing startup in europe there were the ever. Another meteoric rise in the Startup Scene Max Lyman is twenty four and his company has already sold One Hundred Forty Thousand mattresses in just three years. And that time its revenue has increased by Fourteen Thousand percent. Figures that suggest a promising future but dont necessarily end the pressure to keep the company growing. So even for successful startups the pressure never lets up when at the end of the show lets just take a look at one what place fixture that literally exists to enjoy indeed pressure is resolute dextre its mostly invisible but without it wed be in big trouble time to sing its praises. Ode to the o. Ring consider the tasks assigned to be a ring in the home or gasket. Between blocks of metal is cheap and often overlooked
component performs an Essential Function to prevent leaks of fluid and gas. That is neither an easy nor a glamorous task. Go through life being compressed stretched and even torn. This heather to understand hero helps drive most prized machines. If a cost stalls. Tap leaks. Its so infuriating you couldnt blow a gasket. O. Ring is the answer but how does a deal with all the pressure for the most part resolutely and effectively you could even say the o. Ring holds the well together. Now thats certainly a constructive form off pressure well thats it thanks for watching and join us
again next week and dont forget to take time out from time to tell. The boss. Hundred small fields in my cuts. Where i come from rajoy remains an important means soft Transmitting Nuance and form ish and when i was young my country was drawing many conflicts the more prominent people most people would cause that i wanted to see if. It was my job to two in one off the lot just project say its sold out to everyone in the town pool and listen to those against me. Nothing has intrinsic to my long codea enjoying one thing more designed so long even if its not i think not us i was it would be. My choice to be scottish because given the way told transmitted to troops. When it was in the question how much and i will. Detail here. We are watching of all that took three and all in the water the food has stopped the forward in poor countries started Reading Education they are demanding good quality education for their children the cost what it wanted also to realize that if they have to have good quality programs and good quality consumers they need good quality Skilled Workforce im very confident that in Two Thousand And Fifty no decided on nor am i going to build a man illiterate. That is the fundamental human that does that given. The