Uttarakhand Police announced a reward of Rs 25,000 on YouTuber Bobby Kataria who is on the run in a case for allegedly consuming alcohol by putting a table on the road in Dehradun and stopping traffic.
Delhi Police has filed an FIR against influencer Bobby Kataria after a video emerged of him smoking a cigarette on a SpiceJet aircraft. The incident reportedly took place in January 2022 but the video went viral on social media on August 11.
The Delhi Police has filed an FIR against Bobby Kataria for violating safety and security measures by smoking a cigarette inside an aircraft.Kataria himself had uploaded a video on his social media account where he was seen with a lighter and .
According to information, on August 13, Jasbir Singh, Manager Legal and Company Affairs of SpiceJet, filed a complaint with the IGI Airport Police Station and requested action against Balwant Kataria alias Boby Kataria for violation of security and safety measures on-board the Dubai-Delhi flight SG-706 on January 21.