Monday, May 29, 2023 - Former Head of Public Service, Dr. Joseph Kinyua, has landed a new job after rejecting a job he was offered by the Kenya Kwanza Alliance government. In a statement on Monday, Kenya Commercial Bank announced the election of Kinyua as the new Chairman of the Board, subject to regulatory approval. Kinyua’s…
Kinyua who was appointed to the Board of KCB Group in March, takes over from Andrew Kairu, who retired after serving for a term of five years in line with the Board Charter. - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today |
People desire a world without extreme poverty, lawlessness, hunger,and disease, but the Millennium Development Goals focus largely on alleviating symptoms of poverty, not its causes. If the World Bankand the IMF are to play a constructive role in eradicating poverty,their lending programs must encourage the governments of poorcountries to promote economic growth as the solution to poverty.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 182 April 30, 1982 THE BRANDT COMMISSION: DELUDING THE THIRD WORLD INTRODUCTION During his first year in office, President Reagan has focused his principal attention on reconstructing the American economy.