are you going to define th case you plan to bring there s a lot of things yo could file charges of. but you want to have something that s rock-solid. i think that s why you ve seen jack smith, the federa prosecutor, interview, apparently, every single employee and guest a mar-a-lago who had access to donald s rooms, where they found the classified documents so, alvin bragg s is doing the same thing he s making sure that th defense witness was doesn t come out of nowhere an muddy the waters you want to have a very clea case and i ve watched cases particularly when i wrote abou a great length in the l.a. times, where the failure o police to interview ever witness a car crash wher little boy was killed resulted in an acquittal. because witnesses came forward with stories the da wasn t prepared for so, you ve pointed out that castella also represents rud giuliani in the fulton count investigation, and he s also
declined to comment on donal trump s posts, distric attorney bragged was forced to assure employees that they would be safe. writing this in an interna memo quote, our law enforcement partners will ensure any specific or credible threats against the office will be fully investigated and that th proper safeguards are in place can t even believe he had to say that let s bring in former manhatta district attorney dan horowitz welcome to you, sir. mr. horowitz, trump s former personal attorney and his fixer, michael cohen, have said the da s office told him to be available tomorrow as rebuttal witness for the grand jury we know bob castella i expected to testify. what can all this tell us abou where the da s office is in th grand jury process, are we a the end? it seems like we are at the end, that s for sure this is clearly a stunt to throw sand in the years. i don t understand how forme legal adviser catastrophe in front of a new york state gran
from former michael cohe attorney robert costello, wh may attempt to undermine the credibility of cohen in this grand jury process and the indictment and what th manhattan da s doing talk about what we are learnin just within the last three hours, the rebuttal witness is what cohen was just telling, u and then robert costello als added into the discussio tomorrow and that s. write this case is a very live in front of the grand jury as you said, it is evolving, even here on a sunday. the new york times reporte first that bob castella, a attorney who had worked with michael cohen, was going to be brought before the grand jur on monday. we have kinder that, that he will be there. as cohen said himself, he will be available to be a witness that means they think he could contradict or so summed ou into the minds of the gran jury it is important to remembe that grandeur aegis not have t
emails, bob castella at the time who wanted to join my defense team when i was first reigned in. it wasn t to protect me, it was so he could go back to rudy giuliani and provide him with the information so that donald knows where i m, at what i m testifying, if testifying at all. basically, it ensures i stay on his message. let s not forget also that they did the same thing with paul manafort, when they had the lawyer speaking to their lawyer in regard to the interrogatories that trump was supposed to respond to and somehow the written questions he was allowed to that s right, he was too busy running the country in order to go into testify. but it was identical to paul manafort s. they realized manafort was lying as well. there was no charges, no wrongdoing raised against trump