smith: good evening. we end this week where we began, in joplin, missouri. five days after a massive tornado leveled much of the city, they are still searching for the missing and saying good- bye as well, as today we saw the first of what will be many funerals. the number of dead now stands at 132, and 157 people are still unaccounted for. ben tracy is in joplin. ben, good evening. reporter: good evening, harry. much of joplin tonight still looks like a war zone. streets like this completely impassable, and then look at this. the second story of this home was sucked right into the street by the storm. but, of course, the biggest toll here is still human and many families who are still waiting for news of their loved ones are finding that wait unbearable. i just wanted to at least hand it out, you know? reporter: all the hayward family can do now is wait. she was missing since the tornado? yes. reporter: for five days robert, caleb and their 14-year- old sister