Should just get better. We cannot ask industry, oh, dont encrypt, dont do anything. I would love to follow that when chinese and russians also followed that as well. So thats just not going to work. Im very respectful of the problems that the Law Enforcement agency has with the current state of affairs. We just have to get better. And it works at the end its going to work better for us as a nation. So thats number one. I fully agree. Some of the things that so, going dark, i dont know if its going dark. I know that we are currently in a state that we are really able to think certain way about the system design, about the system security, about maintaining privacy. That world has changed. The world and the industry has changed rapidly. The rest of us are catching up. So i think it pays dividend if we figure out, take some time, figure out what are the rules of this new world where we dont necessarily need to rely on encryption. Im a big fan of encryption. Its one of the tools that Secur
Solve yes union that was the lifeline for some of these governments, so there was a lot to Pay Attention to, and the president was predisposed to want to pay a lot of attention to it, but he had to exercise great discipline and set priority. Because a jim bakker couldnt be preoccupied with some of these distractions that were not distractions for the people who were hungry, and he would have to send people over to help and make things happen. But there was an awful lot going on. President bush, because he had been as, probably the best trained president ever, he would bring with him, gosh, i would have been paying a lot of attention to this, i want to know about it, i want to get involved, i should know whats going on. And he did want to know whats going on, and he was restrained and saying somebody has to Pay Attention to this and if it gets to a level, ring my bell. 9. And the story which one hears about the srnjpre[y;ekurj ultim decisionmaking is aep verqkf private one about somalia
And once again serve as your moderator. I want to start tonight by welcoming the north american wide radio and Television Audience tuning in to this debate everywhere from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to cpac to cspan across the continental United States. A warm hello also to the online audience watching this debate right now on munkdebates. Com. Its terrific to have you, as virtual participants in tonights proceeding and hello to you, the over 3,000 people who have filled Roy Thompson Hall to capacity for yet another munk debate. This evening, we engage with the geopolitical debates of the moment. Has the administration of barack obama through inaction and incompetence as its critics will claim, fanned the flames of global conflict and encouraged the very forces that want to roll back individual rights, the rule of law, economic globalization. Or, and its a big or, has this president wisely, courageously, disavowed the role of global policeman for the United States, a role em
To somebody blowing up an airplane. And i suddenly thought, as a practical matter, that is not a serious worry because the president can always use the second prong to keep people from disclosing the information that you dont want disclosed. And so far, youve said im right and now you got into a legal argument. Im not talking about a legal argument. So, your honor, i think such a system could be devised, but i think it would be a very odd construction of the statutes the court has before it to say that we are going to undermine and eviscerate the ssi system that congress by statute no, no. I am just worried look. Let me ask my question. And my question is, if for other reasons i decided you were wrong, would i still have to face the problem of airplanes being blown up . Im focusing on this because its very important to me. And you have answered that question, if for other reasons and you, of course, think youre right, but if for other reasons i thought you were wrong, i wouldnt have to
Doesnt work under mr. Katyals construction. The idea that what Congress Expected was a duplicative executive order to mimic the ssi scheme seems very odd to us, and seems like a very odd way to construe congressional statutes. There was a concern here that theres this fox guarding the hen house. That may be a concern with the whistleblower protection act, but it has no application here, where congress itself mandated the nondisclosure regulations, and did so knowing precisely what those regulations were when it did so. And finally, theres been some suggestion that the facts are in mr. Macleans favor here. I would only say this. What mr. Maclean what a tsa employee has before them is not a full picture of the threats, is not a full picture of the resource constraints, is not a full picture of the other means that the agency is taking and is not possessed with the same experience that tsa has. Excuse me, i hate to interrupt you, but you worry me. I assume that if we find for your friend