tomorrow. it is already stoking fears of another government shutdown. dare i say it, nbc s mike vacaro is at the white house. what are you expecting to see in this proposal tomorrow, mike? reporter: good afternoon, kendis. it s become a cliche when the president says he sends a budget up to capitol hill it s dead on arrival. it s d.o.a. this doesn t have a pulse. the president proposes, congress disposes. congress will dispose this immediately especially on the house side right into the waste basket. this is purely a political document. yes, it does give us some indication of the priorities and the philosophy of the president, it s not likely to go anywhere. let me tell you some of the things that are in it and give you some reason why that is. the democrats won t go along with it. 5% across the board cut in spending, everything else defense and military spending, of course. big spending cuts for anti-poverty programs, strict new work requirements for so-called abled bodied
if congress can t agree to cut 1% across the board, it would be 1% across the board and include military. but let s say congress said they wanted to do it all domestic, they could. the bottom line has to equal 1%. a 1% cut each year is about $13 billion, actually balances the budget in five years. what s interesting about mu budg my budget proposal is it s what they want but it s a privileged motion, which means the senate will vote on it, even if they don t present their own budget. so i m doing a budget for them. i will include instructions to allow for the expansion of health savings accounts. i think we can totally transform and make insurance more competitive by expanding the marketplace where people could have health savings accounts. i will do two things, balance the budget, balances over 5 years with a 1% across the board cut but also expand health savings accounts larger than anyone has tried in the past. some estimates now projecting
the board cut in taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963. i m not talking about a temporary tax cut, which would be more appropriate if a recession were eminent. nor am i talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm. wow, now president kennedy slashed the top marginal tax rate. millions of jobs were created and revenue to the federal government, lower taxes. it didn t go down. it increased. reag r here s what president reagan said back in 1981. if the tax cut goes to you, the american people, in the third year, that money returned to you won t be available to the
people who have gone to some of these countries that are subject to for example, this blockade of refugees and who are eligible because they are carrying dual passports under the visa waver program. for example, a british national who travelled to pakistan can make it into the united states under the visa waver program. that visa waver program needs to be studied more effectively. and number two, we need to spend more money to put more immigration officers at airports around the world to prevet and preclear these visa waver citizens. what you are saying right now doesn t sound on its face all that different from what we heard from secretary kelly a short time ago. we said we need a temporary pause that allows us to better review the existing refugee and visa vetting system. do you agree? no, i don t agree necessarily in this what i would call this blanket across the board cut at
for the mission? we see things like suicides. we see substance abuse, ptsd. when you overuse an organization in war, soldiers and their families suffer. and i m afraid we re about to do it again, leland. is there aside from just not doing the cuts is there anything that you re seeing being done in the army to make up for it if you will? are we getting smarter? are we getting better? are the soldiers we have better equipped? or is this just an across the board cut that s going to be detrimental? the army is a manpower intensive force. lyndon once said quality has a quantity all of its own. you can make soldiers better you can make better equipment. but at the end of the day when the enemy is essentially a ground force and he s facing down america, you have to put, to use the term boots on the ground and when you don t have enough boots on the ground you have to send the same soldiers back over and over and over again. and your enemies know you don t have enough boots to be in more