Looking back on a rollercoaster of a year
Historically, Qmmunity s Top 10s have served as a space to celebrate the wins that made that year a better, queerer place: more inclusive, more radical, and sometimes, more fabulous. In a year like 2020, however, I and my
James Scott couldn t ignore that some of the biggest stories in the LGBTQmmunity – locally, across the state, and nationwide – were either outright losses or wins punctuated with asterisks. Don t get us wrong: There were some major wins, of course (hello, workplace protections), but in rounding up Q s Top 10s, we wanted to represent the spectrum that is 2020. So below, in chronological order (mostly), you ll find what we think are this year s 10 biggest celebrations, mournings, and moments that made us go WTF? mixed with some (ಥ
Marvel Comics confirmed that Star-Lord, aka Peter Quill, is a polyamorous bisexual (YouTube/Marvel)
With Marvel Comics confirming that the legendary Star-Lord is bisexual, fans are hoping a future iteration of the character could be played by a bisexual actor.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe the role of Star-Lord been held by Chris Pratt since 2014, but it would send a powerful message for fans to someday see Peter Quill’s story told by an actual bi+ person.
It would give a major boost to a media landscape that’s starved of LGBT+ representation: only 18.6 per cent of films released in 2019 included a queer character, and just 7.6 per cent gave those characters more than 10 minutes of screen time, according to a recent GLAAD report. Predictably,