by definition are ones where people are running roughly the same amount of ads and buying the same amount. it seems to me there s an interesting deeper cultural tension here between a cons consultant class that has been navigating by gut and instinct and this kind of emerging empirical analysis. bob, i want to get your thoughts on this. you go in, what are you basing your decisions on here or have been over the last, you know, several decades you have been doing this work when you tell someone that we should be putting money in running ads and this ad is going to work? well, first of all, i m retired so i guess i could just join here in the beating up because i don t have any self-interest in this. secondly, even the piece of evidence you cited that the ads cancel each other out in congressional races, that means no one s side is ever going to unilaterally disarm. third, that study focused on congressional races where there is a lot of gerrymandering so most races are decided in
would do is hire a consultant and they would tell you to do basically two things, raise money and run ads. now that the conventions are over, the campaigns are shifting fully into the second phase, the ad phase. the campaign and media narrative will be dictated in large part about what those ads say. new research into what motivates people to vote and what doesn t has the potential to revolutionize campaigns. if the people who run the campaigns realize it in time, it could shape the outcome of the election. join us are sasha issenberg. he has a much awaited new book that comes out tuesday. chris hughes, co-founder of facebook and publisher and editor in chief of the new republic. and walter shapiro, a former white house speechwriter for president jimmy carter. great to have you all here. we also have bob sha rurump whos
other words the number of people that sign up. other that is do it differently. the thing that s really tricky about looking at the numbers if you re talking about the economics of e-mail addresses, once you get on the obama list, obama can then convert an e-mail address into donor. they announced 35 million bucks raised just last week online that was the result of that online advertising program. so it s where voter contact and media merge. and you don t have to you can know who you re talking to, which is this big s next frontier. bob, i want you to weigh in on this incentive question. it seems key, and tulsi, i want you to talk about what your experience has been in the market for campaigns consultants and how you pulled off the primary victory did you right after we take this break. whoa. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] there s oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. now in two n